I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be an Ordinary Writer Chapter 337

In fact, Jiliang Jiying didn't need her answer.

He already had the answer in his mind.

But he is Jiliang Jiying, and he needs an exact answer.

Jiliang Jiying did not speak, but looked at Lilith on April 1.


Lilith sighed in her heart on April 1st—that kid...must have discovered some secret of Kira Yoshikage before he knew it.

It's unfortunate.

She and Jiliang Jiying looked at each other, silent for a while, and whispered: "I will bring him to you tomorrow."

"Why not today?"

"What do you want to do?" On April 1, Lilith responded to Kira Yoshikage's question with a question, the smile in her eyes disappeared.


"Kira." She squinted her eyes slightly, and she rarely looked at Kira Jiying seriously.


"Nothing." On April 1st, Lilith suddenly laughed, shrugging her shoulders and said with pride: "I'll explain that tomorrow is tomorrow~ If you don't worry..."

She has a sly face on her face: "Let’s drink all night today! ~You can supervise me~"


Chapter 018-The Victim in the Night (4/4)

Next day

This is a bad weather in the traditional sense.

Kira Yoshikage came out of the tram stop and walked along the bridge to the river.

Maybe the weather is not good enough, and it is due to working days. There are no passers-by by the river.

Jiliang Jiying walked along the road, took out his mobile phone and opened the newsletter page.

[I took that child home yesterday afternoon.The child is not in good health. He didn't go to the kindergarten or the hospital to see his grandmother by himself.I teased him for a while yesterday, and he cried and said that he would never go to the hospital again~ I was too courageous!

This is a text message sent to him by Lilith this morning on April 1st.

The newsletter included a location, which was near the current location of Kira Yoshikage.

Jiliang Jiying walked unhurriedly in the cold wind. Because of the colder wind than the previous day, he raised his hand to pull the scarf.

To be honest...

Jiliang Jiying didn't like this kind of luck.

But compared to waiting in the hospital, it is at least in action now.Yes, it's better than just waiting to die.


——A bicycle fell not far away.

What does it mean?

Jiliang Jiying raised her eyes and looked further away.

——A man dressed as a patrolman is squatting on the ground, not knowing what he is facing, repeatedly doing the pressing action, and lowering his head from time to time.

Look like this...

It's very much like the "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" exercise taught in school when I was young.

Jiliang Jiying raised his foot forward.

Not curious, it's just that he is still a little away from the destination.

He looked forward and glanced down when he passed the patrol officer.

With just a glance, Kira Jiying stopped.

——The patrol is indeed doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Kanta.

It also......

Adjusting her expression slightly, Kira Yoshikage knelt down and asked with just the right amount of curiosity and concern: "What's wrong?"

The patrolman raised his head and glanced at him hurriedly, continuing with his hand.

The almost mechanized cardiopulmonary resuscitation lasted for nearly 10 minutes, and the patrolman's face was unbearable and depressed: "The child fell into the river, and it was already..."

Probably unbearable, the elderly policeman took off his hat and wiped his tears.

"Have you called an ambulance?" Kira Yoshikage asked.

The patrol nodded, still with tears in the corners of his eyes: "Called, it is probably coming soon."

He looked up at Jiliang Jiying, and found that the young man in front of him was surprised by the good-for-nothing, and waved his hand in disgust: "Don't stay there, go back, it's cold."


Kira Yoshikage replied obediently, and put away the curiosity on his face, got up and walked back.

Without breathing for 10 minutes...

Counting that before Kirajikage came—it was hopeless.

Can this be solved?

Kira Yoshikage was puzzled, and looked back at Kantaa again.

There is indeed no breathing, and the little face is blue.

Today Kira Yoshikage’s Goddess of Luck seems to be a little too dedicated—Kira Yoshikage raised her eyes and looked at the sky--ah, I’m not embarrassed, please do your diligently in the future.

That night

Winter is always slack.