I, become a god, new world

I, become a god, new world

655 Chapters ongoing 5,020 Views
War Solitary
Word Count
976,000 Words
Vote Count
1 Votes
War Solitary ongoing


Work label: Power generation with love. The false harem collapsed Yuezongman’s

book records the tragic story of a dream lover named Ye Xie, who has been passing through other people’s world and finally being stabbed by justice...

this moment, in his What do you see in your eyes?

Liya, promise me not to inherit the king's stomach, okay? I can't afford to...

Fairy Scarlet Yuan, you are great, but you are more peaceful. So I'm sorry...

I am so stupid, why do you call two rituals?

M4A1, I bet you as IRIS, there are no bullets in the barrel!

Magic sword! What are you doing, Magic Sword! How do you let me use it in the future like this!

Oh Nuoli DCD, why do you want to release your BGM in my world?


At this time, a historian who did not want to be named closed the book, ending the crazy spoiler...

"Oh, yes, this is still too early for you. Enough..."

Work-related (I have no melons in the rain) Volume

announced in advance·Serious, serious, super serious

The main predetermined elements of this work: moon, collapse, mask, super god, singer, double daily, crossing, occasionally Play terrier.
I, become a god, new world


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