I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 209

He still arrived in the classroom 5 minutes earlier, and frowned slightly at the box of pure milk on the desk.

Is...who fell here?

If this is the case, it means that some students have eaten bento here during lunch.

Jiliang Jiying frowned and put down the bag, took out the disinfectant wipes from his pocket and sat on the chair, and began to wipe the private domain that temporarily belonged to him during the next two hours of class time.

After ensuring that every corner was properly disinfected, he still did not forget to wipe it again with a clean tissue.

——Clean desks almost reflect light in the afternoon sun.

'Well, that's right'

The preparation bell has rang, and Yoshikage Kira took out the textbook from her bag and looked at the professor who slowly entered the classroom, making a serious look.

Every class in the school is very important to Kira Yoshikage-these elements are the important parts of his "quiet life".Kira Yoshikage is absolutely happy to protect these "parts" by just listening to the lecture.

There are already students in the front row taking a nap during the professor's tepid class. The only one who is accompanied by Kira Yoshikage is the killer queen who is holding a cat food to look at.

——Recently, it gets along well with cat grass.

Ah, correct it.

Maybe it's just that the killer queen gets along with the cat grass unilaterally, and for the cat grass, which is often deprived of cat food by the killer queen, life may not be so wonderful.

Speaking of cat grass...

Jiliang Jiying thinks that his father is also a wonderful person.

For his father, he did not deliberately hide the existence of cat grass.

--Too much trouble.

Kira Yoshikage understands his father, just like his father's tolerance and indulgence when he did every behavior that made ordinary people deeply unthinkable when he was young. Mr. Yoshihiro Kira was very keen to keep secrets for his son.

The two-hour course was quickly over.

Kira Yoshikage took care of her things, got up and left the classroom.

'There is a feeling that spring is coming'

Kira Yoshikage walked to the school gate along the way he came, looking up at the flowers blooming along the way.



Is it in... winter?


Jiliang Jiying looked at the flowers on the trees and on the green plants on the roadside slightly frowned-it was obviously not like this yesterday.

Do not.

It's not like this in the morning.

Kirajikage lowered her head and rubbed her eyebrows, then looked away-'It's nothing to do with me'

He still walked outside the school according to the established route.

At this moment, a white shadow passed in front of him.

Cat-hairless cat.

Kira Yoshikage lowered his head and looked at the cat on the ground frowning, then walked around it.

The snow-white, arrogant hairless cat seemed to have forgotten his arrogant and accustomed character. It also tended to follow Kira Yoshikage's back and rubbed her head against Kira Yoshikage's vamp from time to time.

The female students passing by saw this scene covering their mouths and laughed, and after a while, they even looked at Kira Yoshikage with subtle maternal instincts.

It’s almost like saying—'Look, this young man is so loving.'


Extra gaze.

Jiliang Jiying speeds up his pace-whenever this happens, this school will always give him a feeling of being too big.

The hairless cat still followed him.

It was agile and clingy, yelling "meow" at Kiraji Ying, as if acting like a baby.


Jiliang Jiying sighed, then stopped and looked down at it.

Looking at it this way, Kirajiying felt that the cat was a little familiar.

After a moment of silence, he remembered—it was the cat of Naoko Saiyuanji.

It's really admirable. It's such a delicate species, but it just survived when the average temperature was only 5°C-it seems to be very energetic.

'Why follow me?'

Kirajiying looked at the hairless cat in confusion.

No emotions can be seen in the silver cat eyes like glass balls-rather, it is difficult for humans to read the emotions of animals from the "eyes".


The Hairless Cat gave a cry, lifted his front legs and grabbed Kira Yoshikage's trouser legs to reach his pocket.


Kira Yoshikage reached into her pocket-cat food.

"Ah, yes."

Jiliang Jiying took the cat food out of his pocket and sprinkled it on the ground with a little annoyance, and shook his head—'I took it into my pocket after feeding the cat grass in the morning.'

Really asking for trouble.

Kira Yoshikage sighed while holding her forehead, then walked around the hairless cat and left.

A gust of wind came—a flower was blown into Kirajikage’s arms, impartially.
