I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm such an old god, so sorry

380 Chapters ongoing 3,298 Views
Mirror Jazz
Word Count
571,000 Words
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Mirror Jazz ongoing


"I've done three things in my life." The old Xiude sat on the Great Temple in the Eye of Star Sea, telling legends to the believers below.

"The first thing is to bring the idea of ​​the people of the stars back on track and rebuild the ancient Xibaizer Empire."

His arms waved vigorously: "Only the extreme right-wing revisionism that corrects the mistakes of the blue blood can be discussed. After taking a

sip of a deep red drink, Xiude continued: “The second thing is to repair the bad influence of the ancient war of gods. The great existence leads by example and drives the later brothers of the spirit of faith.

Let’s go forward together to build a new army; the third thing is to implement the idea, let people return to humans, and return to God; if

there is anything else, it is to work hard to keep private emotional disputes from affecting the course of history. It’s very important. Of course, the most important thing is those three things. It’s just doing some small work

and I am ashamed.” Then, in the prayers of many believers, His Highness Eternal Gods Chosen bowed his head and sighed: “Also, I am This kind of crumbs, such crumbs God is really sorry."
 I'm such an old god, so sorry


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