I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 416

"It's too late."

The old man did not dwell on these trivial matters, but carefully took off his suit and hung it up, and then continued ironing his trousers.

"But it's a pity."

"Huh?" Jiliang Jiying replied casually—he could see it, and his father was looking for something to say.

"I mean that kid, the murderer hasn't been found until now. Her parents once again insisted that they are competitors in business..." The old man murmured as he said, "Naughty."

Kira Yoshikage nodded absently: "The surplus value should also be used."

——It is indeed such a thing.

Kira Yoshihiro thought of this, and even more did not want to attend tomorrow's funeral.

He can't imagine what kind of face parents have to use the death of their children to gain benefits-they wantonly discredit their competitors, and blame and jealously one by one when the police have not identified the suspects-ah, maybe it is because of this Character, that's why their children... is it really possible to die at the hands of competitors?

do not know.

The old man shrugged and did not have time to blame the parents who hadn't contacted him for a long time. He just subconsciously felt that the dead child was very pitiful.


The old man replied and took out his cell phone: "I remember that the child was pretty, it's a pity."

With that said, the old gentleman found the picture of the girl and shook it before Kirajiying's eyes: "No."

Jiliang Jiying's novel was seeing a wonderful place, and he barely glanced at the phone screen distractedly: "Well, it looks good." He casually dealt with it, before even digesting the facial features of the face on the phone screen.

But soon, he reacted.

Kira Yoshikage raised her hand and took the phone from her father, staring at the screen and frowned: "Does she have any sisters?"

"Huh?" Kira Yoshihiro recalled briefly, and said uncertainly: "It seems...is there a younger sister? Or a younger brother?"

Kira Yoshikage closed her eyes and moved her slightly dry eyes, squeezing her forehead and sighed.

"What...what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Jiliang Jiying returned the phone to his father and turned around and told: "I'll go home and sleep tomorrow. If it's too late... I'll take a taxi back."


Yoshihiro Kira was a little confused for a while, he instinctively wanted to ask "why".But when you think about it, there doesn't seem to be anything to ask—his child's character is not docile, but by no means vicious.Even... if everything goes well, he will be very simple and happy-his children will never harm him.

"Ah, okay." The old gentleman responded and asked with a smile: "Is there anything I want? I'll bring you back."

Jiliang Jiying shook his head, "I'm going to prepare dinner."

——Yes, from a safety point of view, his father shouldn’t stay out after that funeral.If you can, maybe it's best not to go.


The tragically dead girl named Tachibana, Yoshikage Kira, had seen it-just yesterday, at school, Yoshikage Kira had seen the same face-Suikawa Tachibana.

But it seems a little different.

Kirajikage frowned and washed the vegetables in her hands, remembering a little-it was a little different, although she couldn't tell where it was.

Ah, forget it.

Kira Yoshikage raised her eyebrows and stretched her eyebrows-it's not his business anyway, the next is a perfect vacation that no one can destroy.

Next day

Kira Yoshikage sat on the tram heading to the east of the city, looking at the scenery outside the window.

He wasn't thinking about any complicated issues, he just wanted to relax his eyes.

The vacation is really good, no one will suddenly jump out to disrupt his schedule.He can allocate his time at will, as long as he feels comfortable-this seems to be a very common thing in the past, but recently... the idea of ​​having an uninterrupted time seems to have become extravagant.

Fortunately...except for necessary circumstances, the people around him are still winking.

The tram has arrived.

Yoshikage Kira checked the name of the tram station against the route in the mobile phone navigation, and then got off the train.

Yes, he has to meet someone before the perfect vacation.

Jiliang Jiying looked at the footsteps in front of him with earphones calmly, and in the earphones was a female voice with slightly mechanized navigation.

Following the navigation, Jiliang Jiying quickly reached the destination.

He raised his head and looked at the ordinary residential building in front of him, squinting slightly.

It seems...no one is at home.

Looking down at the house number, Kira Yoshikage frowned.

He took out the facial tissue from his pocket, wiped off all the dirt and dust covering the house number plate, and the words on the house plate were completely presented-Yoshida.

Kira Yoshikage nodded in satisfaction, and looked around after folding the tissue.

'Trash can trash can...'

"Ah! Big brother!!"

A slightly familiar voice of a young child rang.

This voice was filled with joy that couldn't be clearer, and it was exactly the same as the smile displayed by the voice's owner.

"Big brother, why are you here?"

Kanta looked up at Yoshikage Kira, grinning, "Big brother isn't unhappy today!~"

As he said, he took out a toffee from the big pocket on the chest of the overalls without hesitation and raised it up: "This is Big Brother's candy!"

"Huh? Why do you say it's mine?" Kira Jiying smiled.

Kwan thought about it seriously for a while, and said confidently: "Because the big brother was in a bad mood last time but didn't eat candy!"

Chapter 005 Sugar (1/4)

A suburban villa in Sendai City

The holiday life is always full of slack.

In the huge villa, if it is quiet enough, there will be echoes even when walking.