I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 250

Seeing them clean and clean in the classroom, it was a grief and indignation...

When he looked at the podium, he realized that the man had no birds, he was still immersed in his own book world...

Returning to their seats speechlessly, the students stared at Ye Xie's figure with a grimace, and the grievance in their hearts was a gushing out!

"Self-study, those who want to read books, those who want to play with mobile phones, plug in earphones for me, and those who want to sleep, don't make too much noise, if you disturb me, I don't mind going to the office to practice with him..." Ye Xiefan A page of notes, without even looking at them, just faintly shouted out their hostility...

You are ruthless, I don’t compete with your pervert... gritted their teeth, everyone gave Ye Xie a hateful look, and gave in honorably, without daring to resist...

...Time passed very slowly and quickly. Everyone didn't know what was going on. The moment they raised their heads, they realized that the teacher on the podium had disappeared, leaving only the slight trace on the blackboard. "Caring" message...

The weather in the last few days is very strange. It is best to prepare an umbrella every day. I won't miss you melon skins-Ye Mouliu.

After everyone was depressed, they were relieved. No matter how they look at it, the airborne class teacher does not seem to be a bad person, but there are some arrogant and caring people...

In this way, under a subtle misunderstanding, everyone continued the next course in a subtle mood, and they didn't see this young and promising teacher surnamed Ye.

It wasn't until the school bell rang, that when they walked to the school gate, they found out that the man was actually making up his sister!

That's right!It's just smelting sister!Still a black-haired kawaii girl, a lively girl from a junior high school wearing a private Caihai Academy!


Under the fiery eyes of a group of male classmates, Ye Xie was chatting happily with someone's sister.

And this is only their perspective. Ye Xie didn't think so much anymore, obviously he was just waiting for a reconciliation, so he met his sister somehow, and was forced to listen to her helplessly... I was also desperate. ...

Perhaps he noticed Ye Xie's expression and the girl's endless talk. Yanhe sighed, and ran to the corridor in front of the school in the rain with a brother who was equally exhausted...

With a white glance, he noticed that he had come to the sister who finally stopped "speaking". Xiao Gucheng looked at Ye Xie and apologized helplessly: "Yesang, I really caused you trouble..."

"It's okay, let's go together~" Ye Xie smiled carelessly, then snapped a loud finger, and the four magic powers radiated out, forming a barrier on the four people's heads, and took the lead out of the corridor.

Yanhe glanced at his head and followed in a bit "desolate"... The gap is so big, has it already been magically shaped...

The same is true of Xiao Gucheng, Xin pulled up Xiao Nasha and walked together: "Go, Naisa..."

Going to the home of the brothers and sisters in Xiaogucheng happened to be on the same road as the month of Nangong, but it was a little further in that month. Therefore, Xiaogucheng was not very surprised by the direction of Ye Xie...

Of course, Xiao Nasha is not necessarily...

So, in this sudden sun and rain, a certain girl began to bomb Ji's daily life with language...

Chapter 184: The Ordinary Ancient City of Xiao is finally no longer ordinary

After dinner, Xiao Nasha turned on the TV as always, and was about to watch today’s eight o’clock soap opera, but after a glance at the weather outside the window, he hesitated and went to watch the weather news...

"Yesterday morning, it rained suddenly in the sunny and sunny Sahara Desert. This scene was called a gift of God by the locals. Many tribes on the edge of the desert began to celebrate..."

"Last night, the International Meteorological Administration issued a notice that the reason for this abnormal solar rain that has occurred globally has not been investigated yet. The average sea level has risen by nearly 0.12 meters. Those who fish and go out to sea are advised to pay attention to ocean storms and be cautious. Go out to sea to prevent accidents!"

"The recent announcement stated that this global solar rain event is extremely strange, the sea is useless violently evaporating, and the water circulation system is seriously out of balance!"

"According to statistics, the coastal areas of the Netherlands, New Jiapo, Germany and other countries are all flooded. The disappearance of a large amount of land and the destruction and inundation of infrastructure have brought huge losses!"

"It is reported that a torrent of rain broke out in Cherapunchi, India, and its mountainous terrain was completely destroyed. The tourism development plan was forced to end!""

"Due to the impact of the global unconventional rainfall, the high-risk climate of Mt. Everest in China is prevalent. It has been estimated that the average maximum altitude of Mt. Everest may continue to increase at a rate of 2 meters per day. Stop Everest climbing for a while!"

"This time the solar rain does not know when it will stop. Please keep your rain gear ready for the next few days. Don't catch a cold or get sick from it."


Noting that the very active Xiao Gucheng actually started to do English homework for the first time, Xiao Naisa shrank her head and said in horror: "Gucheng Jun, you seem to be very active today, and your spirits are surprisingly good... Could it be that Yejiang Is it that attractive to you?"

