I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm So Sorry Chapter 4

For example, at the beginning, I became a slave, abused, tortured, broken arms and legs. The key is that until the end, he will not be awakened like the protagonist in the novel, and since then he will be on the road of blackening and be killed God meets Buddha and kills Buddha-----Believe in those stories is the brain hole.

He is the clearest person in moral cultivation, not the kind of person who knows nothing about it.

Although it was in a military camp under war, it seemed that the war had ended, and the person in charge of the camp had a very good attitude towards him, and Xiu De's hanging heart finally fell.

At present, as long as you arrive in a civilized city, learn the language and write, and then become a favorite copyist-this is the most comfortable and simple way to mix rice that Xiude has come up with.

However, subjective assumptions are too whimsical. In the final analysis, Xiuding really doesn't know what the specific situation of this world is like. It just comforts myself like this in my heart.

Because if you don't, this underage young man will be overwhelmed by the tide of loneliness and helplessness.

A person is penniless, living in a completely unfamiliar city, with no friends, no job, no education, and nothing. That feeling is bad enough, let alone being alone in another world.

It’s not that Xiude has never tried to sillyly shout the system or something, but reality tells him that there may be other reasons for crossing, but it’s by no means that an invincible system plug-in was given to him by a very idle god. of.

He is not the protagonist, he is just an ordinary traverser, no specialties, no talent, no relationship, no system... Except for life, there is nothing, so he has to struggle to survive.

Xiude realized this in his heart.

Chapter 4 Hardcore Foreign Language

Knowing his current situation, Xiude unconsciously put the shy smile unique to the boy on his face.

Xiude found that he seemed to understand some truths. In the situation of complete helplessness, he could no longer be willful, because no one would be used to him except his parents and relatives. A proper disguise is necessary. , No one will be angry with a polite and shy teenager, right?

Xiude walked around in the camp. Several times he wanted to help with something, but he was waved away by others. There was a guard by his side, and he would stop in time when Xiude was about to enter some prohibited places.

But there is no dialogue and communication, and it is really uncomfortable to rely on body language.

This made Xiude again aware of the trouble of language barriers. He had never felt so eager to learn a foreign language.

When he turned to the rear of the camp, Xiude saw a group of cages covered by canopy tents. Without waiting for him to move on, the guards of the cages stood up and stopped Xiude.

Xiude realized that this might be something that was not easy for him to see. He was about to bow and apologize, but the guards who came with him stood up and talked with the guards for a while, and then used physical gestures to indicate that Xiude could go and see, but not touch it. .

Xiude nodded repeatedly, and walked into this tent curiously.

As Xiude expected, the prisoners here are all criminals, or prisoners of war, anyway, the people who are hostile to this force.

In the cold corner, more than a dozen people were imprisoned, including men and women. Their decadent and sloppy appearance did not conceal their delicate and handsome features. Almost all of them could be described as natural beauty.

This made Xiude wonder whether they were prisoners of war or slaves.

This shouldn't be a slave hunting team, isn't it a little dangerous for me to be a handsome young man?

But soon Xiude realized that he was worrying too much. The prisoners here were handsome men and women. I don't know where the skins are better than the handsome Xiude. Why should Xiude be favored?Unprovoked speculation is really ridiculous.

Seeing Xiude coming in, the people in the cage immediately cast angry gazes, with bitter eyes that they wanted to crawl out of the cage and swallow Xiude.

Isn't it, such a big hatred?

Xiude carefully confirmed the mental appearance of the prisoners. Although the place was a bit colder and damp, their clothes were intact, their complexion was ruddy, they didn't want to starve, and there were no strange white marks on the corners of their mouths, and there was no heather smell in the air. , There is no sign of abuse.

Someone yelled to Xiude, who naturally couldn't understand the words that were obviously swear words.

Xiude scanned a circle, and finally focused his attention on a prisoner in the corner. Unlike the others, this man did not look up at Xiude, but instead immersed himself in reading, even in a small cage. Here, there is still no less refined temperament.

At first glance, he was an educated person, and his thoughts of cultivating morality became active, and he asked the guard next to him if he could approach and speak. The latter was noncommittal, but repeated it again without touching others.

