I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 161

Well, it's a good thing that it doesn't come in handy.

Because when the police need these screenshots, their only function is probably to submit them to the prosecutor to charge the defendant and convict the defendant.

Hope it will not develop to that point.

Thinking about this, the Tanaka Akatsuki who was once again sent to perform the "strange tracking task" straightened his expression, lowered the brim of his hat, and followed Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

——Where is there a thousand days to guard against thieves?

'I don't know when I am the head'

Looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's back, Qiu Tan shook his head, and followed her to the vicinity of Dengeki Bunku Publishing House.

"Ah, Kira-kun?"

"Oh yes, he is also writing a book..."


Kira Yoshikage happened to meet Shiyu Kasumigaoka at the entrance of the publishing house.

I haven't seen it for two days, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have lost weight again, and the bones on the backs of both hands showed a little outline.

-It really shouldn't.

Jiliang Yoshikage Asaka nodaka Shiyu nodded: "Come to discuss?"

"Ah, uh."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised her hand to lift the broken hair from her ear, and nodded with a smile.

After talking with Misaki Kirihara that day, her life didn't get much better-those text messages would still appear at various times.

The only good news is that the person doesn't seem to have started following her.

"The manuscript submitted before is almost finalized. Where is Kira-kun?"

"Me?" Kira Yoshikage smiled, showing a helpless expression: "There are still a lot of details to be discussed, and it may not be published at the same time as Xia Zhiqiu."

"Ah, that's it."

"go in."

After Kiraji Ying finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the publishing house.

——He saw it.

Tian Zhongqiu.

And... the man who had met both sides and entangled with Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.

The man was more gloomy than the last time I saw it, and it seemed that harassing others didn't bring him much satisfaction.

It's a pity that the distance is not close enough, and Kirajiying can't detect more details.

'Ah, yes'

Yoshikage Kira smiled and took out his mobile phone-"Take a long-lost text message to Tanakaaki~ I hope he can solve these little things.'


Kasumigaoka's appetite should improve.

——Can't lose weight anymore.

Chapter 003 Detention (3/4)


"I just like her very much!"

Hideki Yamashita stared at Tanaka Qiuren and slapped his palm on the table in the interrogation room.

There were no windows in the interrogation room. Only a small spotlight hit his eyes directly, making him blind to the police officer sitting opposite him.

Tanaka turned his eyes away in disgust, put down his pen and leaned on the back of his chair to look at him.

——I am really ashamed, but in the end Kira-kun discovered this person's existence.

Although it has something to do with Kira-kun seeing Hideki Yamashita, but...

It is indeed dereliction of duty.

Tanaka shook his head in annoyance and looked at Hideki Yamashita.

"Don't compare me with those perverts!"


——The trial can't go on.

'There is something wrong with this person!'

This is the most intuitive feeling of Tanaka Akiu to Hideki Yamashita so far.

From being arrested to the present, this person has been saying that this is a "normal pursuit"!

'You can fucking die for me!'

Tian Zhongqiu cursed in his heart, picked up the documents and got up and left the interrogation room-if it weren't in compliance with the rules, maybe a fight on the spot would be amazing.

"How's it going?"

While throwing a pack of warm milk, Tanaka Qiuren heard Misaki Kirihara's voice.

Raising his hand to take the milk, Tian Zhongqiu rolled his eyes: "What else? Don't admit it!"

As he said, he shrugged his yin and yang strange air: "'This is my way of expressing love~'-he said so."


Misaki Kirihara frowned: "Let's take detention first, stalking and texting harassment..."

Halfway through, she lowered her head to ponder for a moment and regret: "Unfortunately, it won't be too long. It's best to notify the school again. If it doesn't cause physical harm...you can only do this first."

"But...is it really okay for us to intervene in this kind of case?"

Tian Zhongqiu was a little worried afterwards.