I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be an Ordinary Writer Chapter 407

Asakura Hui's eyes were bright, and he raised his hand and gestured on his chest: "It's the kind... super awesome!"

Yoshikage Kira shook his head and reflected on it-it was indeed his fault that Teru Asakura was quiet and honest.


On April 1st, Lilith pulled Chiba Yu at the back of the line, stood on tiptoes and looked at the person in front, sighed leisurely-I'm afraid it will take at least 20 minutes.

At this time...

Lilith's eyes lit up on April 1st-super suitable for gossip, isn't it?

She turned to look at Chiba Yu, her pale blue eyes were sly: "Xiaoyou~"

"Huh?" Chiba Yu looked away from Lilith's hands on April 1st-this must be something that Kira-kun can consider as a treasure.

"What's the matter?" Chiba Yu asked softly.

"Do you like Kira?" Straight ball is simply what Lilith does best on April 1st~

Chiba Yu did not see the panic and shyness that Lilith had expected on April 1st. The blonde girl was only taken aback, and then nodded earnestly: "Well, I like it very much."

'Wow... candid and cute!'

—— Lilith commented on this on April 1, and then smiled and asked, "Why?"


"Well, there must be a reason?" On April 1, Lilith nodded firmly, raising her hand and breaking her fingers and said: "Everything has a reason~ Although Kira is really handsome, it's psychological. .. also much more mature than the average kid."

"Ah, the grades are also very good, I suspect that he will let the exam water!"

"There's more!" Lilith's eyes shone in the sunlight on April 1st: "It's also very clean in doing things~ Well... from all angles! I thought it was a Spoiled children are so...self, but now they seem to be very assertive and they are not very afraid of pain. They will deal with things calmly when they encounter things~"

Chiba Yu looked at Lilith on April 1st, and her eyes became subtle.


On April 1st, Lilith closed her five fingers and said in a loud voice: "Kira sometimes feels too oppressive! My words..."

"Your words?" Chiba Yu couldn't help repeating.

On April 1st, Lilith smiled brightly: "My words... I won't like Kira!" She waved her hand, holding Kira's wallet in her hand: "He is too troublesome~ I seem to cope with..."

There was a sharp scream in the distance from the playground, short but ear-piercing, interrupting Lilith's words on April 1.

She looked in the direction where the sound came from, and then waved her hand nonchalantly-probably what an exciting project~

On April 1st, Lilith said seriously, "Jihao is not someone I can deal with~ But being friends is very fun, just be careful..." She lowered her voice and continued softly in Chiba Yu's ear. : "Be careful to be killed by him!"

Chiba Yu looked at Lilith on April 1st disapprovingly, trying to refute.



Chiba Yu frowned: "Didn't you just praise Kira-kun just now?"

"Yes~" Lilith nodded frankly on April 1st: "Is this conflict?"

Chapter 063-Bloody Christmas Eve (Part II, 2/4)

Regarding the playground, Yoshikage Kira has no interest.

Sitting on a chair outside the dessert shop in the park, Kira Yoshikage only hopes that this day will pass sooner.

His purpose is clear and clear-Kanta.

That's a crucial thing-that's his secret, a... secret that can subvert his life after being exposed.

He looked down at the phone, and there was nothing worth paying attention to, just passing the time.

Terrible Asakura, who was refused to see the bunny girl, drooped his face and looked depressed.

He lazily raised his eyes to look at Jiliang Jiying, and snorted: "Brother Jiliang, I want to eat ice cream..."

"It's winter now." Jiliang Jiying didn't even look up.

"You can eat ice cream in winter..." Asakura continued humming, "Ice cream in winter tastes different from summer."

-False reasoning.

Kira Yoshikage shook his head amusedly, and was about to respond, but felt the stare.

Frowning and turning his head, what the line of sight gave back to him was the shutter sound of the camera.

"Good afternoon, Kira-kun, Asakura-kun." Azusa Sasaki was holding a mobile phone in one hand and standing in the wind with his wide-brimmed hat in the other, looking at them with a smile.

Sasaki Azusa seemed to have resolved a major event, and the sorrow from the last meeting was no longer in his smile.

Her footsteps were also very brisk, put down her bag and sat down opposite the two generously.

She was still smiling: "Where is Lilith?"

Kira Yoshikage gave a low laugh, and raised his finger to the food cart not far away: "Line up."

Sasaki Azusa looked in the direction of Kira Yoshikage's fingers, smiled and shook his head: "Lines up in the playground to buy fried noodles...only Lilith can do it."

——This is true.

Jiliang Jiying nodded with a smile in her eyes, which was a response.

The surroundings are still lively.

Do not.I don't know the illusion from time to time. In fact, the "lively" now is a bit more subtle than before.

Jiliang Jiying raised her head to look around, frowned and shook her head-perhaps he was worried.

He always feels...

There are always a few people in the crowd with suppressed fear on their faces.

It's not important, as long as it doesn't affect him.

Yoshikage Kira was still boring holding the phone to pass the time, while Teru Asakura was holding the game console to vent because of the lack of the bunny sister's moisture.

Sasaki Azusa looked at Yoshikage Kira, with anxiety hidden in her eyes.

——Her friend is holding something very dangerous.