I am the fifth of the four demon kings

I am the fifth chapter of the four magic princes.

"The holy sword belonging to my family, I will come back!"

Almost he roared, the whole sky is dyed into flames.

The Phiñezt and the first brave himself, suddenly appeared in a huge continental burning in the fire sea.

It is a master of the Holy family, and he will not only show his own space world, but it is in the way to ignite the entire continent in the world.

Li Sheed looked at this piece of the Holy Lord to create, completely smaller than the outer chaotic continent, but completely into the mainland of the fire sea, the first brave snorted.

Subsequently, he used to slam the Holy Sword, a sword, almost a division into two in the entire fire sea continent.

At the same time, this fire sea, also opened with the first brave's sword, and gave him a road.

Subsequently, the first brave said coldly:

"Don't use this small means, don't have time, I don't have time to play too long."

He can naturally feel the unreasonable flames, these can't be extinguished, if it is really getting angled, it is a big trouble.

But this didn't have any effect on him. Under his holy sword, they had already retired to the side, and they no longer dared to spread themselves.

(Please please, please fake ... I forgive me the author that is useless, I really can't think of how they should be called, give me a day planned)

Chapter 129 Chapter of the Temple of the Temple in Finniste

Chapter 129 Chapter of the Temple of the Temple in Finnis (1/1 page)

In the face of the provocation of the first brave, the Holy Lord did not answer, but he looked at him straight, then raised his hand, and he had collected this fire sea.

At this moment, the entire continent has already been dowrgeized in the flame of Finniste.

The first brave Lien, also looked at the Holy Lord, and the completion of the face was quietly.

"I heard the leaders of the Holy Veae, they calculated strength with the number of steps arrived in the core, then I didn't know how long you entered the core?"

It seems that the first brave has not surveyed the Holy family, and even the system of their strength is some.

These things, can not be clear in the mainland, belonging to the secret of the Holy family, basically is not a seven majority, and there are few people who know.

Of course, the most likely, or these things are all the Sword of the Holy Sword in Land.


But unfortunately, for Li Sheude's problem, Finnis is very disdainful, and there is no answer to him at all.

Then, the body of the Sabin Lord has emerged a touch of flame magic. With his efforts, the sky is in the sun, suddenly flying out a temple.

It is the temple of the Trill, the Holy Lord, and the ability to manipulate after two steps, as this generation of the Holy Lord, how can Finnis can call this.

Otherwise, he uses any people who compromise Cleils.

"The Temple of the Trink ..."

Looking at this Temple in the sky, this almost not stopped fortice, Lian's is not expressive, there is no reaction.

The Lu Ming, who saw this scene, couldn't help but laugh:

"Is this not just how to ran you to help the temple of the gods?"

His sentence is of course said to Krils, and after it is finished, the nature of Krilles has some purple.

"That ... that is because, the Temple of the Temple in Unmanned Sorrow is really unsubstably, and that thing is basically able to end the battle by solving the holders, but just that there is no holder ..."

Krilles explains some of the difficulties that are difficult to understand, and to cover up their own embarrassment.

However, he just finished, he saw Li Sheide in the space world, standing on the mainland, slamming the Holy Sword, a sword to open the temple.

The Temple of the Tribly Day can be a moving stool, and the speed is not slow, as if the meteor is generally crossed in the sky, under the magic of Finist, almost no shadow.

However, the sword of Lis Ande, as if it makes the space still stays, accompanied by the end of the end, the air half a temple is falling, and it is directly cut into two halves.

There is even no swords flying towards the sky, capturing the swords, and sicking and destructing simultaneously.

"Is it one of the ability of the Holy Sword?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ming muttered in a seat outside the space world.

Of course, the most shocking is not this, but the temple of Finniste, after breaking the top of the top half, dramatically shakes a few times, and there is no way to repair it back.

In this regard, Lu Ming once again started the ridicule of Crels:

"Why, don't you say that something is unsearable, can you only rely on the holder to end the battle? How do you only have the only half?"

And Krils, I have been surprised.

After a while, the Tianjing Lord he had returned the god and couldn't help but shook his head:

"It is the ability of the Holy Sword, can seal the ability to recover, which Warcraft plundered, I forgot ..."

"The bath fire of the Temple of the Temple is reborn. After all, he just borrows endless core magic to repair himself. It can't be said that it has risen to the 'ability' level, so this time is a restrained."

The interpretation of Krils made Lu Ming shook his head.

The ability of the Holy Sword, what is the ability of the Holy Sword, although he knows that this holy sword has almost gathered in the ability of all chaotic Warcraft in Chaos, and its ability is much more much more than humans.

But this is much more, it is too much.

On the other hand, the battlefield, for the Temple of the Teminated Nest of the Temple of Liande, Finnis, did not look back at it.

I don't know if he is not worried about these, or the ability to say the temple, it is not possible to say that he is not able to do it.

However, the next moment, the Air Temple swayed, and suddenly quickly flying again.

And this time, there are two red flames of dark red, and it is straight from the inside of it, and directly towards Lian's body.

In the next moment, Lian's whole person was shrouded by a flaw, and he couldn't see the situation outside.

However, the fire has passed very quickly. When Lu Ming they once again saw Li Sheude's figure, he had two deep caves that had not been seen.

It seems that Li Sheide, who has just used the Holy Sword to start the troubles of the Temple.

Seeing, he opposite the Finnist, and suddenly rose a disappointment.

His temple, compare the temple of others, is undoubtedly more powerful, attacking this temple, and can burn through the world of ordinary leaders.

But I just got two flames of Liede, even didn't even cause a little space, which made him very strange.

"The magic of the temple is definitely not being weak, is it so, is this world space too stable?"