I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth chapter of the four magic princes.

Obviously, he is very disappointed for the good knowledge of Afar.

"This is also something that there is no way."

Afal put his hand and told them:

"I am most often sleeping in my own cave. I have to say something in this world. I will definitely I have heard of it, but it is a little ..."

"It is no way to pass into my ear, I am not a traveler, where there are so many small news."

"Forget it."

Lu Ming shook his head, and he did not have much hope in Afar.

This guy is living in the sky, it is estimated that he has heard that it has been forgotten.

He gave up the investigation of the goddess church and transferred the topic.

"Anta, now human goddess is completely problematic, then will definitely reconstruct the believers to rebuild."

"Since you have already controlled a city, continue to more people in other cities, put the goddess."

Lu Ming has begun to control the goddess education.

"No problem, the devil."

Anta said out, it seems that he has already prepared.

"In this case, I will go first, you can't do this."

Lu Ming's ability to be Anta is still very trustworthy. After he promised, he turned to leave the palace.

The trip to the church is also over, and people related to the Church Church have been dealt with, but unfortunately there is no harvest.

After that, he can only go with the Holy Daughter to see if you can go to other kingdom to get some goddess news.

However, when he returned, he met the sacred girl rushed rushing.

"Hill, what happened?"

Lu Ming traveled straight, he worried that the sacred girl directly entered the palace, what happened, so it was blocked in front of her.

"The brave! You are here."

Seeing Lu Ming, Hill is obviously a little surprise, so that he can't help but ask the saints:

"what happened?"

Hill just came over, some anxious, it looks like something happening.

"This is the case, the brave people."

I don't know why, there is Lu Ming, and the sacred girl feels a lot of peace and begins to explain him:

"When we just arrived at the residential, she received an urgent help of the South Ricks Kingdom!"

"Help? What happened?"

Lu Ming stunned, a kingdom had already reached the stage of helping the church of the church, indicating that Ricks really happened.

After all, I don't have to have already, all the kingdom don't want to let the church to interrupted their own domestic things.

"do not know……"

However, for the problem of Lu Ming, the saints have shaken their heads, and the expression tells him carefully:

"At present, I only know that the Kingdom of Ricks has a serious situation, but the specific news is not available from it."

Chapter 69, the disaster of Ricks Kingdom

"This matter, let's take a look."

Lu Ming remembered his words, Eita has said that she has seen the Holy Sword Church from the Kingdom of Ricks.

If there is no mistake, the crisis of the Kingdom of Ricks is likely to be related to them.

"Okay, I will let my mother-in-law are prepared, and I will investigate the things of Dalna City," We will start. "

The sanctuary nodded and turned back.

She came to teach the side, mainly to teach Darna's big church to take someone to the Ricks Kingdom.

However, since the brave has taken this matter, the sacred girl is not necessarily looking for an upsman.

She felt a little reliable than the current church.

"No, this is over, I will go back with you."

Who knows that the saint has just turned, he heard the words such as Lu Ming, so she was very surprised to return to his head:

"Is the magic blood fusion in Darna City, have you found it? So what about the post behind the scenes?"

The sacred girl asked, the face is a bit complicated, because it is a person who has made the whole church, thinking of him, even if it is a person who has a resentment of the feelings, it will feel hate together.


Lu Ming quickly answered a sentence, thinking that the other party was so simple to leave the people, could not help but added another sentence:

"It's dying in your own plan."

"is it……"

The sanctuary nodded, she looked at Lu Ming seems to have some concealing things, and I didn't ask for your interest.

But thinking that there is a curse in my body, she said low low:

"So the curse on my body will never be released ..."

I don't blame, she will think so, since people who are curse themselves are dead, someone will come back to lift the curse.

When she said, she did the beginning and the brave, because of this curse, I didn't expect to finally solve this problem.

At a time, the expression of the sanctuary is significant.

However, Lu Ming is an expression of the sacred girl, can't help but say:

"Should you already be released? If you don't, you take a look at your clothes?"

During the speech, it also swept between the two legs of the saint.