I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be an Ordinary Writer Chapter 489

"I remember that on April 1st, Miss and Yusukawa walked very close. I don't know if there is a problem. After all, is Tachikawa really killed by Yusukawa? If so..."

Wenger gave a strange cry and rushed out of the room.

Xiaolin shook his head when he heard this.

Her lover is a thug, and wants to count on him to actively think without instructions...

Forget it, don't expect it.

Ah, this is not a derogation.

Xiao Lin pursed her lips and smiled. She liked Wenger's simplicity and straightforwardness.

Raising his hand to touch the newly bought ring, Xiao Lin turned off the TV.

I don’t know what’s going on here, Sendai city... She turned on the computer and looked at the emails she received recently, showing a thoughtful look-a "wild cat" fleeing from Italy to Sendai city.

The weather seems to be getting warmer.

Kira Yoshikage carried the items purchased from the supermarket and looked up at the small tree in the courtyard before entering the house.

Ah, it should only be temporary.

After all, this is only the beginning of January, and it really gets warmer... I'm afraid there will be some time.

He retracted his gaze, unlocked the door, and took the things to the kitchen to set them one by one.

Halfway through the refrigerator, "Snail Girl" emerged from the shadow of the kitchen.

He didn't bother Kira Yoshikage, but curled up in the corner holding his knees and looked at Kira Yoshikage intently.

It wasn't until Jiliang Jiying turned his head to look here, that he slowly got up and took out a bag of soft candy from his pocket-he was taken aback.

The "Snail Girl" who found that she had taken the wrong thing looked a little at a loss. She carried the jelly and looked around for a while before putting the jelly on the dining table, and then touched her pocket again.

——He didn't take anything wrong this time.

"Ms. Tianluo" handed a camera to Yoshieage Kira, whose blank face tilted her head slightly towards Yoshieage.

After a moment of silence, he dragged his heavy body back into the shadow and disappeared.

"It's been 3 days..."

Yoshikage Kira took out his phone and glanced at the date.

——Kira Yoshikage himself is considered idle these days, but it is not without action.

It's just that there are some things that don't need him to do it himself.

not to mention......

In contrast, it is much more convenient to do it by the "Snail Girl".

Yoshikage Kira put the camera on the cooking table, speeding up the tidying up of his hands.It was not until all the purchased ingredients were placed in the refrigerator and the arrangement was correct, then the refrigerator door was closed safely.

He took the camera to the living room sofa and sat down, poured himself a cup of hot water before turning on the camera.

——This is a small task he has given to the "Snail Girl" these days.

He hoped that the "Snail Girl" could help to watch Harue Yusukawa at a convenient time. After all...On April 1st, Lilith could only see most of the appearance and a little truth.

In fact, due to the relationship between Yusukawa Chune and the double messenger, there is not much time for the "Snail Girl" to monitor.Because of this, Jiliang Jiying only needs him to bring back the monitoring results at a frequency of once every three days.

But Kira Yoshikage doesn't expect this much anymore.

After all, the "results" received before this are just boring daily routines.

Kira Yoshikage stared at the video in the camera, dispensable.

The most recent "Snail Girl" seemed to like to sit on the dam in the sunset to watch the sunset. He also shared this image with Kira Yoshiage.

Shaking his head, Jiliang Jiying switched to the next video.

Then he frowned.


Yes... Risa Fukada.

'how to say...'

Kira Yoshikage felt helpless, as expected, and like an unexpected result.

The scene in the video is a small park. Because of the inaccessibility, the angle of view is so tricky that one can't help but sigh - but fortunately, they can still see their faces occasionally.

There are Suikawa Harue, Risa Fukada and...a girl?


This is a stranger.

Kira Yoshikage tried to remember the girl's face in order to pay attention to the existence of this person in the future.But soon, Jiliang Jiying knew that it was unnecessary-the girl died, died simply and without any prelude, like a dragon set that announced the end of the scene after a random scene.

Her head fell to the ground.

At this time, Kira Yoshikage is beginning to rejoice that the framing position is not good.Otherwise... he will lose his appetite.

The girl's death did not affect the rest of the matter, except that Sukawa Chune's face was a bit ugly, everything was quite normal.

——Even if the white mask swallowed the girl's body quickly, without leaving a drop of blood.

Jiliang Jiying turned off the camera, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

He is real.

really!I don't want to have too much relationship with Risa Fukada. If we can always maintain a "neighborhood relationship that is neither salty nor indifferent", then it is perfect in the true sense.

It's a pity that things backfired.

There are still two videos I haven't seen.

Kira Yoshikage closed his eyes and rested for a while, then picked up the camera again.

'If you look back...'

He was distracted with the camera—he had to praise the "Snail Girl".

That night