I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth chapter of the four demon.

It's not a love bean? Activate a life of a life is the shape of singing.

"How? How? You Ji's talent, not bad !?"

She just showed a moment of life, and she received it, and she didn't wait to ask Lu Ming. It seems to be waiting for the opponent's praise.

In this regard, Lu Ming couldn't help but nod, say:

"Yes, at least give you the body and mind Christmas, there should be no big problem."

Really, the talents of You Ji have even have been almost like Fiden, and can be calculated on the humanoid texture.

Such a talent to perform the ceremony of the gods holy, the failure rate should be reduced.

I heard the appreciation of Lu Ming, You Ji couldn't help but show a happy smile, and the eyes became the crescent.

Subsequently, even the talents of You Ji were tested, Lu Ming will look at it, and fall on the last Ur.

Now, in the winners of all Goddess Conferences, only she has not tested.

As the only winner who walked to the final meeting, Lu Ming believed that her talent would never be bad.

"You also tested it, Urrus."

In this regard, Lu Ming commanded a sentence, and he also wants to see what the Talent of Urlon is like.

Since Lu Ming speaks, Urria is not against what is opposed, just watching the stone on the hand, she smiled.

In her thinking, what is talent, there is always her most disdainful, because she will be the most powerful one if I test.

If you don't say two words, Urli crushed the stone in his hand.

It is followed by a different joy, and suddenly exudes from her hands.

At this moment, the whole body has become transparent, and the green light scattered from the middle is full of rooms.

"How is this reaction?"

Even Lu Ming felt some glare and reached out and shielded.

But don't want to come down, his pupil suddenly shrinks.

I saw Urlon in the center of the room, slowly floating from the room, the center of her body, actually pulled out a group texture, and they gradually woven into a huge picture.

Mountain river, grass, people and Warcraft, even the sky and stars appear in texture.

Chapter 27th Chapter World Life

"This is ... worldwilt?"

At this moment, I saw the text of the life of the life of Urlon, and the whole people of Philho looked.

"World Trek Road? Is there such a model?"

In contrast, Lu Ming stood a lot, he is not much about the pattern of life, so it is not too surprised to see the ripple of life.

However, he remembers that Philhardn has said to himself, the tip of life, the highest level should be her and the people of You Ji.

As for what kind of world, he didn't hear it.

In this regard, Philhi is nodded, explained to him:

"The world of life, there is such an existence, but it is only existed in the legend, I haven't seen it yet."


I have paused, and the Philhard reminded Lu Ming:

"If I don't guess the wrong, my brother's ripple is like this."

"Your brother?"

Listening to her, Lu Ming couldn't help but doubt, the brother of Philho, should be the Holy Lord.

"Have you seen your brother's life, have you seen it?"

In this regard, he watched the Philho look, some didn't understand why she was unsure.

However, Phi Helhi shook his head and opening:

"The tattoo of all major clan lords is the most embossed things in the clan, even brothers and sisters have never seen it."

"Not only that, the three men's clan, the tattoo of the life of the chaotic strong, only the lord is qualified."

When he said, Lu Ming couldn't help but nod.

Think about it, this life of this life, but the essence of a person's life, if you accidentally destroy it, then this person will definitely die.

To this end, how can those lords will give this mandes, not to find opportunities to kill their own.

"However, since you said this kind of life, and the three major clan lords are almost the same, then Urrus must have the opportunity to successfully get the power of the battle of the battle?"

Lu Ming touched the chin.

Since Philhilo didn't have a world-class life, then it is very likely that there is more than three leaders in the world, and the tattoo of this life.

Like Krera and Leafai, I am afraid that people who can have space worlds, they are talented to this life.

However, since Urzi's life is like them, then explain that she can also challenge the world-class chaotic equipment.

In this case, let the Urrus will try it.

The land of '', after the success of Urlon, Lu Ming lost the battle of the battle in front of her, and said to her:

"This flag is magic, you try to get it, if you can succeed, you will have the top strength of this era."

The power of the space world, even in the chaotic era, it is also the top, and it is powerful.

After the battle of the flag of the battle, Ur looked at it and suddenly laughed softly.

As such a high talent owner, she also has a feeling of this banner, and she can feel the endless power buryed in it.

If you get its power, Urlon can't imagine how power you will become.

I thought here, she couldn't help but show a deep smile.

However, she still can't wait for her to get the holy flag, and suddenly there is a voice ringing:

"Please wait!"