I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 168

Even though the giant seemed to have lost consciousness, she still had difficulty breaking free, and she was falling with a drop of more than ten meters...

The next moment, a figure of black mist floated over, holding two sharp blades sharply cut off the two giant hands holding her, and pulled her out and hugged her.

Even with a huge thrust, she found herself getting closer and closer to the ground without knowing anything.

Without the turbulence she had imagined, she was loosened steadily and fell to the ground and stood still.

With a "boom", the giant also fell to the ground...

Without waiting for her to speak, Le Zhengling noticed that unknown gas was spraying from the waist of the vague figure, rushing towards the fallen giant.

Holding the sharp blade in both hands, a silver flash passed, Le Zhengling saw the man cut the giant's abdomen, and then pulled out a familiar figure with blurred blood stains.

As if throwing something on the figure that was pulled out, the man turned and walked towards the tall building where Le Zhengling and the others came out before.

"Ah--" A terrible cry sounded, and the figure that was pulled out lit up with a crimson flame.

"Stardust!" Le Zhengling was very familiar with this voice. This was her best friend who had already been "burried". She staggered over without paying any attention.

But the flame was too hot, she could only watch anxiously from the side.

Fortunately, within a short while, the flames had dissipated, revealing Stardust's tattered and blood-stained figure.

Le Zhengling looked down and found that there was nothing wrong with her friend's portrait, but it was just a little bad, so she felt relieved.

As if thinking of something immediately, Le Zhengling looked back and saw an unbelievable scene.

It was a skinless giant with a height of 60 meters. He fell down full of steam and collapsed the tall building. The back of his neck was sprayed with indescribable blood volume, and even a trace of fear could be seen on his face. Meaning.

"Boom", this time the giant fell to the ground, triggering a not-so-small earthquake, and many houses around were collapsed.

"Stardust!" "Ayan!" The two figures changed anxiously at this time and ran around.

"Brother! Starlight Brother! Stardust and I are here!" After returning to her senses, Le Zhengling hurriedly shouted, with a burst of rejoicing and fear for the rest of her life after the disaster.

The figures of Xingguang and Le Zhenglongya appeared, and they ran over anxiously. When they saw that they were safe and sound, they were relieved and gasped for breath.

When Xingguang saw his sister's situation, he immediately rushed over and found that nothing happened before he was relieved.

Le Zhengling was moved and fearful in her heart, and threw her brother Le Zhenglongya into tears.

Le Zheng Longya's face was startled, and then he patted Le Zhengling's back with relief, with a pleasant expression...

Sure enough, my younger sister is my younger sister after all, my brother’s intimate little padded jacket...

On a tall building, an unidentified figure exuding black mist looked at this scene, "cut", and then turned on the machine and left in one direction...

"Hey hey hey! No matter who you are! Can you hug me down first! Don't go!" Above the tall building, the tall purple figure shouted out waving his arms.

Le Zhengling in the arms of Le Zhenglong's teeth couldn't help but burst into laughter, smiling a little sad...


Chapter 118: The "righteous" hero who is late

Opening his eyes, Ye Xie could feel the wind blowing from below. At this moment, he was standing on a tall building, looking around. This is Longhai, but it seems that there is no trace of human smoke.

It's like a deserted city, but Ye Xie knows it all because of the so-called giant's attack...

Then, Ye Xie felt an uncomfortable feeling, a blast of black particles surrounded him, but there was no sense of danger.

"Ding! The system is restarting...10%...27%...53%...69%...84%...100%!"

"Ding! The system restarted successfully!"

"Ding! Host space positioning offset, positioning offset! Whether to enter the plane of magic war again, the time difference will be within seven days of the previous departure time!"

"Ding! Detect the abnormal changes in this world, postpone the option of delaying entering the magical war plane, and release the world mission! Please complete this mission as soon as possible for your own world!"

"Huh? World Mission..." Ye Xie frowned. He didn't expect that the system would release a mission because of this, and immediately began to check the mission.

