Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

2655 Chapters ongoing 29,988 Views
Flo Uncle
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4,000,000 Words
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Flo Uncle ongoing


When a traverser mistakenly thought that he had crossed the back of Britain in the 1980s, and when he was suffering from childhood, he would eventually sink into the darkness in repentance, and a strange and familiar admission notice would light up his life.

But when he came into contact with the deeper darkness, did he choose to stay away from the abyss or jump into it without hesitation?

”You wait, I will be back soon.”

On the fifth floor of the St. Mungo Hospital, he finally firmly held her pale hand.

This is a story of biting teeth, even a liar that you can lie, and struggles repeatedly in pain and tenderness.
Harry Potter’s Book of Sin


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