I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 552

"You are not thinking about something bad again..." Silently hiding Fu Hua behind him, Ye Xie expressed his dissatisfaction and warning with his actions.

"Although I am a little concerned about her, if it is not allowed, then forget it." Genyuan calmly recovered Ye Xie's behavior without any anger at all.

The root cause... is not angry...

What's more, to her, Ye Xie's existence is more meaningful.Compared with the two, it is like Yinghuo and Haoyue...

Naturally, the root cause would not be reversed, and he immediately compromised Ye Xie's behavior of "protecting the calf".

"Hmm..." Rootsense still paused inconceivable thinking for a while, and then solemnly spoke to Ye Xie, "Pay attention to that girl named Qiyana, if you can't sense it because of the world before, now I can confirm that she has surpassed the will of the world to a certain extent."

"Student Qiyana?" Fu Hua was startled, obviously wondering why Rootsho cares about her so much.

"Is there any reason? I also felt something wrong with her. It was clearly a spiritual level, but it gave me an inexplicable sense of danger." Ye Xie also calmly explained his thoughts, after all. , If it weren't the case, Ye Xie wouldn't put Kia in the range that he could observe.

"I seem to feel a sorrow of death in her body, which is the mark of the remnant soul of the planet's will. It feels like..." The root formula did not hide, and she directly said her feelings.

"Is the end of the world..." Ye Xie raised his eyebrows, as expected.

After all, according to Su Kong’s memory, there are many rumors about Qiyana, that is, K-423. The second law, the god of collapse, finally...

And the parallelism of the world has unspeakable coincidences and accidents, so it is not surprising that Qiyana is the finalist.Although Celine/Qiana did not refute the name of the law of the sky, but never said that she is not the law of the final.

In this way, it can explain why she and they are not willing to return to their own world.Because their world has long been destroyed by them, and it is meaningless to go back...

"So, how does it compare to Fu Hua?" Looking at Fu Hua who was "at a loss" because of the word "Zhu Yan", Ye Xie cautiously asked about the root-type feelings.

And Liya also seemed to understand that this is not a time to lose her temper casually. She glanced at the source of her extremely strong suppressing power, and listened silently, without speaking or disturbing.

"...Probably, she is not weaker than her now, but at the peak, it is hard to say..." The root type can see Fu Hua's state at a glance, knowing that she is still recovering and her strength is recovering.

"Sure enough..." Although he had thought of this a long time ago, Ye Xie didn't worry too much.

Even if according to some gossip, Fu Hua couldn't beat the Final Ruler, so what?This is already a fresh start.

First of all, Fu Hua, that is, Chi Ling or that Chi Ling, will sooner or later restore its original strength, even beyond the past.And Qiyana, the current lawbreaker, was not the one who broke the world's first generation of civilization.

At the end of the day, there is a real fight, and it is not always certain who loses and who wins.Although Ye Xie himself is a bit lacking in strength, he still has Huan Ye Huan Xin and Xiao Qi.

What's more, when I go back, I can almost officially take over the will of the planet, and the blessings of the whole world are completely worthwhile!The big deal is to contribute points and the mystery of the earth, and I still have the roots of the moon world...

Fu Hua didn't know Ye Xie's thoughts. The moment she heard the final Yan, she was completely dazed, and even recalled some shadow fragments...

Once she was unable to contend with the finalists, and the first generation of civilization was ended by the finalists.Although he had forgotten his posture, Fu Hua was still a little desperate for his almost invincible power.

Even with the power of Root Cause and Ye Xie, she didn't think they would be able to resist the arrival of Final Yan.

It wasn't a blow, although Fu Hua was surprised at Ye Xie's current powerful and strange power, but compared with her at the beginning, it was still a bit inadequate!Even so, she was defeated by the Final Ruler...

She didn't know Ye Xie and the mysterious root of the world of Xingyue very much, and she was very worried about Ye Xie and their future.But in order not to create new pressure on Ye Xie, she still held back.

"So, Shi, what do you think is our winning percentage if we fight?"

"..." Seems to be very satisfied with Ye Xie's address, the roots of his mouth curled up, and he smiled lightly, "100%, because, I can't fight at all... Ye, when the Holy Grail opens the hole, I The last gift for you is here..."

Just like that, Roots shook his head, and when he closed his eyes and opened it again, his temperament had changed drastically.Named Shi, the souls of the two rituals once again dominated this body...