World Mission 1 "The Power of the World": It has been noticed that there is an uninscribed imperial column within two kilometers of the host. The host should immediately go to protect the safety of the imperial column. When the surrounding conditions are stable, the system will continue for two hours The extraction of Yujiezhu cannot be interrupted during the extraction!Reward: None

World Quest 2 "The Pain of the World": The giants of another world have already wreaked havoc in this world. Their purpose is to go to the imperial pillar more, and the host can hunt and kill them by themselves.Note: The total number of giants is 504, 375 ordinary 15-meter giants, 124 odd-type giants, and 4 intelligent giants!The kill rewards are 100*X points/head, 300*X points/head, 3000*X points.

World Mission 3 "Repair of the World": The host travels to the space of World War, and consumes 50000*Y points to repair the abnormal changes in the world. Each time it is repaired, 10000*H points can be obtained. The repair or not depends on the host’s will. Death of the World has been detected*2.

"...It's really thankless...how many points do I have..." Ye Xie touched his chin and began to check his points. The original Y of about 13W has reached 19W by now. It is estimated to be The reward brought by that "killing testimony".

And the X points and H points, according to the principle of Y points, Ye Xiehua has nothing left, currently it is 0, but now it can’t be exchanged for Y points... But the system now gives out rewards. The task of point X, how do you always feel that point X and point H are now more expensive?

"By the way, system, what's the matter with my black things?" Ye Xie pointed at the black particles on his body and asked indifferently.

"Ding! The host has been blessed by Merlin, the magician of flowers-the hazy figure can escape the detection of alien creatures within the next 12 hours, without being noticed by the world consciousness of other worlds."

"Isn't it the person..." Ye Xie finally sensed something wrong, and hurriedly called, "System! System! Magic Heart! Magic Heart!"

...However, there is neither a psychedelic voice nor the system's mocking subtitles...none of them responded...

"I...I lost it again..." The mood was a bit heavy, and Ye Xie slumped on the roof without a goddamn, feeling very irritable.

He slammed a fist on the floor of the roof, and a small hole was smashed out by Ye Xie, and Ye Xie's hand became a little bloody...it hurts, but Ye Xie was even more painful... An unspeakable heartache...

If it was using the "iron block", Ye Xie would be able to hit the floor with a single punch and there would be no problem, but he did not do that. He urgently needs to use pain to stabilize his emotions...

"Ding! The host triggers a hidden message, please check it out!"

The cold warning sound of the system's inorganic substance remembered it again, and Ye Xie's eyes lit up: "Leave a message!"

Ye Xie clicked to check the message without hesitation. There was hope in his heart, and this did not disappoint him:

Yo Ye, you don't want to harm yourself, do you?When you read this message, Huanxin and I might have already...well, I lied to you!In fact, we don’t have any trouble, but we need to do some training, and the system also needs to be adjusted. If you can get two imperial pillars, we will wake up sooner...

By the way, that scumbag is probably the same as you revealed, right?Then I won’t say much. I won’t be surprised if you have any enlightenment and ideas!Well, the ability of your vampire is probably eliminated by Merlin. After all, he can't stand the apostle. It has nothing to do with me!It's definitely not that I deliberately gave you this kind of tasteless ability to save resources!It's not because you keep hurting my girl's heart, calling me "system" coldly, making me unhappy, and I want to take revenge on you a little bit!

Hmm, if it wasn't for the lack of a name, I would have given you the gift of calling my name!Haha, you can try to survive, but I haven't had enough!

——Message from a powerful presence

"Really, it scared me. No problem, don't do that... I have forgotten about the ability of vampires a long time ago. Basically, I haven't used it much! Sure enough, the same as I thought. , You are pitting me... and, are you arrogantly asking me to give you a name? Wouldn't it be enough to say that you want a name? I always call you the system, and I feel very uncomfortable. ..." Although he was speaking complaining words, Ye Xie laughed and completely let go of his heart.

Ye Xie didn't want to admit that the arrogant and imaginary mind of the system had already occupied a lot of weight in Ye Xie's heart, and even said that he was slightly inferior to these childhood sweethearts.

"That... you are the AI ​​she created, right, how should I call you?" Ye Xie also thought about it, and when they wake up, they will change the name of the previous system.

"Ding! The host is supreme, you can call me whatever you want! After the administrator created me, they often call me a small contract."

"Then I will also call you Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, you are very stupid~" Ye Xie smiled, but also a little emotional, even the AI ​​assistance he created would give him a name, but he never thought about it. Name...