I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth of the four demon kings

656 Chapters completed 4,298 Views
Women's Fat
MTL translator
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Women's Fat completed


You are the fifth demon at the beginning, how many worlds can you rule in three days? As the big boss of level 999, the Demon King, after a decisive battle with the brave, he accidentally collapsed time and space and came to the world 5000 years later.

Lu Ming discovered that in this era, the four highest-level demon kings are only more than 200, so when facing the above question, he thought, rule the world? Isn't that a matter of reaching out? so boring! I won't do it!

So Lu Ming sneaked out of the Demon King’s Castle and pointed to the Demon Race who was sweeping the floor at the door:

The maid over there, let’s go and collect the princess!
I am the fifth of the four demon kings


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