I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be an Ordinary Writer Chapter 561

Kira Yoshikage opened her eyes and glanced through the gap in the curtain.

After confirming that the day was light, he sat up and looked at the wall clock on the wall.

Unbiased-7 o'clock in the morning.

Uncovering the quilt and getting out of bed, Kira Yoshikage was very satisfied with the quality of sleep last night.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have a dream, but the impression was very light.As her mind became clearer, her dreams began to shatter and fade as expected--until she finished brushing her teeth, Kira Yoshikage only remembered that she seemed to dream of Risa Fukada?

seems like it.

The woman talked surprisingly, chattering at Kira Yoshikage.

But what exactly was said, Jiliang Jiying can't remember clearly-forget it.

Jiliang Jiying didn't ask herself to that extent, it was just a dream, and forgetting was not a sin.

Like every morning in the past, he went to the garden to water the flowers, prepared the cat food and put the cat grass on the window sill to let it bathe in the first ray of morning sun.

Afterwards, Jiliang Jiying went to the kitchen.

Xu Shi's pace is too consistent with every day in the past, and "change" itself is too knowledgeable about words and colors, and Jiliang Jiying did not notice.

——The next second he turned his head and left, the clock in the room started to move backwards.

It's not just going backwards.

A specific number appeared in the center of the clock-20.

It knows how to observe words and colors.

When Jiliang Jiying returned to the room to take the phone and the water glass, it returned to normal again.

The cat grass on the window sill looked up at the clock, yawned lazily, and then - an air bomb spit out from its mouth, pushing away the dust in the air and hitting the wall clock on the wall.


The wall clock couldn't stand the attack. After being hit hard, it fell from the wall and broke to the desk.

After not waiting long, Kira Yoshikage came back again after hearing the movement.

He stared at the cat grass for a while, then turned to look at the wall clock on the table.

——The situation is clear.

Kira Yoshikage sighed and started to clean up the debris on the desk.

The breakfast has been cooked, and now Kira Jiying has a little free time.

It was for watching the morning news, but today...

He walked to the window sill and raised his hand to touch the head of the cat, letting it lick the palm of his hand-the cat never spoiled things in the house, and the only thing for it to entertain was the weight of the cat. The hairless cat is seriously exceeding the standard.


"what happened?"

Kira Yoshikage lowered his head and asked.

——He doesn't expect Mao Cao to tell him anything in a language he understands, just ask casually.

Risa Fukada is really a disaster star.

Because of dreaming of her, Jiliang Jiying even had to buy a new wall clock.


Is it called..."Daydream"?

Then make it unable to "dream" as soon as possible.

Jiliang Jiying patted the cat's head and turned to the kitchen.

Sasaki Azusa has changed back to that ordinary coffee shop clerk-this is the life she likes.

I'm afraid this kind of life won't last long.

She cleaned up the glass residue she had accidentally broken, and sat down on the high stool with the medical kit.

no need to worry.

It just accidentally knocked on the corner of the bar-this kind of injury can simply say "not worth mentioning" openly.

She disinfected her wounds by hand, and quickly cleaned up the wounds, and then flipped through her mobile phone during the time when there were no guests.

For Sasaki Azusa, mobile phones are of course only communication tools.

She has a lot of unread emails that need to be cleaned up, some from her "home" and some from here.

After chatting with the boss, Sasaki Azusa quickly responded to the things she had sent from "home" that required her to make a decision personally, and then opened the e-mail sent by Kobayashi.

Xiaolin listened recently to discover something worth noting.

No, I have to change it to a more accurate statement-it was the "eyes" of the Sasaki family who stayed in Sendai City who discovered some noteworthy things and then relayed them to Kobayashi.

These messages will eventually be screened by Kobayashi, filtered out of useless information, and then forwarded to Azusa Sasaki.

Sasaki Azusa is already learning to deal with "home" matters-if not unexpected...she will go home more frequently in the future until...

Ah, I don't want to be so distant.

She closed her eyes and moved her slightly dry eyeballs, and concentrated again.

There seems to be something extra in Sendai City?

This statement is a bit strange.

However, the examples in the email are all well-documented, and there is even a place where there is a photo testimony from a month ago-this is a change that is so detailed that it will hardly be noticed. If it were not for those "eyes", they would always hide each one in the dark. Surveillance, every patrol officer was so suspicious that he would find a paint stain on the trash can downstairs...

Sasaki Azusa frowned when looking at the photo attached to the email.

- Ordinary people will never notice this change.

Unless it is the kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder that always pays attention to every inch of change around.

'I don't know what expression to put on'

Sasaki Azusa thought, and sighed.