I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 184


Lily Shiina looked at her puzzled.

"Sister means—"

On April 1, Lilith knelt down in front of Lily Shiina and smiled: "There is a heavy smell of blood here, can Lily smell it?"


"Then why does it smell of blood?"

"Because..." Lily Shiina tilted her head and looked at Lilith on April 1st strangely, and she said naturally: "I'm dead. If I die... I will bleed."


On April 1st, Lilith felt like she was being tricked.

She bowed her head and sighed, pointing to the pool of blood in front of her and asked, "But isn't that Lily's blood? Whose blood is that?"

"Huh? Of course it's the bad guy!" Shiina Lily looked at Lilith on April 1st strangely: "The bad guy is dead too!"

——Finally, I did not digress.

On April 1st, Lilith sighed and continued to ask: "Then... how did the bad guy die?"

"It was killed!"

Lily Shiina smiled and jumped up when she said, "It's amazing that blonde sister! Kill the bad guys in one go!"

"Blond sister?"

"Hmm! Blond sister! Very beautiful!"

Shiina Lily finished with a smile, and sat back on the ground with a childish look.

Next, no matter what Lilith asked again on April 1, she just kept repeating what she said before.

It wasn't until Lilith left on April 1 that Lily Shiina lay down and curled up next to her corpse.

"Mom said that if you are helped by a good-hearted person...you must know the good news." She closed her eyes and murmured, "Thank you, brother..."

Chapter 017 Unfriendly Greetings (3/4)

After coming out of the haunted house, Jiliang Jiying finally saw the long-lost sunshine.



It is indeed a long absence.

Kira Yoshikage gave a low laugh and walked towards the entrance of the haunted house.

It all started with that huge mirror, and he should return to that mirror to look for clues.

The winter sun always makes people feel relaxed, and coupled with the previous reasonable catharsis, Kira Yoshikage feels that even the air is sweet.

Then, as long as you get out of this damn mirrored world and get home, everything will be calm again.

Yes, I will.

Will definitely return to calm again.

The bitter wind blew by his cheeks, Kira Yoshikage lifted his hand and touched the scarf, feeling a sticky touch.

Look down--

There are some blood stains on the scarf.

Ah, that man's.

Jiliang Jiying frowned in disgust, took off his scarf, folded it neatly, and then threw it into the playground's trash can.

——He doesn't need something contaminated.

At this moment, the weather is still sunny.

And the mood is refreshing.

With a smile on Kiraji Ying's face, she finally stood in front of the mirror.

It may be that in the afternoon, the scene in the mirror finally became lively-at least much lively than in the morning.

The employees in front of the lottery table are receiving guests, the vendors selling cartoon hydrogen balloons next to the merry-go-round are replenishing the supply, and the crepe carts are also sparsely lined up-everything seems too busy.


That kind of excitement is reasonable.

Jiliang Jiying wants to return to "real".

He looked at the mirror, raised his hand and tapped on the mirror.

As in the previous feedback, ripples appeared on the mirror surface-like a disturbed pool water.

'If this mirror is the entrance... what happens if the entrance is broken?'

This was Kira Yoshikage's first reaction.

But the act was not rigorous enough, he knelt down and looked at the corner of the mirror, raising his hand to cover it.


There was a small sound of breaking glass.

A small crack appeared in the corner of the mirror.

As Kira Yoshikage let go, the fragments of the mirror fell on the ground and disappeared.

-There is a fault in the space.

The place originally occupied by the corner of the mirror has a black hole-that is to say... even if the mirror is destroyed, it will not be able to get out, and it will even make the situation more complicated.

Jiliang Jiying sighed, not disappointed.

Rather, if you destroy the mirror, you can get out, but it simply makes him uneasy.
