I just want to be a regular writer

I Just Want to Be an Ordinary Writer Chapter 697

——Shan Chengxian still has expectations, hoping that one day after waking up to find that everything is back to normal, the instructor kicks the door of his house and urges him to finish the tasks that have fallen during this time.

But it is the norm that things go against one's wishes.

He hung up the phone, praying that the car parked in the underground garage of the mall would not be smashed by any neurosis, while walking towards the tram stop.

He stood at the entrance of A5, waiting patiently.

He didn't wait for the train he wanted until he missed three trams to Duowang Town.

Looking in from the platform, the tram car during working hours on weekdays is very empty, and Shan Chengxian can see Kira Yoshikage sitting by the window at a glance.

He didn't step forward to say hello, and quickly looked away, got into the car and found a place to sit down.

The destination is the same, the tram drove unhurriedly, and the scenery backwards was the same.

Shan Chengxian put on the earphones and turned to look out of the car window--don't know what Kira Yoshikage was watching so intently.

After 30 minutes.

The tram arrived, and Sung Seung-hyun got off with his hands in his pockets, and stepped on the escalator out of the station unhurriedly. In his ears was the energetic singing of a certain girl idol—though it was a singing voice without skill. , But the focus is on the vigor and 100% girlishness in the singing, isn’t it?

With the experience of being blocked by Kira Yoshikage yesterday, Shan Chengxian no longer stared at him.

He just followed from a distance, with worries that were not suitable for his age but very suitable for his profession.

——He is responsible.

That's what Shan Chengxian thinks. He is responsible for the "switch" being pressed.

If he could jump off the inpatient building without hesitation that day, then...

Shan Chengxian thought about it, everything should be distinguished.

The result of pressing the "switch" or not should not be the same.

——Maybe without pressing the "switch", "Daydream" will not reappear, and Kira Yoshikage will not look like that...

The focus has never been on Sendai City.

Whether it is pressed or not, the focus is never on Sendai City-no one can do such boring "buttons", right?After all, if you don't press it, Sendai City will not restore it.They were all distracted by the current city of Sendai, and misled by the one-sided "feel" of the marionette.

and so...

It has always been Yoshikage Kira, and everything Risa Fukada does has always been for Yoshikage Kira.

Shan Chengxian stopped and saw Jiliang Jiying looking back at the passerby passing by from a distance, and stopped for a moment and then raised his heel to the passerby.

——This is not what Kira Yoshikage, who Shu Seken knows, does.

Shan Chengxian only hesitated for a moment, then lifted his foot to follow up at a faster speed than before.

Murderers will evolve.

With the first victim, there will be a second victim.

No matter what the "souvenirs" they leave behind, they will gradually cease to satisfy the status quo.

That is the inevitable result, once the beginning is started, there is only a continuously shortening interval between crimes.

Then the answer is pretty clear.

——Even if there is only one victim, it cannot be done!

Shan Chengxian trot to keep up with Jiliang Jiying, feeling that he really needs some exercise.

Fortunately, Kira Yoshikage quickly stopped, and with the woman he followed...

The woman said something from a distance, probably questioning, with dissatisfaction and caution on her face.Jiliang Jiying also said something softly, Shan Chengxian didn't hear it very well, but ran faster.

No reason.

Because... he saw the killer queen.

The pink human figure is still the appearance of no joy and no sadness, indifferently raising his hand to brush the flying hair of the woman's forehead, maybe in the eyes of the woman, it was just a breeze just now?


That's too late.

"Determination" Zaoshan Chengxian took a step, and after half a step, he appeared and rushed towards the woman.

It didn’t do anything great. After all, it didn’t seem to be an opponent by hitting. Sung Seung-hyun was self-aware. “Resolve” only tore off the deadly strands of the female’s forehead at the moment the killer queen pressed the button Just hair.

'You fucking, I have to die again'

Shan Chengxian held back in despair and finally turned his head, lowering his head to look down at his Kira Yoshikage.

"Remember today..."

Remember today, don't do stupid things.

Before Shan Chengxian's words could be finished, he was swept by a huge pain and lost consciousness.

——'This time, I finally did not flinch.'

Same day/AM04: 00

When Kira Yoshikage opened it, he was confused for a moment.

He closed his eyes, then dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to sleep, turned on the bedside lamp and sat up.

——This is probably what Risa Fukada wanted.

He turned to look at the water glass on the bedside table and reached for it.

In a few hours, Azusa Sasaki will send a text message telling him that Risa Fukada has found it, but she doesn't know where she lives and where she went later.

In about 10 hours or so, he will want to kill someone—easy to say, as if he was preparing to drink a glass of water.

Speaking of it, if there weren't all the messy things in the past six months, maybe Jiliang Jiying had put these things on the agenda, after all, it was not something he would do to endure desire and deny himself.

The phone shook.

Jiliang Jiying turned her head and frowned slightly.

——This is Shan Chengxian’s newsletter.

There are more than a dozen attachments in the newsletter. Just open one, and it contains the resumes of famous serial killers in history.From when they started committing crimes, to the later escalation of crime methods, to the final speeding up of the frequency.