I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 128

Destiny doesn't do it like this!


First, turn everyone into my dependents——

Think about it and forget it. First, I’m not a traditional vampire, and second... I’m not a chaotic evil, I’m just going to be just that.

At this moment, a mysterious organization threw an olive branch to her...

Lori Vampire’s second journey begins

Chapter 027 The Last Supper (Part 1, 1/4)

Jiliang Jiying didn't keep his eyes on the two of them for a long time, after all, the time was a little bit too late for him.

I went to the supermarket and it was almost 5 o'clock after the purchase.

Counting the time to take the tram back to Duwang Town, dinner should be prepared before 6 o'clock.


Professor Narita and Azusa Sasaki?

It's amazing that these two people stand together, after all, they seem to be the type that doesn't overlap at all.

——But this is someone else’s business.

The signal light in front of the zebra crossing flickered several times, changing from red to green, and Kira Yoshikage moved forward in the crowd.

After passing a certain distance with Professor Narita and Azusa Sasaki, he looked ahead and continued to walk towards the supermarket.

Purchasing from Kira Yoshikage is not particularly troublesome.

Of course, from a certain point of view, it may also be because his cooking skills are good enough-facing himself, Kira Yoshikage never uses excess humility.

He pushed the shopping cart and looked at the ingredients on the shelves, and his mood had gradually improved from the gloomy morning.

As long as you get a good night's sleep today, the blemishes caused by less sleep will automatically diffuse.


After coming out of the tram stop, Yoshikage Kira looked down at the time.

——The pointer of the watch points to 5:40 pm.

It was about the same time as he calculated-another good thing.

Jiliang Jiying put on headphones to isolate the surrounding noise that was gradually increasing due to the evening peak, and walked on the way home, humming softly.

After 10 minutes, he arrived at the villa area where his home is located.

Because of the distance between the houses, there is obviously no shopping street and residential area near the tram station.

But quiet—quiet is the most important thing.

Jiliang Jiying turned his head and glanced at the corner of the wall-last night, Killer A left his life here.

I have to say that the blasting accuracy of the killer queen is very high.

Just touching one of his hair, it achieved the effect Kira Yoshikage wanted.

Otherwise, Kira Yoshikage would have to take a little more thought to make the "accident" seem reasonable.

"Ah, hello."

There was a female voice in front of her. It sounded like she was not very old last year, and she was even familiar.

Jiliang Jiying looked up at her, then smiled and nodded to her: "Hello, I troubled you yesterday."

——It was the girl who called the police for him last night.

The girl looked a little shy, smiled and waved her hand and said, "You don't have to thank you all the time, it's really a trivial matter. Ah, I'm going home first."


Next to the girl are two women of similar age, both wearing the uniforms of Grape Hill High School.

Jiliang Jiying passed her by and turned around the corner and walked towards her home.

Behind them, the girls laughed and interrogated: "Hey! Who is that person? Is there anything?"

"My neighbor! It's better to find a boyfriend for such gossip!"

Today is a working day, and it is also a day when the course is scheduled.

——This is normal, Kira Yoshikage has long been used to it.

But today there are some special itineraries.

He came out of Mr. Lu's office and walked out of school with a smile on his eyes-it was a good day.

There is good news here.

As the third semester draws to a close, Professor Narita's special lectures are about to end.

In order to say goodbye, Professor Narita intends to invite several students including Yoshikage Kira to have a meal.

This is a good thing to go.

As for why I asked Teacher Lu to tell...

Probably because Professor Narita can't stop Kira Yoshikage's relationship.

With 3 hours left before the appointment, Kira Yoshikage, who has nothing to do, is going to return to his apartment in Sendai City.

Since the apartment was rented to the present, Kira Yoshikage has lived there only a few days.

But it is always good to be prepared.

It's better than occasionally when there is an emergency, you can't catch the tram or get a taxi to stay in the hotel.

A hotel is not a good place. The bed in the guest room is equivalent to the lady in the nightclub-who knows if the white-looking sheets are really cleaned?

Jiliang Jiying would not blindly trust a stranger, even if that stranger is just the cleaning staff of the hotel.

Open the door of the apartment, and the enclosed space that has not been nourished for a long time exudes the unique smell of dust.

Kira Yoshikage opened the window with a good mood and started cleaning.