I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 462

In some respects, it is even more efficient than creating gods...

However, the two still intend to continue to wait and see, after all...

The current portion seems not enough...

It’s just that they don’t know if Kamen Rider is mass-produced... then it will really become DD...

Chapter 297: The Little Angel of Ever Dream almost deflated GG

"Hey, does Yongmeng need support?"

The voice of Emperor Akaba's communication came in his ears, and the little fat man who was raging on Titan slowed down for a while.

However, it was not a major problem. After the little fat man adjusted, he continued to act, "mocking" this super giant Titan...

"No problem! I can!"

The confident voice came from the little fat man, the voice of Baosheng Yongmeng...

After nearly a month or two of adjustments, Baosheng Yongmeng has finally reached the basic bottom line of Ex-aid.And now, it is his debut!

Although a little uneasy, it is still mainly excited!Baosheng Yongmeng has always been thinking about what he can do and what to protect, but now he finally has a chance!

The strangely shaped "little fat guy" is mainly pink (magenta!) and white. The whole body is bloated, and a big-headed baby who is alive and well. The driver on the waist is even more confusing...

This is Ex-aid's Lv.1, which is being used by Baosheng Yongmeng himself, flexibly dealing with the Titans...

In fact, Baosheng Yongmeng could have skipped it and upgraded to Lv.2, but for the data collection mentioned by Roman and Otto, he still used Lv.1 patiently.

"It's okay, Yongmeng, although this Titan is a bit weird, it's enough, you can do whatever you want with the rest."

Roman's lazy and boring voice came from the call network of the Cavalier system, and Bao Sheng Yongmeng immediately energized him.

Timely avoiding the blow of the two laser cannons on Titan's back, Baosheng Yongmeng also took the opportunity to pull the switch on the drive.

Then a noisy sound effect sounded...

Ca Chan!

Level Up!

Mighty Jump!

Mighty Kick!

Mighty Mighty Action X!

In an instant, the bloated body shape finally became normal, and the excess armor of Ex-aid disappeared one after another, as lightly as the W of Emperor Akaba at this time.

I patted the pink button A on the small toy-like hammer in his hand, and suddenly a blade popped out, and the small hammer became a long sword with a reasonable appearance.

Precisely stepping on the building blocks floating in the air, Baosheng Yongmeng launched a charge at a speed much faster than before...





However, in just a few seconds, dozens of strike marks were exploded on Titan's body, and eye-catching wounds appeared.

Seeing this, Emperor Akaba, who was guarding the gap, couldn't help but look at him...

On the contrary, Ye Xie, who was watching the game not far away, curled his lips with uninteresting interest. The performance could still be seen, but it was a bit noisy...

Moreover, Baosheng Yongmeng doesn't seem to be very useful...

Looking at the Ex-aid who was still attacking hard, Ye Xie felt that if he had to fight like this, it might be a while, and he also prompted an exit...

"M, I used your Gashacon destroyer to split the blocks. There is a pleasant surprise. Also, the box on your left is used to insert cards..." With a glance at him who was still inexplicably attacking him, Ye Xie left a sentence Then the words floated straight towards the Emperor Red Field.

A few missiles flew, and the Titan also found Ye Xie this "little bug", and fired a few rounds of artillery, but it was blocked by the invisible magic barrier beside Ye Xie, and he was not injured...

Ye Xie also ignored it. He believed that Baosheng Yongmeng could solve it. After all, this Titan, to be honest, might not even compare to the three-headed dragon...

What's more, he is still in the novice reserve now... Kamen Rider novice riding face during the protection period, tell me how to lose?Impossible, good?

Even if it is Xudong Daisen Online, it is absolutely impossible to let the Kamen Rider in the novice protection period deflate, okay?

Although I don't know why the Kamen Rider information provided by the system came to the conclusion that the protection period was reached, Ye Xie also recognized...

Don’t you see Emperor Akaba’s W, doesn’t it also start to deflate at some point?

What's more, Ye Xie is also half the will of the world, and he has already added a lot of buffs to his luck.

For example, lucky, durable, etc... So, they will be lucky...


Even if you can't beat it, you will be lucky...

It's just that it's impossible to beat...

Ye Xie is watching carefully now, Baosheng Yongmeng's Ex-aid is still in the novice stage!It's impossible to roll over!

If Baosheng Yongmeng rolls over, he will be on the spot...

Seeing Ye Xie walking away, Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the sword blade "Gashacon Destroyer" in his hand in a daze, and obediently slashed towards the building blocks beside him...

The two nearby blocks were cut open by Baosheng Yongmeng, and two huge coins with special patterns were ejected. He absorbed them...



Two voices fell, and the whole body of Ex-aid was immediately surrounded by a blue and red light circle, which looked like a red and blue BUFF.

Not only that, the Gashacon destroyer in his hand also shone with a faint light...

Immediately, the speed of Baosheng Yongmeng increased a lot again, carrying the Gashacon destroyer and cutting over...


The big blow effect appeared, and the Titan was knocked down by Baosheng Yongmeng with a sword, and a huge scar appeared on his chest.

Watching Ye Xie's arrival next to the ruins of the city wall, Emperor Chiba stopped his actions and walked over: "Minister."