"Ye." Opened their eyes, the two rituals looked at Ye Xie in front of them, a trace of tenderness and nostalgia flashed in their eyes, disregarding Liya's existence, and hugged Ye Xie.

This is the first time that Shiji has been in such close contact with herself (the old Siji Zhizhi’s behavior is not counted, that is not Shishi), so that Ye Xie was also in a daze in surprise, then let go of Liya’s hand and hung it around twice. The waist of the ceremony...

As for Liya's words, it seems that she hasn't been particularly taken care of by the root cause, and she is still in the range of stagnation.To be precise, the root cause was originally just for Ye Xie to stop the world. As for Fu Hua's situation, it was also an inevitable accident.

The collapsed world is a world crooked by technology and mystery. In collapse, time and space are affected by them like playthings.And Fu Hua, as one of the more peak existences, naturally will not be stopped so simply by the root type...

Looking at the two rituals of restoring calm and leaving his embrace, and feeling the world that is gradually flowing, Ye Xie couldn't help but laughed bitterly, "It's a bit troublesome..."

When time returned to normal again, Liya and the others also moved, but they were a bit dazed by the two rituals that suddenly appeared...

Ma Xiu and Ma Tongying were okay, but they were surprised by their sudden appearance.However, Liya was looking at the figure of the two rituals, uncomfortable, not even her temper...

Even if it is an overhead existence, she is a hero. She still knows a little about Gaia and Alaya. She is taken care of by Alaya and she naturally feels about the existence of the root cause...

"Well, this is the ritual. This is the end. Let's take a look at these friends who came to hang out..." After briefly introducing the two rituals, Ye Xie looked around and shrugged, "Isn't it coming out?"

Whether it is the shaping of Matthew's round table shield or Fu Hua's strong breath, it is naturally impossible for no one to notice such a big movement.

What's more, there used to be a hundred heroes here, even if some were eliminated during this period, there are still dozens...

Sure enough, when the words were over, a rustling voice sounded, more than a dozen figures were relieved of their spirituality, and they looked at Ye Xie's group seriously...

"From now on, it's my world..." Without any aggressive behavior, Ye Xie quietly opened his chicken ribs...

As an inexplicable magical power encircled this place, the surrounding space was suddenly modified in its concept, and they...entered a world of singularity that was overhead...

"Leave it to you, go on, Fu Hua, Ma Xiu..." With a smile, Ye Xie actuated the magic power at will, using the power of illusion, disappeared before their eyes.

The figure that disappeared at the same time, as well as Liya, the two rituals, and Jian Tongying, it can be said that Ye Xie shut the two of them and the heroic spirits together...

As for worry?It doesn’t exist, but now Fu Hua is moving in the direction of Chi Ling~

She is not so weak if she can provoke the root type, and Matthew Gillett also needs to get used to this battle...

Chapter 349: Miss Okita's Victory


Accompanied by a heavy gasp, Souji Okita once again swung his sabre away...

Unsurprisingly, the knife returned without success and was blocked by the slightly tired Shinto Musashi...

"...I said, you little girl... is it a monster?" With a wry smile, Shinto Musashi looked at the wounds on her body, completely speechless...

Was thrown over by that beautiful boy and Okita Soji, she had been dealing with Okita Soji for a while.

Although Okita General Secretary had some foundation, he could not pose any threat to her.But the frightening thing was that his physique and skills were rapidly sublimated with the battle, and it didn't take long for Shinto Musashi to struggle.

What made her feel even more incredible was that she had previously released a treasure once again impatiently, but she had completely endured it.

Even after the turmoil subsided, she even more incredible witnessed that Souji Okita's body had reached the level of a hero.Obviously, she was originally just an ordinary girl with a little swordsmanship, and she actually completed the sublimation in this short time.

Not only that, the previous form that was slightly altered had long since dissipated, but the girl named Okita Souji didn't lose the slightest aura, nor did her strength fade.

This really makes Shinto Musashi who was just planning to play a little crazy.The only thing that is a bit comforting is that the girl’s growth seems to have finally stabilized, and there is no more explosive growth...

But even so, Shinto Musashi was also very injured, thinking of her dignified swordsman, she was dragged by a little girl, and she couldn't resist.

Shinto Musashi already knows that her name is Okita Soji, but she doesn’t think she is the same person as the Shinseng team leader in history. She who has the Sky Eye can confirm that the Okita Soji in front of her is a living person, or There is no cause and effect in this world...