I just want to be a regular writer

I just want to be a regular writer

Slice of Life
727 Chapters completed 2,516 Views
Word Count
668,000 Words
Vote Count
1 Votes
YUMEMKS completed


Jiliang Jiying, 19 years old, is a college student.

The dream is to become an ordinary writer in the middle and lower range. I don’t need to compete with Kasumigaoka Shiwa in sales, and I don’t need any illustrations by Eromanga. I just want to earn money without leaving home. Money leads a peaceful life.

One day, after being rejected, Yoshikage Kira witnessed the crime of a beautiful girl serial killer in a certain alley-Yoshikage Kira knew what to write!

As a result, a general reasoning novel featuring a serial killer of a beautiful and ill girl was successfully published.

The first day after publication: "Mr. Yoshira, according to the details of the crime in the book, we have reason to suspect that you are the serial killer, please come with us."

Yoshikage Yoshira: "?"


reporter: "Mr. Yoshira, listen Say that you accepted the challenge of the serial killer and successfully caught him!"

Kira Yoshikage: "You made a mistake, he just exploded suddenly on the way to kill me."

Reporter: "?"


"Congratulations, Mrs. Kira for winning' This light novel is really amazing!'First place!"

Jiliang Jiying: "Do you understand what ordinary means?"
 I just want to be a regular writer


i just want to be a regular writer novel full read novel i just want to be a regular writer novel i just want to be a regular writer i just want to be a regular writer full i just want to be a regular writer chapter 1 novel drama i just want to be a regular writer i-just-want-to-be-a-regular-writer i just want to be a regular writer chapter 727