I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 554

Glancing at the surprisingly quiet and well-behaved Liya, Ye Xie thought for a while, and still sent Ma Tongying in his arms to the head of Okita.

Okita Souji smiled, without any resistance, and obediently accepted the somewhat unhappy Makiri Sakura, and hugged it in her arms. As for Shinto Musashi's sword, she had long been tied to her waist.

Under her slightly envious and yearning gaze, Ye Xie held the two rituals and Liya with one hand, and then activated his magical space transfer magic (Space Imperial Control Technique) again...

Accompanied by a slightly uncomfortable feeling, after she calmed down, she found that she had been teleported by Young Master Ye Xie to the place where she had previously fought with the shiny golden guy.

I didn't understand what the young master was thinking, but she didn't ask for it in a Turkic manner.Although she didn't ask, Ye Xie directly revealed his evil taste...

"Sure enough, I said how could there be endless treasures to throw...it seems to be picked up again..."

"However, the Sky Lock is no longer there, I just don't know if he picked it up with his hands..."

With malicious eyes, Ye Xie looked at the potholes on the ground, recalling the treasures that had been shot out, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

And Liya also smiled, and she didn't know if it was because she thought of Gilgamesh's funny scene, or because Ye Xie didn't abandon herself in front of the "root"...

The only "calm" rituals are the two rituals and Jian Tongying. The former only cares about the number of Ye Xie's women, and the latter is not like the embrace of Sochi Okita very much, and I hope to return to the big brother... …

The two of them didn't care much about Gilgamesh's affairs. The two rituals might not even know her existence, and even if they knew it, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Okay, okay, let's make do with it first, now I am not really thinking about cooking..."

Taking out a carpet and spreading it on the ground, Ye Xie took the two rituals and sat on it with Liya, and then took out a lot of things that had been purchased in the shopping center of Joan of Arc.

The two ceremonies had a calm face, Liya's eyes shimmered, Ma Tongying didn't care, and Okita Soji had a strange face...

"That... Young Master... is it a bit wasteful, we can't finish it..." After all, he still couldn't hold back the heart of spitting out, So Okita felt very shameful about Ye Xie's behavior, and then quickly put him down. Holding Ma Tongying with sharp eyes, she skillfully picked two boxes of Haagen-Dazs ice cream...

God knows why the young master chose ice cream, this ice cream has not yet melted!However, let’s talk about it after eating...

Sweets, sweets...

Falling into an inexplicable demon, Okita Souji gave the dazed Makiri Sakura in his arms casually, and then he tasted it seriously.

Ye Xie also understands now. Although Okita General Secretary does not have the exaggerated attributes of the big stomach king, he is also a foodie, or a sweets party...

Just when Ye Xie was thinking about it, Liya had already acted calmly, seeing the two rituals also looked awkward and speechless...

Seeing Mr. Okita enjoying the ice cream, Ye Xie seemed to have thought of something and spoke lightly...

"Miss Okita has a big victory~"

Suddenly, Mr. Okita's cheeks flushed directly, and he lowered his head...

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty: Eat and Drink Iskandar

Battle Royale, Fuyuki City's Fourth Holy Grail War...

In this weird space, 7...ah no, the 6 masters are not very happy, and the heroic servants with the master are not very comfortable...

Gilgamesh took his licking dog and his disciples for a stroll for these two days. It was extremely boring. In addition to this licking dog, Gilgamesh didn't know what he was good for!

Let alone the administrator of the sand sculpture forum, Ye Mou, the disciple who licks the dog is much more interesting than him.If it hadn't been for Tosaka Tokimi to be his master, Shining would have killed him long ago.

In the same way, Tosaka Tosaka also knew that licking a dog is not good, and he needs to be cautious about this and that. The god is so overworked, it is like a mother!

His own heroic spirit is not caring at all, even the weak assassin of disciple Yanfeng Qili is more pleasing to the eye than him.If it weren't for his strong power and the fear that he would click himself in anger, Tosaka Tokimi would have planned to change to a hero.

If you have a teacher, you have an apprentice, and Yanfeng Qili thinks about the same as them.As a traverser, he has been waiting for Gilgamesh, the ssr, to abduct himself.

He didn't think much of his own beauty, Hassan, but he was looking forward to it in his heart!But, waiting until now, this Jin Shining didn't even look at herself, making him crazy...

