I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 160

The only reason that made her spend a little longer time was that this cafe was too hidden.

Because the cafe has no signboard, she even went around the door of the cafe and went out. Finally, when the sharp-eyed Kira Yoshikage saw her going out and shouting, she turned back a little embarrassingly.

Recently, Misaki Kirihara's standard of living has improved qualitatively compared to the previous month-in the final analysis... probably because the two brothers and sisters of Alwyn and Alway finally stopped.

Even if the twins stopped, they still ran to the Metropolitan Police Department every day.

But there are always good things. There have been no vicious cases in the past month, and the whole search is very moving.

——Even just last weekend!Misaki Kirihara actually spent a full weekend.

It's really gratifying.

Misaki Kirihara sat next to Shiyu Kasumigaoka, looking at the screenshots of the newsletter with a stern expression, and the wrinkles between his brows deepened.


As if she finally couldn't bear it, Misaki Kirihara slapped her phone on the table and scolded, "What kind of crazy! This kind of dog stuff had better not be caught by me, otherwise I will definitely take his ○ ○...erh ..."

Halfway through the conversation, Misaki Kirihara finally realized the problem.

Put aside her own ten thousand year single, in front of her... But two great young people in the new era!

'What am I talking about...'

Misaki Kirihara's face became hot, and he was annoyed that he had been with the old people in the hall for too long.

She smiled awkwardly at Jiliang Jiying and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and then frowned.

With apology in her eyes, she returned the phone to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "The procedure is indeed like this. If the incident does not happen...it is really impossible to open a case. Did the branch you call the police go to interview this boy?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lowered her eyes and shook her head: "Yes, but it seems useless..."

Not only was it useless, the other party's words became more intense.

——It's like finding a delicate balance, every briefing of that person just stepped on the tipping point.

In addition, he did not take any substantive actions...

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu thought of clasping her hands, her nails stuck in the back of her hands.

Kira Yoshikage stared at her hand without interrupting.

It wasn't until Kirihara Misaki comforted him a few more words that he asked, "Is the police unable to do anything before the other party truly threatens Kasumigaoka's safety?"

"...Ashamed, it is true."

Misaki Kirihara was a little annoyed: "After all, if every similar, unoccurring case is sent to protect..." She paused for a moment, and shook her head after finding that she could not find a more reassuring explanation. : "For the time being, there is indeed no...No! There is a way!"

Misaki Kirihara's eyes lit up, and his entire face looked bright.

"Pop!" there was a sound.

Misaki Kirihara folded his hands in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department and bowed sharply, "Sorry Tanaka!"


——Yoshikage Kira already knew what Kirihara Misaki's "method" was.

Misaki Kirihara came here during his lunch break, and time is limited.After backing up the screenshots on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mobile phone, she hurriedly confessed a few words, exchanged her mobile phone numbers with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and then left like when she came.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka did not breathe a sigh of relief because she got the guarantee from the police-she didn't know what Kirihara Misaki's "method" was.

As Kirihara Misaki and the police in the branch said, everything was unknown before the incident.

And she...had to face those unknowns.

A cup of hot cocoa was placed in front of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

She was shocked and turned her head.

"This is the boss invited you, please use it~" Azusa Sasaki said with a smile holding the tray, "Even if life is unsatisfactory, don't treat yourself badly. Otherwise...the bad guys will be happy because of it."

After speaking, Azusa Sasaki showed her a friendly smile and turned to leave.

The projector in the store is a bit loose, and Azusa Sasaki has to go to a contact to fix it again.

——Recently, she knows more about avoiding "disaster" than before.

Even if those baseballs flying over from nowhere, and all kinds of things falling from the top of the building, have not diminished, it seems that everything is not as discouraging as it used to be.

Sasaki Azusa looked down at the "little umbrella" on her shoulder and smiled at it.

'It should be given a name'

'Maybe it made me no longer so ominous'

Thinking of this, Azusa Sasaki's mood became clear.

The recent Tanakaaki people often feel that Mr. Kirihara has misunderstood his position.

In the words popular among young people recently, he seems to be a genuine...tool man.

Ok?Is this word used like this?

do not care!

——'I'm the detective who passed the formal assessment and entered the Metropolitan Police Department to search for the first class!'

Tian Zhongqiu was roaring inwardly.

But even so, today's Tian Zhongqiu people are still working hard.

Holding a bottle of energy drink in his mouth, he leaned around the corner and looked at the girl not far away.

——The girl's name is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

At an age like a blooming flower, with a beautiful face and decent manner.

It is not surprising to be liked.


Tanaka frowned and looked at the screenshot of the text message on the phone, and curled his lips: "The way that the recent dead kid expresses'like' seems a bit special."

——The screenshot on the phone was backed up by Misaki Kirihara.

If he does well enough, these screenshots will never come in handy.