"..." Taking a look at her quirky sister, Xiao Gucheng continued to look at the English textbook in her hand and became depressed...

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Gucheng gritted his teeth, sharply selected an "answer" and filled it in, and didn't mention it again...

"If Gucheng can pass your English, I might have a way to help you solve your vampire impulse~" When Ye Xie and Yanhe parted, Ye Xie's words that seemed true and false lingered in Xiao Gucheng's heart, let He was quite excited.

Therefore, he will try it for the first time.Although even if you are unqualified, you might ask the other party to help you, but Xiao Gucheng still doesn't want to owe too much...

He deceived himself and regarded "eliminating hidden dangers" as a reward for passing the English test. Although he knew it, no matter what, he owed Ye Xie a favor. This was just to make himself feel better... …

Seeing Gucheng ignored her, Xiao Nasha smaked her lips, remembering the cute girl she met on the way back today, she couldn't help but laughed, and by the way, she scorned her brother: "It's Gucheng Jun, who is today The girl who followed you is so innocent and cute! She believes in the urban legend of the fourth true ancestor, and thinks that you are that existence..."

Having been with the ancient city from childhood to most of the time, Xiao Nasha doesn't think that his idiot brother with worrying emotional intelligence will be that kind of person. He is just a silly boy with a dead wood head...

When Xiao Gucheng heard this, his body was stagnant, he turned his head and did not look at Xiao Nasha, and wiped the sweat from his forehead...

This is true... it's better to say, it's really great that you can think of it as a joke...

Thinking of what she had "mistakenly believed to be true" at the time, Xiao Naisha suddenly looked embarrassed, and then began to talk about Ye Xie.

"Furthermore, I even used that kind of toy spear used by COS to bluff people. I didn't expect it would be a secondary disease... It's a pity. If it wasn't for Yejiang, I would have thought it was true!"

That's true... Xuexia Wolf, I really feel life threatened!And it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be either of them!In that guy's eyes, it was clear that he wanted to kill himself!

Fortunately, Ye Sang found out in time and sharply grabbed the spear, then stopped the dangerous girl, falsely claiming that the other party might have been stimulated, and let him escape from the demon phobia sister.

If it weren't for Ye Sang by the side, it might be really bad today!Thinking of the situation at that time, Xiao Gucheng was even more scared, and his respect and gratitude to Ye Xie was even more endless!

"Could it be Gucheng Jun, you abandoned the girl in Nasha without I noticed, and then that cute kid came to find you for revenge?" Xiao Nasha was skeptical and contemptuous. Looking at his unreliable brother...

With a "plop", Xiao Gucheng directly laid on the table, holding his head in his hands, he was almost desperate for English!

"How could it be..." With a helpless sigh, Xiao Gucheng got up and walked towards the doorway.

"Mr Gucheng, what are you going to do so late? Night owls are not good! I remember that your first class was Yejiang, so you can't leave a bad impression on others early in the morning..." After complaining about her brother's meal, Xiao Nasha had her hands on her hips. For Xiao Gucheng's behavior, it was a hatred of iron and steel!

"It's nothing, just go out and relax..." Feeling that his dignity has been in an unprecedented crisis, Xiao Gucheng burst into tears... Obviously, I belong to the older brother...

Hearing this, Xiao Nasha nodded his head and recognized Xiao Gucheng's words: "That's it, that's right, after all, it's just a mere ancient city. It's normal that English is too difficult!"

This time I didn’t even bring the king... Xiao Gucheng’s mouth twitched, and before Xiao Nasha had time to start a long chatter, he hurried out...

"Mum, the ancient city is really true. Why can't you listen to me like Yejiang and Yanjiang? It's really rude..." You Yan looked at his incomprehensible brother, Xiao Nasha pouted and planned. Go to the soap opera and ignore him...

"Huh~" He breathed a little, and after "escaping" from the student apartment of the private Caihai Academy, Xiao Gucheng put on his hood again, and started to walk in the slight rain...

After observing the surrounding area and finding that there was no one, Xiao Gucheng raised his hands and shouted comfortably: "Sure enough, rainy days and nights are the best!"

"Well, although there shouldn't be anything special in this kind of weather, it's better to have fun..." A relaxed smile, when Xiao Gucheng was about to move around, it was abrupt. pause……

If he glanced at the tree not far behind with feeling, Xiao Gucheng suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth... How come this guy is endless!

"Oh, I said...what exactly do you want to do, let's just say it..." With a sigh, Xiao Gucheng beckoned to the girl, wanting to be straightforward with the other party, being "sick" by a beautiful girl. Local monitoring, he doesn't think it's a beautiful thing!