So Xiu De slowly approached the past, and the buried Sven did not pay any attention to Xiu De, and continued to read the book seriously, frowning from time to time, as if trying to think about something.

Xiude glanced curiously at the book the other party was reading, and found that this was actually a handwritten note, separated by paragraphs, and the writing was scattered and clear. Xiude was about to ask, but the content above made him stunned.

"In the beginning, God's blood gave me not only a strong physique, but also progressive wisdom. The tribe's warriors gradually walked out of the cave and marched towards the holy city created by the gods, bathed under the blue moon. Covered in ice and snow, the city standing on the top of the mountain, even if it is not close, you can hear the distant chanting..."

"Build towns in the name of gods; conquer foreign races in the name of gods; bathe and enlighten in the name of gods; Chapter 7 of the Blue Book, the disputes between the apostles lasted five times during the blue moon, and finally the ambassador Otnay boarded the holy city and asked the sacred judge of the blue lord to resolve this dispute..."

"The apostle Harendell called the art of awakening the power of the gods in the bloodline as the magic vein... Most of the apostles resisted this practice, but some other apostles believed that they should not be unauthorized. Imagine the meaning...Finally, the construction of the veins was carried out in the homeland and colonies, which greatly strengthened the empire's control of all places..."

Speaking faster and faster, Xiude was surprised to find that he seemed to be very familiar with these words, as if... as if he had learned it in a dream.

Some people were even more surprised than him. When Xiude began to talk, Berthier, who was struggling to interpret ancient books, looked up at the troublemaker with dissatisfaction, but when Xiude was getting better, he began to read the text fluently and even returned him After the interpretation of the text was translated by the way, Berthier's dissatisfaction turned into shock.

It wasn't until Xiude read all the contents of this page that Bertier patted his head heavily, and then looked at Xiude with suspicion of life:

"Do you... know the ancient Shibaizel language?"

The voice is hoarse, but the incomparable intellectual softness is like a spring breeze.

It is a pity that the words spoken in lingua franca made Xiude show a dazed expression, which made Berthier feel the same mood as Yosio.

There are still people who can't speak lingua franca these days, even the restoring army, who hates foreign races the most, will not refuse to learn lingua franca.

Berthier tried again to say in ancient Xibaizer:

"Do you understand me?"

The bewildered Xiude's eyes lit up when he saw Bertier's blue-gray eyes, as if he had caught the savior:

"Understand and understand!"

Xiude also answered in that unknown language.

The fluent and elegant ancient Xiubaizer language came out of Xiude’s mouth. Berthier, a scholar who specializes in ancient civilizations, felt a little uncomfortable. It felt like an archaeologist of ancient Chinese listening to the blond crooked nuts. He is fluent in ancient classical Chinese, even better than his own level.

"These... do you understand?"

Berthier turned his notes to one page, and they were all ancient texts that had not been deciphered. Even he himself could not complete the translation without resorting to cultural relics and access to information.

But Xiu De only glanced at him and said:

"There is no justice that lasts forever, except for faith-----Youlan Orthodox Church was born at the beginning of civilization, guiding the people of the gods to follow the teachings of the Lord of Youlan. We love others, be loved, love God, and be loved by God. So happy, so happy, like dreams and illusions... There is no doubt that I and the people of the gods are deeply blessed, and we and the people of the gods enjoy love and compassion, and we and the people of the gods have a mission for my god, my ancestor, my lord and father. , Youlan Orthodox Church sprinkled the glory of God all over the end of the starry sky as a fate. Such great achievements are meaningless to the Lord, but they can comfort my flattered heart."

Cultivating morality is not hurried or slow, with a great tone.

"Who taught your ancient Shibaizal?"

Today’s archaeologists in the world, especially with regard to the archaeology of the ancient Shibaizer Empire, Berthier thinks that no one can surpass himself. It can be seen that he sees the madness of the translation speed of Xiuder, and Berthier’s self-esteem has been severely affected. Blow.

"I thought I would not, but as soon as I read these words, it will."

Xiu De replied ignorantly.

Closing the notes in his hand, Bertier suddenly didn't know what to say.

Xiude opened the topic, and finally met someone who could communicate with him. How could he miss this opportunity:

"Can you teach me the language? It's what most people know, or what people here can understand."