Golden Experience
Episode 385 "BHSCTCG"
We need to talk to [Rare] from the management.
After calming down, I applied for the event plan and planned to summon the operation AI, but the other party contacted me. I can say I saved you the trouble.
Rare closes the Harpy Queen Skills screen and interrupts her work to listen.
"Perfect. There was something I wanted to ask you. I would like to talk to the person in charge of the game system AI if possible, but what is your number and who is in charge?"
"Yes, this time we are speaking with Management AI 0202. This AI is part of a section that oversees the protection of personal information and the terms and conditions for the secondary distribution of works created using game tools."
The diagonal answer to the assumption returned.
Even so, I didn't originally expect to hear from the operation all of a sudden, so any response is unexpected.
"Well, I mean, bite it down and say, you're in charge of player rights issues more broadly."
You can interpret it that way.
I see.
I said I was wearing a reflective outfit, but I have no idea.
But the fact that Rare doesn't have a clue means Rare hasn't done anything, which means someone has tried to infringe Rare's rights.
And the fact that the management AI has said that there is "consultation" is probably not an infringement of rights, but rather a person who has approached the management wanting to use rare information in some way.
"So, who wants to use me and what?"
Thank you for your prompt understanding. But I'm sorry. I can't tell you which one of you is.
Well, naturally. I can't help this.
Just as Rare information should be protected, so should the other party's information.
In the world, there are cases where it is not only done or done, but it is also disadvantageous to know that something has been done. Speaking of which, if Rare were uncomfortable at this point in time and thought of some kind of retaliation, one of the opponents would suffer greatly in the game. Measures to prevent such trouble.
"No, I don't mind. I was just asking out of curiosity. So, what does someone want to use me for?"
Yes, Rare is using Rare in this game service. The appearance information of the avatar and the ability of some characters, as well as the previously registered names "Magnum Melm" and "Magnum Melm Septum". In addition, Rare owns the appearance information of some non-player characters and the ability and name of some characters. In addition, Rare owns the appearance information of the area and its buildings ─
"I'm sorry, does that feel like a long time?
I'm sorry. This is the rule, so please listen to me until the end.
"Ah, yes...."
"─ I mean, to sum up, you're talking about wanting to make a secondary use of a huge mess of character images from my faction. And this, from the stream, maybe the same story goes for Lila and Blanc."
We cannot answer the negotiation with other players
"It's like saying you're going, right? Lyla is fine, but Bran is fine....."
The information being used is very vague and rough, and there is no pain or itching even if it is scattered. In other words, pure information has already been spread in the SNS magnum sled.
Therefore, there is no particular need to restrict the secondary use of information, but the problem is how to use it.
"I know what information you want to use. So, what do you use it for? If you want to put it on a real, strategic information site, I would like you to pay for some of your earnings, but normally you don't control even such a wooden site by yourself."
SNS information summary sites, I have seen things like
Rare has never visited SNS since, but it will be a valuable site if you want to return information from the past. It is only a business that is built on the eyes of game management companies.
Rare also told me not to pay part of the proceeds, but if the operation that prepared the platform in the first place was acting like it was unseen, I didn't dare to make a wave.
We are not aware of this AI because there is a separate section for the operation of information sites by third parties, but basically we have a policy to leave it as long as it is not too much to see. Of course, we understand the fact that some of [Rare] 's information is posted on such sites. However, since it is virtually impossible to cover all external sites, it is a policy to address off-game issues in bulk by means of a parental notice from the rights holder. I will notify the responsible section if I wish, but what should I do?
"No, I don't care that way. Just sayin"
I understand. Then, with regard to what you have been asked about, you want to print information about [Rare] and use it commercially on a trading card or collectible card-style player-made item for sale in the game. This is a complete in-game experience ─
"Wait. I couldn't understand it because there were too many points of penetration.
Well, first of all, yeah. I wonder if it's Treca.
Does anyone make that kind of stuff? You mean there's someone who's trying to sell it? What do you mean.... "
There are players currently selling trading or collectible card-style player-made items in the game. With regard to items already on sale, since all illustrations and information used belong to us as copyright, we have entered into a number of operational agreements to allow sales.
This series of items included information that could violate the rights of other players in future lineups, so we are currently asking the relevant players for permission individually. "
"You're already selling it! Oh, no, wait a minute, it's Treca. A leech is a small bunch of paper..."
Speaking of which, I think Gustav told me that.
Some of the players offered me a deal to put something like cardboard in a bag on the sales route of the Urban Chamber of Commerce.
Because of the size that seems to fit in the palm of my hand and the fact that the contents are important and I was told not to open them until the sale, Rare decided whether it was a nihon-style amulet or something and passed through.
