I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be a Normal Writer Chapter 582

"It's just accepting reality." Lilith shrugged on April 1st, she didn't seem to be so serious: "Using the worst assumptions to infer this matter, maybe my eyes will always be like this. Should I? Are you crying because you can't accept the reality? Please, Kira!"

On April 1, Lilith raised her hand and hooked Kira Yoshikage’s shoulders, and smiled: "I always believed in Lilith on April 1 that my personal beauty does not come from my good facial features. Of course, it is also due to my personality. Wow...what's your face, you are slandering me, am I very narcissistic?"

Kira Yoshikage nodded sincerely, raised her hand and patted Lilith's hand on April 1.

"Hey! Cold!" On April 1st, Lilith curled her lips and grimaced at Jiliang Jiying: "Anyway, be more optimistic, if you can't go back...just treat it as free plastic surgery~ If you can go back, Of course I also love the face I was born with~"

Her smile is still brilliant, thanks to the slightly drooping corners of her eyes after the "change", revealing innocent eyes for no reason, even though her face is full of arrogance at the moment, she doesn't look sharp.

"But then again..."

On April 1st, Lilith's eyes rolled, and when she approached Kira, Jiying's eyes were full of teasing: "Kira ran over at night, really worrying about the poor and conspired me and the helpless Ahui~"


Sure enough.

——If it was Lilith on April 1, she would definitely ask these words out.

Jiliang Jiying chuckled and raised her eyebrows to look at her.

He still has a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes are slightly narrowed: "I always respect myself. If I have doubts, I will try to solve them."


"So, I'm just curious about what I will do to Nana Kawakami on April 1. By the way."

"Hmm!" Lilith nodded on April 1, looking forward to his next words.

"By the way, I just want to know the specific ability of that string puppet, make full use of waste, and see if it can play other roles." Kira Yoshikage finished speaking, facing the changed face of April 1 Ri Lilith laughed.


I didn’t have time to finish the code in the early morning, and I had time to continue after get off work in the evening (this chapter should have been posted in the morning orz

I’ll take a nap, and then I’ll wake up later, try to send another chapter before going out at 8:30 in the morning_(:з∠)_

Chapter 020


On April 1st, Lilith stared wide-eyed and looked at Jiliang Jiying in disbelief.

To Kira Yoshikage’s smiling eyes, she raised her hand to hold her chest and sighed: “It’s so stupid to expect that Kira Yoshikage, who is bloodless and tearless, will care about our April 1st Lilith.”

"...I agree with the second half of the sentence." Jiliang Jiying answered after a long silence.

——To declare, Jiliang Jiying came with a purpose, and chatting was not in his plan.What's more, Lilith looked better than anyone else on April 1, and did not have the troublesome, noisy collapse that she had imagined.


Back to the topic.

"Where is Nana Kawakami?" Yoshikage Kira looked at Teru Asakura.


Asakura Teru blinked and said innocently, "Shall I see her now? My words..."

He looked a little angry-in fact very angry.

Fortunately, as the marionette said, they also followed Nana Kawakami's will. They only moved a little bit of hands and feet on Lilith's face on April 1.If the reality is a bit more serious than it seems at the moment... Asakura Teru feels that he may be going back to his old business-the free one.

He pointed to the upstairs, and then shrugged: "I think it's a problem to leave it for a while. For the "evil-eyed" house..." Asakura squinted and smiled: "It's very exciting."

——The so-called "evil eye" home, of course, refers to the world in the mirror.

When Kawakami Nana woke up, she found that she was not anywhere in the house.

She just woke up still a bit unclear, so she just looked at the branches and leaves of Yingyingzhuo in the dark night around her with a confused expression.It wasn't until a cold wind blew in the early spring that she shivered and woke up completely.


Kawakami Nana got up from the ground and walked a few steps forward.

——She remembers clearly that she fell asleep at home.

Do not.

To be precise, she would fall asleep because she needed that beautiful girl's face.

and so...

'Now in a dream?'

Nana Kawakami couldn’t distinguish between reality and illusion—if it was true, he looked over the green plants of the small park to the street on the other side of the road. There were flashing neon lights and shops with music, but no one— This is obviously not real.

If this is false, then this is her dream?

So in order to be smart, she needs to do a lot of test papers, what if it is to be beautiful?

Nana Kawakami had a vague expectation in her heart, walking out of the park to look at everything around her.

She did not see, the puppet that followed her behind her, which revealed weird no matter how she looked at it, was deliberately avoiding her sight and following her step by step-it did not explain to her the situation at the moment Meaning, even put on a laissez-faire posture.

be honest.

——Kawakami Nana is an inexperienced stand-in messenger.

Oh, be more precise.

Personally, she doesn't even have the concept of "stand-in messenger" and "stand-in" in her mind.

She only knows that as long as she waits patiently and step by step, she awakens from her dream and can usher in a near-perfect life—a good family background, a bright mind, a beautiful face, well...maybe she needs another one. Perfect body-just like her parents repeatedly emphasized when they were young!

'Nana deserves the best thing!'

——This is the most common words Nana Kawakami heard when she was a child.

Now it seems that Mom and Dad did not lie to her at all.

She went all the way, waiting for the "story" to show the "change" to happen.

She walked through a street that was supposed to be endlessly flowing, but at the moment, and came to a place that was a little familiar. After a closer look, Nana Kawakami discovered that this is...Sendai City at all!


Where will "transition" begin?