I, become a god, new world

I, God, New World Chapter 578





With their own choices, players have made their own decisions in response to this life-critical choice...


"The statistics are completed, there are 14856 existing players, 8693 YES selectors, 6163 NO selectors, statistics are completed, SAO2.0, start!"

Hearing the announcement of this data, the players suddenly became unbelievable, and there were more than 6000 players who chose to stay!Are they crazy!

However, I'm sorry, Kayaba Akihiko and his system will not answer them. Everything in front of them quickly returned to normal, but a gray energy groove appeared under the original health bar...

Soon, the announcement that they would be able to reach the 15th floor after level 35 to open job placements completely attracted their attention...No, it should be said that it was the attention of those who were kidnapped...

And those native players, still immersed in the ecstasy of liberation 5 months later, did not ease...

YES or NO...For this question, more than 95% of the native players chose YES, and in the second phase...except for some very few "naive" players, almost all chose to stay...

The reason why they are "kidnapped" is not just an accident... They are longing for an extraordinary new life, but they are not so easy to give up...

Even if...their future is wandering about death.

Power is really crazy and obsessive, not to mention that they have long been confirmed... After returning home, their power in this SAO will be retained!

As for protection or something... To put it nicely is called a sense of responsibility. To put it vulgarly, it is the soul of the second. Everyone has the heart of the second...

Unlike those wastes that have begun to salt and wait for "liberation", they have to break through this "game"!They want to clear the customs!

After calming down, in the eyes of others watching Erhuo, this group of mentally handicapped players who have been salting fish for more than half a week are ready again to attack the maze...

SAO Management Core...

Eomiya Kirisu looked at everything virtual in front of him, his eyes were blank...

"Where is this...?" Whispering softly, Kirisu Weimiya looked at the white digital sea around, and fell silent...

"The imaginary sea, I used to dream of a little existence." A faint voice sounded, and Kayaba Akihiko, wearing a white coat, floated out of the virtual digital.

"Well, it's beautiful?" With a light smile, Kayaba Akihiko looked at the silent Uemiya Kiritugu, his eyes full of obsession.

"...Where's the Holy Grail?" Without answering Kayaba Akikohiko's words, Keirushi Uemiya wanted to take out his guns, but found that there was nothing on him except clothes.

"Holy Grail? I don't know, it's just a dream, come from another world..." Shaking his head, Kayaba Akihiko looked at the serious Uemiya Kiritugu and said lightly, "And now, you should also leave us. The world is...your dream, it's time to wake up..."

After the words fell, Eimiya Kirisu's body suddenly appeared with boundless characters and disappeared here...

"Management, do you sleep comfortably?" Kayaba Kyohiko chuckled lightly when he felt the figure appearing behind him, and asked.

"Ah~" After a long yawn, Ye Xie stretched out his body, exuding a mysterious aura, "No, it's a terrible dream... It's so bad it can't be worse..."

"It seems that Master Huanye and the others have succeeded in plundering..." There is nothing unusual, Kayaba Akira looked at Ye Xie, whose temperament is very fascinating, and smiled lightly and left here...

"So, what the hell is this dream..." Seeing Kaochang Jingyan's departure, Ye Xie curled his lips silently, but his eyes were full of indifference...

"Shi, you're a bit past..."

"Isn't this good? I'm very satisfied with this posture."

A faint smile appeared in front of him, the root form appeared in front of Ye Xie, touched his cheek, and then disappeared again in an instant...

"What a good thing, I was almost brainwashed by you to become cold..." The tone was quite depressed, but his temperament was still so mysterious, making it a little difficult to touch.

"The so-called gods are really silly things...No, this is not something at all..."

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five: Wei Gong, the unmingled hero in the name of justice

This...Where is this...

Looking at the hazy black sea of ​​fire, Weimiya Kirisu stood in front of the ruins, feeling quite heavy...

"Saber! Destroy the Holy Grail!"


A sorrowful scream sounded in his mind, and Wei Gong Qishi clutched his severely swollen brain, knelt on the ground, and gasped heavily...

What exactly is going on!

Gritting his teeth tightly, Eomiya Kirisu looked at everything in front of him, his heart hurt inexplicably, and his heart twitched sharply...

Now he is no less than the pain of "seeing off" the teacher on the Pacific Ocean...and his heart is even more desperate and sorrow that makes him incomprehensible...

"Sorry, Ellie..."

"Eimiya Kirisu, I curse you..."

Another dubious dialogue was tumbling in his mind, but tears couldn't help streaming from his eyes...


His rough hands were digging in the complex and broken ruins, and Kiritugu Uemiya stared at the ruins in front of him, always feeling that something was waiting for him...



It's crying!

With the numb excavation of Kirito Uemiya, the crying became louder, clearer and louder...

Seeing the weak child in the ruins, the tears in Eimiya Kirisu's eyes couldn't help but dripped on the child's face...

Opening his eyes, the weak child looked at this dumbfoundedly, but for some reason, stopped crying...

"Just call Shiro Wimiya!"

A loud voice sounded behind him, and Eimiya Kirisu looked back at the incoming person, but suddenly became dull.

"What the hell is all this! Why is this happening!"

"Shirou Eomiya, this name is very good, isn't it? Righteous partner..." Without answering him, the visitor looked at the child in Eimiya Kiritugu's hand with interest, and the corners of my mouth were raised, but his eyes With a calm that is hard to ignore

"Tell me! Caster, what the hell is going on!" Roaring, Kirisu Uemiya held the child tightly in his arms and screamed at the person who came...