I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 418

It's all overdue—Kira Yoshikage thought so unromantic.

But there is no need to refuse for a candy.

He smiled and took his hand back, and nodded to the woman: "Then I will go first."

Of course, we can't favor one another, Kira Yoshikage looked down at Kanta: "Goodbye."

"See you, big brother too~"


When Kirajiying went back, he still chose the road on the left as he had come-it was a road he was familiar with, and he had walked once, and was sure that he couldn't go wrong.

He turned his head and looked at Yoshida House.

Little Kanta was still standing at the door of the house, seeing Kira Yoshikage turned her head and jumped and waved at him with joy.

Bad memory?

Is it such a coincidence?

Jiliang Jiying continued to move forward, with a slight wrinkle between his brows-if all this was a fate arrangement, then he... would be too lucky.

Is that to be believed?

Kiraji shadow is unknown.

If you follow your instincts, it may be safer to take the "right path"-at least in the short term, but... in the long run?

what a pity.

He already understands that the existence of double messengers is not unique, even... this kind of thing seems to be everywhere.

Jiliang Jiying doesn't want to meet people who wear police badges, who are full of justice and who know the world's "colorfulness".


Yoshikage Kira turned her head again, Kanta still standing at the door of the house.

He smiled and raised his hand and waved too wide-'I will stare at you'

Chapter 006: Encounter (2/4)




As soon as Kirajikage opened the door, she heard the familiar...meow.

He sighed, changed his shoes, entered the door and went straight to his room.

Looking at his desk, Kiraji Ying was speechless-the hairless cat was sitting on his desk with a bag of dried fish in his mouth.

It is only at this time that the actions of cat grass and hairless cats are surprisingly consistent-it is a pity that they can't open the bag of dried fish.

"I say..."

Jiliang Jiying looked at them amusedly, leaning on the door frame with her arms folded and raising her eyebrows: "Occasionally I also think about'what can I do', okay?"


Maocao and the hairless cat looked towards Kira Yoshikage.

The next moment, they had an epiphany.

But no.

Jiliang Jiying stepped forward to hold them down, and reluctantly raised his precious hand to open the dried fish bags for them: "Don't ruin my desk."

——To reiterate, Jiliang Jiying does not like to replace large pieces of furniture.

He was holding one of the hairless cat's legs, pressing the belly of his finger on its mat, and his paw protruded from the mat.

Time to cut your nails.

Then again.

Kira Yoshikage shook the hairless cat, "Is my home yours?"


The hairless cat opened its mouth and yawned lazily--'Isn't it?'

Although the language is not clear, Kira Yoshikage understands the meaning of a hairless cat.

Therefore, Yoshikage Kira can simply "return" the hairless cat to Asami Watanabe.

after all...

The legs are on the hairless cat itself. I am afraid Watanabe Mami cannot control where it wants to go.

Pushing the dried fish on the table to the cat grass, Jiliang Jiying grabbed the hairless cat and took out the nail clippers-this is indeed half of the home for hairless cats. Kira Jiying even bought special nail clippers for it. .

Lowering his head and concentrating on cutting his nails amid the screams of the hairless cat, Kira Yoshikage took the time to look at the time.

His father will be back in a while.

Oh, right.

I had to go to the dry cleaners to pick up the clothes-Kira Yoshikage sent the suit to be worn at the annual meeting tomorrow to be washed.The old man, who doesn't look good in his eyes and ears, but has a sense of time, promised that he would be able to wash and iron neatly at night.

The nails are finally finished.

Yes, it is "finally".

With disgust in her eyes, Kira Jiying put down the screaming hairless cat, pushed it on the ground with the back of her feet, and got up to prepare the ingredients for dinner.


One hour later, Jiliang Jiying strictly followed the agreement with the owner of the dry cleaner and went to the dry cleaner.

The old man was sitting at the counter and dozing off, until Kira Yoshikage said hello softly, he straightened up in a spirited spirit.

He tried to find the reading glasses from the cabinet, the old man stared at Kira Yoshikage's face for a while, and suddenly realized: "Come and get the suit, wait a minute..."

As he said, he took the receipt handed over by Jiliang Jiying, whispering something, getting up and walking inside.