Dying Player

Chapter 130 Depression Village

Li Na was willing to borrow a straight sword from the chamber of commerce. If you don't have your face, you will have a strap of weapons, and you will don't follow your straight sword and æ.

Jedll invited Kakartri, his brunette, beautiful, wearing a light blue windbreaker, carrying a long knife that will be near an adult, but from beginning to Finally pending Zhang Yin face.

This guy will be able to rain, this is Li Nuo's first feeling, as for strength ... This is not good, at least from the shape, it is better than the brave's big brother é.

After the personnel arrive, the branch triggered on this task also appeared.

[Hundry Task: The Truth of Wakaro]

[Experience: 2200]

[Reward: Kunte brand monster team "blood magic"]

"the truth……"

Li Nuo looked at the panel muttered, and the Fen special hunting task was probably hidden.

"Carving, let's go." Jerell interrupted Li Ni's thoughts.

"Well, immediately."

Li Nun came, after picking up a free Jien oil from the table, he was prepared by two temporary teammates.

Just at the moment he turned, the manager's voice sounded behind.

"Newcomers, remind you, if you encounter a more strong € € €, such as vampire or deer, you will not be too strong in the wild, the wild in Kovir is very dangerous, Virvia and Noviggger Rui's wild is still dangerous. "

Li Noo looked at him, but turned his head.

He feels that this sentence is a bit wrong, but I can't say anything.


Outdoor, sunny, no clouds.

In the woods outside Pound Venis, Jerre and Kakartri are in front of the road, the destination is the entrusted object of this task - Waaca Village.

After a few hours in the woods, this way is not as dangerous to manage people. Although there are more than a dozen wolves and a bear that is sleeping, this danger does not exceed Noviguri's field. .

"Let's still have it today ..."

In front of the trees, the trees in front block all the horizons, although they are in the wild, but they are like a confocious canyon, they cannot identify when they can go out of this wood.

"Don't worry, you can come." Jerre said, then he said over: "Right, how long have you gone?"

"Well, very short."

If Jerre is thinking to gently, "no wonder, there is no hunter wearing masks before you have heard the mask."

"black market?"

"You will not even know if you are in the city?" Jerre is amazed, "" There is no hunter who is fixed, "is in the black market."

Li Nao: "I am short of you, can I tell me about the black market?"

Jerre's branch in front of him, the lower body drill from the branch, and said: "Then you are very busy, you can pass Kovil's Chamber of Commerce, where are you from? "

He seems to only heard the first half of Li Nuo.

Li Noo said with him, and he also bent and said: "Oriental, far from here."

"That's really far, I also want to go to the East, I heard that there is a mysterious thing, there are many mysterious things, and everyone has a long hair, and our mainland like two World, is this? "

Jerre is like an opening of the words, this person said that he is talented, but his companion Cartite is completely different. From è, he started, he didn't speak, a pair isolated Directly model.

At this time, I walked in the front of Kakartri to open the chaos and shrubs, and looked at the top of the top: "It's."

Ah ... I was not dumb ...

"This is ... Wakaro Village?"

Li Noire can't believe in the picture in front of the eyes, Wakaro Village is a low wooden room, and the straw replaces the tiles cover the roof, extends to the rose of the spatsu in the village to grow weed, which is Kovir, is the world's most How can we have such a broken village.

"It is not like a living ..."

Jerell listened to Jerell, said: "This is Kovir, the high collection of the country, and put all the resources to Summer and Dongdu, the urban people's clothing, food, food, food, no worries, the country people don't have a meal Eat. "He said that he picked his eyebrows," But ... this Wakaro Village is a bit poor, these houses are like living in animals. "

Li Niu is confused: "Is 600 Mark is not a bit too difficult for this kind of village?"

Jerre shrugged, "The general process is that the tips are explored by the dangerous species in the wild, and the rewards are funded by the upper government, but this kind of village is generally no one, maybe Because the fen 's danger is solved by the government. "

When he spoke, the three had already entered the village.

Eighteas the expectations of Li Nu, more than 20 people can see by the villagers seen in the village.

They wear tattered clothes, I don't know how long did I haven't washed, exuded a stench, my eyes are deep, my face is hungry, swaying, and I am staring with my back. Li Nuo and others.


An old man stands behind them, looking back, this person is also a thin, but the color is obviously different from other villagers, but only ... he has few arms.

"We are people of the Hunter Chamber of Commerce."

Jerre took out the hand of the Chamber of Commerce.

The old man is reluctant, "" can come to people ... "

"I am Burgias, the village of this village, the fen 's dedication is what I entrusted."

The double-eyed doubts under Li Nuki, the question of Jerre said has a big vulnerability, how is the village told the , how can this old man know the Fente beast? This extremely rare species.

When Li Nago wondered, Chang Bury, Belle, has begun to talk about this task.

"Before a month, there is a huge monster that has a huge body huge monster attacks our village. It is simply like a natural disaster. It is terrible, we have no strength to resist ......

After a few days, the monster came again, as for the first time, some people died, but this is still not finished, after that, it will visit us every few days, sometimes it will be Grab some people, sometimes eat directly in the village ... The guy has regarded the people of the village as food. "

"How do you know that is Fenket?" Li Non interrupted him.

The village head looked at Li Nuo, and the look is still.

"Several people in the village invited the Warlock of the Chi Tiki, and those Warlocks just met the monsters and hit the village. They said that this monster called Fenters."

Li Noo looked at the village head of the eye, this reason was reluctant to live, but there were still problems, how many malnutrition ordinary people have passed the forest filled with the beasts of Summer Pound Venis.

The "truth" in the branch mission name is indeed a bit of intriguing.

"When the last appearance of Fen Special, how much is the number of spaces in your space, and we need to know if these two things." Jerre asked.

"It's past two days ago, caught a few people, as for intervals, four to five days."

Jerre nodded, swept the village, "understand, the last problem, which direction is left from?"

The village chief looked at the west, "I walked there, there was a cave on that side, I think you can go to see some clues."

Carterry has always been taken step by step, and the sound: "Let's go."

Then he didn't care about the west of the two teammates.

"Thank you for your village." Jerre turned immediately and keep up.

At this time, the village is proud to say: "Please have to remove the monster, or sooner or later, the people in this village will be eaten."

Jerre looked back, "Pack in us!"

It's more like a kind brave ... Li Nuo looked at Jirier and smile.

"Jerre, how do you usually find monsters?"

Li Nuo is somewhat curious, and ordinary people who do not have hunter's tracking ability are looking for goals.

Jerre said: "Of course, find some traces of them, doing the scrutiny, isn't it true?"

Li Nuo smiled and got down, the hunter of this group of chambers did be amateur ...



PS: Thanks, Readers 20190325201323151672508.