That was probably just before we started the war. There were increasing signs of disturbance across the continent, and I didn't really care if there were people who wanted to trust something without such a foundation, even if the sales were somewhat large.
"─ Was that Treka! I thought it was an obscure scam item with effects! The professor wanted it as a reference these days!
I thought it was an interest as a fraudster, but apparently the professor was just a TCG player.
Anyway, to summarize the management AI story, here's the thing.
All the characters printed on the trading cards currently sold in the game are generic in nature, such as simply not identifying individuals such as "goblins" or "goblin warriors", which are already licensed because the game operator owns copyright as part of the game design. I mean, it's already sold.
And as for the future development of this product, there are plans to sell additional expansion packs, and it seems that the cards with the so-called named characters as their motif are the items that will be the focus of your attention.
What's more, the seller of this card is crazy, because we are considering the appearance of ordinary players in this named character.
They are mainly famous players who often see their names on the official SNS. I don't mean the person who wrote it, but the person who often talks about it. I didn't get the exact name, but perhaps the perverts or Wayne.
Naturally, some of the copyrights for the characters controlled by those players are also to be owned by those players under current laws and in-game rules.
But it's hard for seller players to make contact with players who don't know where they are and don't know if they're logged in.
Apparently, all of these rights and personal information relationships were entrusted to the game management company, and an agreement was made to negotiate under the supervision of the management. I didn't tell you about the terms of the contract, but that's what I'm guessing from the situation. That's why this AI came to Rare.
"I see. Very well. I don't know. Someone's here. And no matter how trivial the information may seem, there was a lesson to be learned. There's a guy who really thinks a lot of things... What is this game?
One thing, Sarasa said, "Print." What kind of printing technology is there?
Most of the books Rare has ever had in the game were ancient documents, basically only one, and they were handwritten.
However, there is usually a bookstore in the city, and I don't think all of the products are unique. I've never heard of a profession like that of a copywriter, and I didn't really care, but if you ask me, how do you produce books?
"We cannot accept this AI as it conflicts with the restrictions on disclosure of tactical information in the game. You will need permission from Operations, do you want to contact us?
"No, no, no. At least there are players that have already been found and used, so ask Gustav or Alberto."
The fact that it has already been established as common sense in the in-game world will not be reported from below.
If there's normally a bookstore for reflexes, etc., this is probably something that's common sense, too, especially not the knowledge you need right now. In Rare, I can only think of enough to use it for propaganda such as the Virgin, the Lord- the Head of the Urban State, who is acting on her own.
The player connected from the printing technique to the deployment of the card game is particularly strange.
"So, uh, about the permit. If the player is making it, it will not use any more information than that contained in the SNS, and there will be no problem with visual illustrations. All you have to do is paint me beautiful. The same is true of my kingdom and my family. I want you to come and check it every time, but as a basic policy, I don't intend to impose any restrictions."
Thank you for your understanding.
"Well, if that's what this is all about, maybe it's okay for Lyla to listen to Bran properly."
"Next, we're going to talk about how much of the sales of the items in the game will be received by [Rare] as loyalty."
"Is there such a thing!?
If Gustav's report is true, the trading card is sold by the Wolverine Chamber of Commerce. So we already have a portion of the sales, and the profits are all rare property.
Though it seems difficult to exploit many times from producers, distribution costs and appearance fees are entirely separate issues. There's nothing I can do about it.
"... it's okay to be appropriate. Within common sense, that is, the same rate as if the operation were to be received as an appearance fee for a specific NPC. If you're offering it for free, you can have mine for free."
I understand. Please only certify approval later.
It was an interesting story in a way, but in the end, there was nothing particularly obtainable. I feel like I've wasted my time listening to stories that tire me out just by listening to them, but I can't help it.
"Well, that's all I need to talk about. I feel like I didn't say it the first time, but there's something I want to ask you."
What if I can answer this AI? But before that, I need to ask you one more thing.
"Do you still have it? Now what?
Due to a design error of the AI in charge of the System Development section, some of [Rare] 's play information may have been leaked to certain players. I'm really sorry about this.
"A specific player? Who are you?"
Sorry, I can't answer that. ─ ─ Please wait ─ ─
I can't answer you, is within your assumptions.
Same reason as before. Besides, it seems to be a mistake on the management side. According to this, both Rare and her opponent will need some kind of compensation, and that won't be easy to answer.
The player who may have spilled is Bamboo
"Can I say that? Bamboo? Why?
It seems that you have obtained permission to disclose the information. The person in charge of Bamboo in this matter will be in charge of management AI0207. I cannot give details because it conflicts with confidential matters, but [Bamboo] is currently testing a new service ─ ─