I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth chapter of the four magic princes.

This is a amount that she will never have to live in this life. With them, they have not been in the slum, and they will never eat drinking.

But let her hesitate, after being purchased, God knows that Lu Ming will do what she is, these are all she has not experienced.

So, Selina couldn't help but hug his chest, hesitated to look at Lu Ming, asked him:

"You ... I bought me, what I want!"

"Of course, it's a little happier!"

Lu Ming did not hesitate to say, couldn't help but laugh.

Listening to the Philho lounged by his face, he snorted and snorted.

Sena is scared to turn it off from the seat. She said some wants to cry without tears:

"Can you discuss it again ..."

Although Selina is to thank the slums to save her, even the thieves of their lives can, but this is not to say that she is really willing to do what she is really.

Some things she have not experienced, she doesn't want to do it, think about it is terrible.

"That is not to say it?"

For the pleading of Sena, Lu Ming did not make consent, seeing her did not agree, couldn't help but shook his head.

Subsequently, he waved all the gold coins on the table.

Looking at the gold coins in front of the hills, there is no observations between the first moment, and Sena has a voices that heard the dream rupture.

"Wait, wait! I agree, I agree that I can't do it ..."

In the next second, Selena Lima took the hand of Lu Ming.

Compared to your own happiness, she still wants everyone to survive.

Think about when you are hungry, you don't know when you are coming, even if you live so hard, let a lot of food grows up, she thinks they are worth doing.

Without the opportunity in front of you, Sena really doesn't know how long they can still persist.

So, she can only compromise, the only idea is that it is not to be bought back, and if she suffers from being treated, I have been looking for a chance to escape.

Don't say anything else, she is still very confident on her own skill.

Seeing Selina agreed, Lu Ming just nodded, put it out again, said to her:

"In this case, you take these gold coins and talk to those people, give you an hour, let's leave here."

"Right, leave the fragments you grabbed before going out."

Nearly near, Lu Ming still didn't forget the fragment of the two goddess.

After all, Selina is just that he is temporarily bought, because he looked at the opponent's strength, there is at least four turns of magic, but it seems to be a problem.

True is really important, or the debris of her goddess spoke.

Lu Ming didn't want her to go out and lost the fragment, or put it safely here.

Fortunately, Sena was bought by Lu Ming, still very honest, obedient, handed out the pieces of the body.

After getting a fragment, Lu Ming can feel the breath of the goddess of the goddess.

In this regard, Lu Ming can't help but say:

"Sure enough, only one piece ... It looks like it is a separate belt."

Chapter 125 launched

Lu Ming also disappointed with Sena just grabbed a piece of fragment, and he didn't know the other side. In the opposite side of the northeast, there were some things that were not known.

In a desolate forest, a man in a deep red robes, he is stepping on a young man under his feet, silently talking.

"This is already the last one of the fifth clan escaped. If there is no longer, it can only be reroured, and even the butter fish of the soldiers will be removed."

The people of this red robes are the third family, and his voice is very hoarse. After the end of the self-speech, he also figured out the other party's clothes.

After the back did not find what he wanted, the third clan man kicked the body under the foot, suddenly, a long phase is slightly mixed, it is already a bloodless youth, which is so reverating.

If Philli is in, it will be surprised.

The youth on the ground is the leaders of the fifth clan today.

Just look at it, the fifth clan is no longer angry.


After turning over the other party, the third clan robe immediately touched something that he had been looking for, two somewhat transparent sputum fragments.

This thing is the fragment of the goddess.

After getting this thing, the third clan robe has no doubts, watching them flashed in the sun, then put it in the arms.

Subsequently, he took out a black spite from his arms and gently kneaded it, raised from behind, raised a space spiral.

"The task is completed, and it will go back and live."

Lowly said, this robe is slow into the spiral, and it disappears with it.

After the third clan, the mountain is quiet.

After about one hour, the scene of the mountain suddenly changed, from the body that was already 'dying' under the ground, there was a dramatic cough.


"Okay! The dead third!"

The essential blonde who was hit by a person who was hit by the third clan, standing up again.

Although he at this moment, how to see how a wolf is, a blood, the arm has lost one, and the whole body is almost a wound.

I saw that my body was broken into this way, the empty leaders couldn't help but hurt.

After calm, he squinted and said that he said:

"It's good to die, the first one is the third family. If it is not my chaotic spirit magic, the virtuality is really distinct, I am afraid that today is really planted here."

He didn't think of the top three major clan people will be so fast. If it is not the three clan people, the emperot leaming is no one can play him.

Unfortunately, the people he never want to meet is still encountered by him.