I just want to be a regular writer

I just want to be a regular writer, Jiliang Jiying Chapter 6

This is the closest university to Too Town that offers psychology, and it is easy for Kira Yoshikage to obtain admission.

Leaving aside his "likes", Kira Yoshikage realized that his thinking mode and behavior logic were different from others in his youth.

Because of this, Jiliang Jiying takes every lesson in the classroom seriously, even if the habitual thinking is irreversible, but the more he understands the psychology of ordinary people, the closer his behavior mode is to ordinary people.

Jiliang Jiying believes that "restraint" is also an aesthetic.

As for his "likes"... Kira Yoshikage has his own solution.

He stared at the contents of the book intently, taking a sip from the cup between pages.

The alleys are always difficult to be cared for by the sun, but around 3 pm, as the sun moves westward, even the position by the window is no longer good.

Kira Yoshikage raised his hand to look at the time, walked to the counter to check out, and bought the book he had seen halfway through with gusto.

Putting away the bill and humming the theme song of Toowangcho Radio, Yoshikage Kira no longer felt as irritable as he had just left the publishing house, but walked briskly to the tram station.

It is still the established model, buying tickets, waiting for the train, and then getting on the train and getting a seat.

The moment the tram door closed, a blonde girl with a ponytail passed Kira Yoshikage.

The blonde girl seemed to sense something, and turned her head slightly and looked over the brightly polished car window to Kira Yoshikage sitting in the window.

I don't know what was thinking, the blonde girl tilted her head and laughed happily: "Allah~ will you find you in this situation? I really am blessed by fate~"

The recent Kira Yoshikage has been very comfortable, he has grown gorgeous purple iris on the things he buried in the garden a year ago.

The stems and vines of the iris are entangled with the guardrail of the garden. When the condensed dew drops in the morning, the flowers will always tremble delicately.

Jiliang Jiying also got up on time that day, and after having breakfast, he went to the back garden to water the water.

Afterwards, he took his watch, put his mobile phone in the inner pocket of his suit, repeatedly confirmed that all the electrical appliances in the house had been turned off, and left with a small tune.

Today is the day when "The Rose Hunter" was released, because he was just an unimportant ordinary writer. According to Kishimoto, it seems that some small bookstores did not even choose to purchase.

He was very satisfied with the shrewd shopkeepers.

But then, he would have to go to the city again.

Yes, Jiliang Jiying wants to know whether his novels are selling bad enough.

With a different kind of anxiety, Yoshikage Kira came to the largest bookstore in Sendai.

"In the light of novels..."

Kira Yoshikage walked forward according to the signs in the huge bookstore, and finally saw his book on the "New Issue Purchase Recommendation" table set up temporarily in the bookstore.

"Hmm...Looking at it this way, the painter named Eromanga is really good." Kira Yoshikage looked back and forth with his book, and then put it down.

He walked to the corner, glanced over a book on the shelf, and finally stopped on a book called "Love Metronome".

The author's pen name-Xia Shizi.

Xia Shizi...

Kira Yoshikage gave an inaudible smile and put the book back on the shelf.

He is not interested in what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has written. So far, there is only one thing about Xiazhiqiu Shiyu that fascinates him-it's a pity, to take it down... it seems impossible~


A familiar voice sounded beside him.

Jiliang Jiying didn't turn his head for the first time, but only raised his head after a few tenths of a second, with a surprised expression: "Senior Kasugaoka!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wore a black dress today. The black is very good, and the hands reflected are whiter.

Kira Yoshikage put away her surprised expression and put on a surprise, and smiled and asked, "Senior Kasugaoka also came to the bookstore to check the sales?"

"No." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched out her index finger and shook it in front of Kira Jiying, smiling and saying, "It should be Xia, Zhi, and Qiu. There is no senior."

Seeing that Jiliang Jiying showed that impressive expression of shyness again, Kasumigaoka Shiyu laughed and decided to let him go.

She put her hands behind her back, her upper body leaned forward and looked at Kira Yoshikage intently: "I just saw you when I was passing by, why? Do you care about sales?"

Yoshikage Kira nodded honestly: "I care very much."

It's just not the same as what you think is "careful".

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu smiled, but she didn't say a word. She looked at the "Rose Hunter" on the propaganda cabinet and her own book placed with it, showing a look of nostalgia—when the first volume of "Love Metronome" was released, she also Zeng stayed in the bookstore for a whole day with anxiety.

But even if you look at it, you can't rely on your mind to make past customers buy your own book.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought of this, and smiled and blinked at Kira Yoshikage: "Are you going to have something to drink? There is a nice cafe upstairs."

Drink coffee?

Early in the morning?

Hello, are your young habits so bad?

Although Jiliang Jiying thought so, she nodded with a smile, "Well, it's still early anyway, and there are no customers in the bookstore."

To be honest, Shiyu Kasumigaoka thought that a wooden person like Jiliang Jiying would definitely reject his proposal~ I didn't expect to agree so soon.

She smiled and waved to Kira Yoshikage, "Let's go then~"

Jiliang Jiying nodded, and the two walked out of the bookstore one after another.

Before the bookstore opened and closed automatically, Yoshikage Kira, who was always alert, glanced back.

A blond girl with a peaked cap was standing in front of the bookshelf, holding the copy of "The Rose Hunter" in her hand.

If something like mind power really exists, Jiliang Jiying hopes to use mind power to convey one thing to the girl-don't buy it!

Chapter 006 Are You A Murderer?

The cafe upstairs is very quiet, with soft but clear jazz music.

Jiliang Jiying ordered a glass of milk and sat down in front of Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

Strictly speaking, he and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had nothing to talk about.

If there is something that must be said, it is probably something like "Can you lend me your hand for a period of time?"

However, according to Yoshiage Kira’s observation, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is not as friendly to the sun as it appears on the surface. She occasionally shows a look of contemplation, and after contemplation, she smiles firmly.

Jiliang Jiying thinks that if he really abandons his proud IQ and asks that sentence, there is a 75% chance that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu will call the police.