Dying Player

Chapter 143 God

In the face of the coffee table of the opposite side and lifted the Erlang legs, Cohen throat rolled.

Although this girl is wearing a big white robe, but the people who are in the heart is still moving on the surface of the robe.

This secretly revealed temptation is more voyage than those who open chest dumps, the biggest difference between human and low, is imagination, in some thinking, active people, naked exposure However, the mystery of the half mask is hidden.

"Okay, tea white, let me introduce it yourself."

Cohen is lower, "Magrant Cohen, now one of the cure church agents, is also a humble scholar."

Tea white said: "Fer Lina said and I said."

Cohen waited for tea and white, but after ten seconds, he realized that it seems that it didn't say.

Faisina Cough, "Cohen, you can say it, you can say it, the tea is a little ..."

"See it ..." Cohen nodded, from the party to see him completely like the Power of the Church, simply, he is like some of the personality in the real world, and does not play the official Waitun waiting for people, belongs to It usually does not have a prestige.

However, such leaders usually have a serious polarization, no ability or strong ability, Cohen as one of the cure church agents, belongs to the latter.

The state of speaking state can be swapped in the instantaneous and is a kind of thing that belongs to this class. Cohen is just a handover of the beautiful look.

"Whether Felina is talking to you, I will re-explain all the things to you."

"Our church is committed to exploring the power of hidden things, to extract the most important way, reaching the purpose of exploring the truth, the meaning of the truth cannot be given, but the ending is to bring the world's new truth, the things contained in the truth will have things It is conducive to the trajectory of national development, such as medical, theology, thinking, and energy. "

"This is the discovery of my teacher William master, and now my compatriots, Lawrence's bishop pursuing things, I am subject to the church, the purpose of this is to extract tea white, your body's endival, your body's endival, your body's endival, your body's endival, your body's endival. And record and observe if your magic is related to the secret law we dig. "

Cohen said that he had to have a cigarette to the card, and he took a deep breath and spit out smoke that is scattered in the air.

"I personally want to extract your blood as a medium, but the purpose is to prevent the church next research."

"Blocking?" Failea was surprised, "As far as I know, the research of the cure church has been on the right track, what is the purpose of preventing it?"

"Faily, you know that the Bayel Kasuos Institute takes this thing in Yaman to excavate the relics?"

Failea slightly fell.

Tea is watching Faitna, a flat tone: "You didn't mention this."

Kohen continued: "It doesn't matter, from me, Yaman is a city, it is a city covered by swamps and forests. It is called Valentine hundred years ago, but farther, there is another name, Sumeier. "

"The Bayirkas College organized a batch of scholars to explore large-scale explorations in the Underground existence of Yanyan. The leader of this archaeological team is William, the Dean of the Bayerkopus Institute, William, I And Lawrence also participated in this archaeological activity.

There is a huge rat population in the labyrinth tomb group, poisonous insects, have also discovered the monsters, secret literature, although exploring the Work of the Sumell Tomb, but also produced countless shock college archeology Find.

The most fascinating found that the Master William Master is to record in the literature of the Sumor people with the method of improving the hierarchy of human thinking by "Inner Eye". Through this method, I can achieve the "God" level thinking, get surpassing humans. Exotic knowledge, achieve human evolution. "

When I said this, Cohen laughed to the tea and asked: "Miss tea, do you know what God?"

The tea is slightly lower, and the word "God" seems to have heard in Marje, once in the login space, in order to make himself effectively use the ability to use [Focus], Maljie "tireless" professor has passed A language related to God.

Thinking of this, she faced serious, recalling the experience of "pain".

"A bag of rice to resist a few floors."

"What?" Failea is not in mind, what is this?

"Ha ... God doesn't matter ..." The corner of Cohen is somewhat smoke, and the brain thinking of this beautiful woman is really unexpected.

Kagoon and Joya look at it, I always feel this sentence.

At this moment, the sound of the system appeared in the brain of the tea.

[You have already opened your identity: Focus]

The tea is slightly wrinkled, which is handed over from Maljie to her in the second declant, she has said a few times in the space, but there is no effect, why do you have an effect now.

"Because of the painful memories ..." The tea is not independently light, and I remember the way to get along with Marje "."

"Memories?" Cohen heard, but just smiled, "No, God and rice have no relationship, and painful memories."

He said: "God represents thinking, representing fear, representing punishment, God is the mysterious master of our high-tall driving, is a hidden in violation, is an abyss of unable violapses."

Faily is a little puzzled, "This is different from our cognitive god. At least the teachings of Tri Si, God should be from the heart of each person."

"Please listen to me to continue." Cohen took a smoke and continued to explain.

"Since the relics of excavating to the Tomb of the Tomb, William and colleges have been stagnant for a long time, until the same thing.

Iz Saint Cup. "

Fer Lina suddenly interrupted him, "Cohen, I reminded you that some things about your church will probabilize some disaster."

Ferna is the upper level of the Chichao, that is, one of the twenty agents of the legendary Ching.

Like the country of Coewei, in the country of Kovir, the religious belief is neutral attitude. They don't reject the religion of the faculty believers. They will not avoid all the relationships with other religions, because knowledge and ideas need to be in progress, and The contact of other religions is conducive to their own growth, which is the rules that the teaching group is in Tot Riffus.

However, they don't want to be involved in other religions, and do not want the beginning of the way to associate with themselves.

Fer Lina has intuitive, Cohen's next thing may involve some things that she should not know.

"Please rest assured, I will say what you want to say, you can understand that the representative of my selfish" 'Caution Church ", represents Noviguri, represents Yaman, and even Ni Buddha Empire, to the Red Team and Miss Spring Wilderey sent a rescue. "

After Kohen said, take off the coat and saw the blouse in the face of everyone.

His chest is covered with dense Ma Ma and is creep.



PS: Thanks 11,000 500 rewards, thank the Dragon Emperor Nidhoggur's 100 reward.

PSS: The family has been dealt with tonight, thank you for your comfort and concern, restore updates.