Dying Player

Chapter 461, through the phenomenon

"Okay, I have a happy puzzle time." Genjaf has ball, and got up and found a empty chair.

"What is our puzzle time?" Mashgar asked.

Engelia laughed, "Because the old brother is not good at the things outside the escape."

"Are you my brother ..."

The key to the key, Solenn, or anyone here, I can't think of the answer.

Tea white school, the filled long skirt, let Mu Ke help to cure the wound on the leg, because it is the shallow skin injury, so the remaining energy values ​​of Muse can also be dealt.

In the treatment, the tea is noted in a hand of Muse and blister.

"Is it hurt when the key is blown?"

"Ah ... I haven't a big problem." Muse looked with a white smooth thigh, and the wound healed in the green man. She smiled: "It is a bit burns, it may not matter, it may be due to the explosion pus "

I heard this, Sherun is nervous.

"Muse, do you have any strange feelings?"

"Different ..." Musen shook his head, "no."

He posted the past and made Muse somewhat nervous.

"what happened to you?"

Solun stared at Muse's eyes, then he suddenly held her hand in front of it.

This scene shocked on the spot.

In addition to the fainted Shu Huaz, Cheng Yu, Xia Qi and his mentality have been stable, and the rest has revealed the expression of getting a bad expression.

Yac is sticker, whisper, "He likes mature?"

"This ..." Mashi didn't know what Sony was going.

"If your body is uncomfortable, I will tell me immediately." Sore said.

"Well ..." Musen nodded again, "Ok ..."

"Boss, do you like a mature woman?" Yacquet directly.

"……you shut up."

At this time, the tea is taken towards the road in the No. 5 passenger.

Solon is busy: "It is best not to move."

The tea white side said: "I am looking for people who can unwind key puzzles."

"Do you refer to Li No?"


Sony looked at the number 6 of the other side, pointed to: "We have become from here, just use the characteristics of the train to pick up, bilateral attacks on both sides."

When the voice came, he made a sentence, "they didn't defeat those guys yet."

They talk room, no one pays attention, there is a nail size on the neck of Muse from the skin drums, and then travels to the brain, hidden under the hair of her.


the other side.

Malje and the small dance team failed.

They can't go back now, and the door frames of the No. 7 cars and 3 cars are covered by a layer of sandpapers. No matter how they don't go, they can't be broken.

Even if you use [explosive fantasy], you can't open it.

On the 3rd compartment.

Panting the rough mistoric smoke.

"The dead bastard ... What explosion means, power is so big ..."

He is called, because [explosive fantasy is broken] In the moment of explosion, only he did not leave the dangerous area, was shocked, and if he did not have a layer of armed colors, it was a corpse at this moment.

Sacas Tsui chews the raw meat, He Guangzhi sat in his opposite to the god.

One of the two people were seriously injured, and an instant motion in the explosion brings Mirandi and others to the 3rd car, and there is still a chance to take now.

"How long is the defense cover?" Maltie looked at a white player. He is Sazzi teammates, and the cover of Li Noo in the carriage is his masterpiece.

"five minutes."

"Very good ..." Maluji is a cold light, "Safas, let your people come to my medical treatment, wait for the old He to rest ... After most three minutes, let's go out first, let these four guys will be broken, and then Broken one by one. "

"I must make this group of baubles!"


Li Nuo has always gained the window, and he didn't care about this.

Clein was waiting for a few minutes, finally couldn't stand the temper, and raised the snake sword to hurried to the 3rd car.


Li Noo called her, but he didn't look at her.

Kleinis has been urgently said: "What are you waiting for!?"

Li Nu said: "No. 3 cars can't go, it should be the player, you don't have to do it first."

"Then, let's wait?" Kleinssi asked, said: "If you have any good ideas, it is better than trying to force the dead mask, then please express it!"

"I think so too." Xiao dance attached.

Li Nuo shouted his mouth and said: "Thinking."

This is getting this Christiens and the small dance.


What can I think about?

Take the opponent, make the best waste, the number of people, then find them, wait for the time to get off, this is not what should I do now.

The above is the idea of ​​the karach and Cleins.

The little dance hesitated to see Maljie, the latter rushed to hit his head and screamed.

But Clein is still taken off all the entire discharge.

"As long as you think about how to do those players, the rest, I don't understand what you are thinking." Clein is looking at Li Noo, not pleasing, nothing more than a ranking 800, the player of the train, What is high-defensive.

"If you are afraid, I will say it." She added a sentence.

Li Nun did not pay attention to questioning and ridicule, but made a window, close to the glass, the snake, the darkness of the window.

"You, is it a bit strange to see the scenery outside?"

"Of course weird, can the black press pressure are not surprising." Clein is said.

The little dance is curious, and it is also watching the window.

"I ... can only see a black."

Li Nun suddenly pressed the back of the karaoke, put her face on the window.

"watch carefully."

Malja looted Li Nuo's hand and lifted the karaoke, said: "What is said, our visual ability and you are not in a channel."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Dance asked with his nose: "What is the visual ability is not in a channel."

Mal Jie said: "He, hunter."

"Hunter ..." Xiao Dance Face is a condensed, "" Women's Wreath Pile Machine? "

"Miss Dance, this is said from your mouth ..." Maljie smiled, "is a bit that feels stimulating."

Cleinns disdain, "it is a color blank."

Li Nuo returned to his face: "Don't misunderstand, our team has a female surgeon, nor I didn't see me, not all the hunter's head is love." He turned to the window, "You still Remember, let's arrange the scene in the platform. "

Li Nun, gave a darkness outside the window.

"I can see that there are some contours in the dark, and the platform is exactly the same."

"The woman named Angel allowed the ground to rise a high platform, and the players who were eliminated were killed in the word 'goback'."

His eyes are more adapted to the dark than ordinary people.

"After the last car turns black, the scenery outside will become a paint from the dark cloud. Have you ever thought that we have already arrived? Or actually wrapped around a circle and returned to the platform?"

Maljie added: "Just look at the train from the outside, in fact, but the internal head is in the same ring, the so-called driving is also a ring line, but when it is back, there may be some things in the window. , Confuse our visual, affecting our judgment, is you meant? "

"Yes." Li Guo nod, "I have always thought that this car should be the first thing to know how to die, but see the essence of the train."

"Otherwise, we can't get the car."