I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth chapter of the four magic princes.

"But ... will not be too much ..."

The Nairi looked at a pile of gold in front of him, but some did not dare to take it.

"Excessive I gave you, remember that you took my things, you must meet me in the future."

Lu Ming hit her, as long as she left these things, after she returned to her remember, she had her excuse.

It is a pity that I don't understand these, I thought I met a good man who didn't encounter a millennium, I was touched to suck my nose, and I took some points in my arms, and the rest is refused.

"Take these ..."

Lu Ming touched the Pakistan, thinking, this is, anyway, it is also taken.

"So let's go, come over with Euro sauce."

Lu Ming et al., Then took her hand, intended to abduct her, so as to ran away after she recovered her memory.


I nodded nodded, and the steps were somewhat less stably. It seems that she is not completely complete.

Just didn't walk two steps, Lu Ming pulled Little, and suddenly found that she stood in place.


Lu Ming saw her slow down, I don't know if it is too thin, and I have dizzy.

He sighed, intention, but didn't kneel it yet, he suddenly found that all the scenes surrounded rapidly.

Lu Ming, a little unbelievable:

"Hey, isn't it, is it going to collapse so soon? I just bought her match without half a minute!"

I don't know if it is very high because of the original rating of the Nairi. She has a memory process seems to be particularly fast, and even the one of the headaches will be saved.

The spiritual world directly recession, which represents the remembering now.


Lu Ming tried to call her, I want to see the reaction after she recalls the past.

But Harne has been low, so that Lu Ming can't see her expression.


I don't know if it is an illusion, Lu Ming seems to hear what I have, but the voice is too small, so that he has not heard it at all.

"Hey? What are you talking about?"

Lu Ming deliberately posted the ear, indicating that she is talking again.

However, the next moment, a deafen shout, almost didn't shout his ear:

"I said, you will die for me!!! You damn the Devil !!!"

The ............ ..

Before the spiritual world has not completely collapsed, two of them are still in the sputum of spirit and realistic, and they can't use their own magic.

But ,,,

"wait wait wait!"

Lu Ming did not think that the reason would have not yet had a spiritual world. He is still desperate with him. The world here is still unstable. He is a rock, and his foot is directly broken, and there is no anti-preservation. Poured down.

"Ghostism! Too too! Loli control! Give me a hundred times !!!"

The little fist in Harny is kept in his body. After all, it is a child, and it is very small, and Lu Ming did not feel it. Instead, I feel very comfortable.

It is like a massage.


Lu Ming got a nodded, a pleasant, stretched a lazy waist, indicating that she continued.

, the nose is sour, almost didn't cry, simply open his mouth and bite it.

"Pain hurts!"

Lu Ming hurriedly got her, let her stay away from himself, even if the child biting, this teeth are embedded in their own flesh, that is really hurt.


KaiQi also wanted to retaliate him in the Zhang Dynasty, but unfortunately, two people had nothing to have, and a little laughter of the people rang from their side.

"It's a wonderful edge, the magic of the devil has discovered this guy from the spiritual world?"

A large woman came out of the dark spiritual world, and her back has a pair of small black wings, it is obviously not human.

"Shahe Na ..."

In front of the person, she is allegate, the charm of the magic of the devil, this charm has passed with her.

At the moment, the collapse of the spirit of the spirit, so Shasina has a machine, slipped in, I have been coming in Lu Ming, I didn't expect to see a person who made her unexpected.

Seeing the coming, I was stable in the ground by Lu Ming, and the eyes turned around Lu Ming and Shahe Na, and the emotion was finally stabilized.

After calm, she asked:

"How did you appear here? Also, here ... Where is it?"

Her looks appeared in a wipe, asked for a long time, she remembered that she didn't know where it was here.

Suddenly she seems to have a lot of general, I am shouting:

"Ah, I know! After the battle is close to the end, I am attacking me!"

I don't say that I have to stop it, and I ran over, rushed to Lu Ming.


Lu Ming quickly pressed her head, she could not close myself, and then he looked at a stunning reason.

Saint Susk, he first told the things he know.

Including the first battle of his and the brave, it was unique to the world after five thousand years.

In this world, I found such a kingdom that was shaken by Chaos Magic, which as a magical power source is the reason.