Dying Player

Recommend a book

Pushing a friend written by a friend, the protagonist is also a terminal illness.

Title: "I am not a weird"

Author: fool the fool

Introduction: [Investigator Rules 1: If there is no need, please don't leave your accommodation space]

Gu Qingzhen looked at the "Investigator Rules" in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I can't think of it, I can have a treatment for a while."

All the world, mixed into the unisowable weird. Gu Qingzun took the gun and walked in these weird.

"Gu Qingfeng ... you are a investigator, why should I eat me!"

"Gu Qingyu is a real weird! We don't match! We don't match!"

Gu Qingzhen looked at a blue flesh and blood in his hand, silent.

"Ԅ (﹃ ﹃ԅ) is of course because you can cure cancer!"


PS: By the way, during the first time, urgently need the monthly ticket decoration facade, ask for a monthly ticket!

Of course, I also recommend a ticket, I haven't refused ~ Thank you, everyone ~