Dying Player

Chapter 473 Snake's Meaning

(The next chapter is issued in the night)


Muse's body twitch, the brain shell blows, flowing red and white liquid, vital signs have disappeared.

Yaci violently, holding Li Nuo hit him on the wall.

"What are you doing !?"

Li Noire laughed, "Calm."

"Calm your ancestors!" Yac is red and sorrowful: "She is dead, we can't do the car! You ..."

"Yac, calm."

Solun suddenly opened Yac and stared at a smile.

"what happened?"

He knows that Li No will not make the brain to make everyone fall into the robbery, but must know why.

Li Noo said: "The door of the train head is open."

In this way, the chop is silent.

Li Nuo made a piece of collar that was a little wrinkled by Yac, and made a hand gesture, laughed: "You will take me with me."

"I will tell you all."



Quantity train enters the platform.

There is only one, the black film is covered, it is the first car that enters the platform, which has been stagnant for more than 20 minutes.

The six trains have been taken into a platform for hundreds of meters long, and their heads have a footsteps after spraying a concentrated white fog, quietly waiting for the last two minutes countdown.

More than one participation in this assessment.

The players who participated in actually be far more than 800, but the number of people cannot be put into a car, and it is divided into six.

The main entrance of the distance, there are some players to gather there, and when they are in front of them, they are an Angel.

Looking at the only train that was shrouded by the black film, Angel helplessly sighed, and felt sadness for players on this train.

"Carl this guy, playing too much."

"I can see you in the vomiting me." Mo must have a sound into Angel's eardrum.

"It's not to vomiting, just say a truth." Angel said to the air: "For a long time, get off at the car is not more than 20 people, and beat the B +-level monster placed in the car.

Although I will add this car to the difficulty, I didn't expect it to become so difficult.

Continuous ring, the number of people strictly control, and also placed A-level monsters, you don't want someone to get off? "

Angel shrugged the shoulders, expressed their own helplessness with limb movements, "Carl, flat, the difficulty of this car is enough to match the sluggage of the hell level."

"Well ... Almost, but it is not more difficult to invade the intrusion script, but this car is light [identity holder] there will be three people. It is difficult to survically, there is no problem, and then because of this car is very I have done this to cultivate value. "The sound of echo in Angel ear.

"What is the last time you make this behavior?" Angel said: "Suddenly adding the difficulty of the difficulty in a single train, the player is difficult to kill the difficulty."

"half year ago……?"

Angel slammed his mouth, nodded: "Well, yes, I think it is the train that carries [critical person]."

"But the difficulty of getting off the bus is higher, although there is no puzzle requirement, but only seven people can get off, and I have a A-level monster."


"That again, I am calling it."

Angel said: "Right, talk about the [critical person], he has set the [identity holder] team, becoming the final winner in the invasion of the two days ago, I want to congratulations, this is' endless The first victory of the gallepi 'in the past half year. "

"Ammodal." The name of Karl said: "The only [relief] of the cloister has joined their team three weeks ago, this group of guys can lose, at that level [residual blood] Don't expect. "

Angel looked at the train, "[residual blood] ... I want to see it, that is that Li Noo can come out from this car."

"Waiting for a good time, Angel, the remaining please you stare, I have to take a break."

Carl's voice is here.

Angel's arms chest waiting for the last time.

At this time, after Angel, the players who are watching here, there is a man with a denim hat with a man who has been trimming and a mustache.

"Miss Angel, bothering."

Angel returns to the head, "can't stand around me before opening the door, do you understand this rule?"

After the man retired, he held his hands to sign his own harmlessness, smiled: "Sorry, I just heard a familiar name in the words, so I want to ask, is there a person named Li Noo These trains? "


"Location is on the room."

Li Noo is in the forehead, not uncommon, does not care about the time, now theoretical off theory, there is still two minutes left.

"I will explain first, from the beginning, the potholes of this train exceeded everyone's estimates."

Li Nuo explained to everyone.

"The problem is that the relationship between the number of controls and the number of cars 1, there is no problem in the way the door is not issued.

The problem is on the meaning of the monster of the eating snake.

Its regeneration and difficulty featuring characteristics are similar to the western myths, eat their body, constantly resurrection, and never end.

English in the train is actually reminded us, the theme of this train is unlimited and forever.

It is a straight train that is a straight train, but it is a circular interoperability, which represents the meaning of the round of the end, is also an unlimited symbol.

Extract all clues out a common keyword, that is unlimited.

Push the clue again, I can think that the train and the snake are actually the same thing, that is, the train we are, can be understood as a plaque. "

Yac is impatient in the road: "Simply say your words, a little, there is a quick explanation clear why you want to kill Muse."

Li Nu said: "The car is a snake, the snake is a car, then the snake head should be a front, if this snake is a snake, the position where the snake head should be the snake."

Yac is immortal, "Hey! You can't understand! Put the words!"

Soron said: "Listen to him,"

Yac is listening, not sweet, closed his mouth.

Li Nuo continued: "Because the snake is biting his tail, its snake head and snake tail are coincident, that is, the position of the front of the car is on the 8th car of the car.

In fact, from another idea can also launch a problem with the No. 8 cars, the snake will twist into the shape of the number 8 when eating his tail, which is an allusion from the western myth.

That ... the problem is coming ... "

Li Nuo and others have come to the No. 8 car.

"How can I enter the train head from here."

He went to the door to the car.

"Since the snake bites his tail, that is, the snake head is wrapped outside the snake tail, so the front of the car is outside the number 8."

Li Noo took out the [train head key], took the door.

As a light flashes, the door is slowly opened.