As an assassin, Hassan has an incomparable perception, and she has long known how his lord looks down and disdain for him.However, she was still obeying the contract and didn't go beyond it. Otherwise, she would have wanted to kill herself. This was something that inexplicably made her sick.

The master and the servant hate and displease each other. It can be said that Gilgamesh and the four of them are the most disagreeable among the participating teams in the original Fuyuki Holy Grail War so far.

In contrast, Director Ken Kenneth, who re-concluded the Heroic Contract with Dilmud, was much better.

Because of Sola's friendly change in his attitude, Kenneth re-accepted Dilmud boldly, and even his chicken's intestines were greatly expanded. Now he gets along quite well with Dilmud.

And Dilmud, who felt that the monarch did not trust him, was also greatly touched. He accepted his master's shortcomings, and even suppressed his boldness to try to adapt to Kenneth.

In the past two days, he has become a bit accustomed to executing Kenneth's instructions that he can't get on the table. Even the upright and combative lancer, he is occasionally willing to perform assassination and backstab attacks.

Under this change, Dilmud also succeeded in killing a few heroic spirits, and he entered the room with his "world-destroying double brush", and was guarded by other people who received the information.

An upright martial arts lancer is not terrible, and a fragile assassin is not terrible, but a high-strength martial arts lancer with an assassin mode is worth guarding against!

Even when Kenneth saw Webber, he ordered Dilmud to attack on the spot, intending to take his head.

Only limited by the force of Iskandall's army, lancer Dilmud's offensive failed without a doubt, and Kenneth consumed a spell to escape proudly.

On the other hand, Ma Tong Yanye and berserker Lancelot lost their way on the way to explore Tosaka Tokimi... I don’t know why, but he wanted to fight Tosaka Tokimi frequently. The encounter.

Since the first day of air combat, he has never seen Tosaka Tokimi again.In addition, he was escaping for his life. The old man Tong Zang Yan, who was left behind by him, had some luck with him, and he actually contracted a "caster".

With those ugly and complicated sea monster creatures, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone successfully disgusted Jian Tong Yanye.The heroic spirit Lancelot of Jiantong Yanye is not unable to resist his disgusting combination, Lancelot is also particularly powerful.

It’s a pity that Ma Tong Yanye was originally a lonely offspring with magical talents, but after a year of engraving insect erosion, he has magical powers and can perform a few small magic tricks, but it can be said that it is only stronger than Yusheng Ryunosuke The weakest master of ordinary people.

The fragility of his body simply cannot support him in a long battle. Once the fierce battle begins, he is likely to be sucked to death by Berserker Lancelot's magical power supply.

As for the Saber group Eomiya Kirisu, due to the strong attraction of certain existences (Gilgamesh, Ye), they didn't encounter much difficulty, and they lived quite peacefully.

The only trouble is the food...

They didn’t feel much on the first day, but they immediately felt severe discomfort...

They had never prepared food at all. After all, who would have thought that the Holy Grail War would directly "overhead" a battlefield.

It is not that they have not tried hunting. They have also hunted edible existences such as bipedal dragons and giant animals, but they are faced with a new problem...that is, who will cook?

Under the initiative of a certain girl knight king, no matter how high the endurance is, Eimiya Kirisu vomits directly, and the others are not much better...

Then it was the show time of a certain wife. After someone fainted after taking the first bite of the "beautiful" shape, other people put down the substances that were barely food.

Ever since, Kiritugu Eomiya and his assistant Kiuto Maiya took over the extra work of the back kitchen, cooking them barbecue that was barely enough to eat.

As for why it is barbecue, the two killers are used to the life of the bullet rain. It is good if they are not allowed to eat raw. They will not learn to cook inexplicably. In addition to simple barbecue, they also know bubble noodles. The existence of nothing more.

Weimiya Kirisu and the others are different from the other dishes that are sometimes put together by Yemou and his party. The former can only barbecue, and the latter is pure lazy.

Their downturned situation improved after meeting Ye Xie and his party on the fourth day.Even after that, Kirito Eomiya never had any hostility towards them anymore, and even more actively apologized for his previous actions...

Of course, this is not because Ye Xie is in charge of rice, absolutely not!Weimiya Kirishu only believed that the Holy Grail had been contaminated, and the friendly alliance with Ye Xie and others was to destroy the broken Holy Grail!For food or something, Kirisu Eomiya said that he just stopped by...

Although, Kirishu Eomiya didn't even know that he actually ate a lot more than before...