I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 94

——He didn't make any sound.

But on April 1, Lilith seemed to have eyes on the back of her head, staring at him dissatisfied: "Hey! Sympathy, sympathy! Can you care about me a little bit?!"

Jiliang Jiying nodded and asked kindly: "Are you okay?"


Rolling her eyes, Lilith sat back in her chair on April 1st.

She looked at Azusa Sasaki incredulously and exclaimed: "You are too unlucky!"

"Haha...I...I'm used to it." Sasaki Azusa smiled reluctantly—presumably even if he knew it, he would still feel quite shocked when someone said it in front of him.

She paused and thought for a while, then turned and walked into the bar.

Just picking up the broom, the fruit knife on the food cabinet fell off and plunged into her shoe upper.

"Wow..." Lilith couldn't bear to open her eyes on April 1st: "It's not easy to live this way..." She whispered to Jiliang Jiying.


——From a certain point of view, it is also a kind of subtle luck to be able to live to an adult under such bad luck.

Azusa Sasaki picked up the knife helplessly and sighed, "Fortunately, the upper is thick enough..."

With that, she put the knife in the sink.

"Huh? What's wrong?" The boss closed his eyes and turned his head when he heard the movement.

"...No, it's okay. It's just a knife." Azusa Sasaki raised her index finger to Yoshikage Kira, and said silently, "Hush."

The boss breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if it's all right."

and so--

Is it really okay to hire such an unlucky person?

Jiliang Jiying believes that under such continuous losses, it should be difficult for this store to achieve a balance between payments-after all, the store site itself is already remote enough.

"Boss, is your store sure that it is profitable? Isn't it going to be a deficit every month?" Obviously, Lilith also thought of this on April 1.


The boss was stunned for a moment, and turned his head in the direction of the voice: "Ah... barely able to maintain stability. After all...damaged things will be compensated, because of the physical condition, injuries are not considered work injuries. "

As he said, the boss touched the sound underneath and asked, "Is jazz okay? Or is it classical? Or...the latest pop song? It seems a bit too quiet."

"Is this important?" Lilith murmured on April 1st, and then asked, "Is the salary of Miss Sasaki enough to live? If this happens every day...I shouldn't make any money, right? ?"

The boss pursed his mouth and smiled, without speaking.

The atmosphere of this cafe is very quiet.

——Yes, it's the atmosphere.

Even with the noisy presence of Lilith on April 1, it still seemed very quiet here, and it seemed that the air flow was a bit slower than the outside world.

Sasaki Azusa took a rag and wiped the fruit drink on the floor, and said with a smile: "I just want a job, in fact... the salary is not important."

"Huh? What do you rely on to survive?"

"...Ashamed to say." Sasaki Azusa raised her head in embarrassment-at this moment, the glass shards on the ground plunged into the palm of her left hand.

She hurriedly got up and took out the medical kit again, and said bitterly: "My grandfather left a castle for me in Italy. Now... it is rented to a crew for use, but life matters. Don't worry about me."

"...Appeared, a very rich man!" Lilith looked at her with envy on April 1st: "I also want to inherit a castle."

Kira Yoshikage sighed.

——So far, there is no particularly informative information.

He glanced at the time-the pointer pointed to 11:50 noon.

Sure enough, I missed lunch time.

He lowered his head to smooth the wrinkles in his suit and got up: "I'm going back first, and suddenly remembered that there is something else."

"Huh? Is this going away?" Sasaki Azusa was a little surprised.

But she lowered her head and hurriedly cleaned the glass dross on the ground, and got up to see off the guests.

Lilith seemed to have something to ask on April 1, but she still got up and walked out with Kira Yoshikage.

"I, I will send you off!" Azusa Sasaki quickly got up, and she kicked the foot of the stool again.

——It is commendable, at least this time I didn't fall, I just hit the wall.

She clutched her nose and shrugged at Kira Yoshikage, then pushed open the cafe door——


The flower pot on the balcony upstairs fell down and shattered at the feet of Azusa Sasaki.


Even Jiliang Jiying had to admire her attraction to bad luck.

Azusa Sasaki walked around the broken flower pots on the ground very indifferently, and bowed to them with a smile: "Two of you go slowly."

At the corner of the alley where the cafe is located

"Wow...If you hit someone just now, it would definitely be a bloodshed incident, right?" Alwyn raised his camera and looked down at Elwe.

"Huh?" Elway was fighting with the boss in the game, without even raising his head: "If you fall off the seventh floor, you will definitely die if you hit your head."

"That woman was lucky, she took her life..."

Arwen held the camera and pointed at Kira Yoshikage in the distance: "But what is he doing here? This is not his way home..."

"Sister, you have become a lot stupid since you came to this country. They obviously followed that woman, just like we followed them."

"So I asked why I followed...come back!" Alwyn said halfway through, pulling Alway's collar to hide behind the wall.

Then he patted his chest and sighed: "He is too alert, are we not so obvious?"

"The camera hidden in the wall clock can be spotted right away. It's not strange to notice your sight." Alway ended the game, and after confirming the save, he put the game console in his pocket, and looked down and thought: "Fortunately, we only installed one. Used as a test. Anyway...can ordinary people have that kind of alertness?"

"No, so he still has a problem." Alvin laughed: "Even if there is no defensible evidence, this unnecessary vigilance can prove his unusualness!"