I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 59

Although Mistoria didn't even know that she had a descendant named Weskell, she was still a family member and naturally had to take care of it.

"Your will is my only program of action."

Mistoria got up and saluted, and heard Xiude continue:

"I will manifest you to Ainfal. Your task is to protect and obey all one's orders... unconditionally obey."

Xiu De naturally wants a bodyguard and a useful subordinate. The ability and loyalty of the Ring of God is simply the best choice, and there is no need to worry about revealing his true identity. Xiu De does not have to explain anything to the Ring of God. , Said to let them be obedient and obedient, the ring of gods who admired the Lord of Youlan incomparably would never associate the violent death house of the Buddhist system like Xiudi with the supreme, omniscient and all-seeing Lord of Youlan.

And the matter of Xiu De's use of Youlan's power is also endorsed by the Lord of Youlan, so there is no need to worry about being exposed in front of the Ring of God.

It's perfect!

"Your orders will be carried out... Swear by all my soul, glory and blood."

Although Mistoria didn’t understand the intention of Xiudi, how could he think of the wisdom of the Lord of the Blue to be a fool like herself?

Insightful, the Lord's arrangement must have His plan.

No need to think about it, just follow it.

Xiude nodded and waved his hand to pack Mistoria away, and disappeared.

There is no special effect of light and shadow when teleporting, as if time was cut off at the time, and as the frame stopped, the atmosphere of existence that enveloped the entire Irushil disappeared without a trace.

Compared with the mighty battle, the power of the Lord of the Lanterns to distort the laws of time and space between their gestures made everyone sigh with emotion.

"This is the mighty power of our lord...No, it's just the tip of the iceberg where the stars dominate the power."

Hallandale got up and looked around. The holy and far-reaching chants gradually sounded again. Just now, these voices were silent... The Lord of Blue's sense of existence was too strong. At this moment of Xiu De's presence, all other things The sense of existence is weakened and close to nothing.

Any sentient being can only focus on the Lord of the Blue, and cannot perceive any other existence except this supreme and great existence.

"How overbearing, this must be written down."

Harendell admired and recorded all the characteristics of the Lord of Blue that he knew. Even if he knew that Lord of Blue could read what he did, Harendell still enjoyed it. Since God the Father knew but didn’t Stop, that is the default.

Harendell's record of the characteristics of the Lord of Blue was not naturally rebellious. He wanted to find out the weakness of the great existence and stabbed him. He just wanted to know more about the Father God.

The peculiarity of the Ring of God lies in this. They love the Lord of Youlan more than anyone else, but they don’t have so many taboos. As long as they can get closer to the Lord of Youlan, as long as they can understand the Lord of Youlan. More, there is nothing in the Ring of God that I dare not do.

"But... Clolan, do you think my lord has changed a lot?"

"It's normal for me to wait for thousands of years to change, but for the great existence of God the Father, thousands of years are just a flash...No, time is meaningless to God the Father. "

"I don't know, Hallandale, I never cared about these, but my lord has changed a lot."

It's too big to be ignored.

The man who was speaking was a man with closed eyes, frowning on his stern face, and long light blue hair under his robe.

Although Clolan does not focus on this aspect, he has to agree with Hallendale.

The Lord of Youlan has changed a lot. If it were the former God Father, he would never specifically come to talk to the Ring of Gods, and he has matured a lot in his words and deeds.

And the former Lord of Youlan... how do you put it, bear?wave?Sao?Hallendale and Clolan were not disrespectful to the Lord of Blue, nor did they want to use mortal thinking to speculate about their preference, but the Lord of Blue at that time could not be said to be worrying.

"For a great being like our lord, it doesn’t matter how the temperament is? He is the embodiment of rules, and no matter what, the ancestor of our blood and the god of soul... Besides, isn’t this change really interesting? This is a good thing."

Hallandale winked at Cloran playfully and said:

"I look forward to tomorrow."

Chapter 32 The Grand Duke Guards the Country

In the City of Thousand Reds, Shude dropped Mistoria into his room, and then ended the communication with the Lord of Blue.

Getting up from the bed, Xiude saw Mistoria standing upright in the room at a glance.

The dark and long odd-shaped sword is held behind her back, and her beautifully proportioned figure is extraordinarily handsome in her exquisite and gorgeous safari outfit.

Well, especially the area between that pair of pleated skirts and black knee socks is very handsome.

Xiudi looked away without a trace, and found that Mistoria’s face was even more beautiful than he had imagined. The higher the transcendent, the more profound the sublimation of his own life. In addition, the genetic optimization of blue blood. Mistoria has a sweet beauty that far exceeds the level of the people of the stars.

In the state of the lord of the blue, Xiude will naturally not have any reaction to the appearance of women, and the state of the sage that removes the influence of hormones is very different from the feeling of seeing people in the ordinary state. Anyway, Xiude sees Mies. Doria's red eyes felt like she was charmed.

But just for a moment, Xiude broke free from the charm effect.

"Mistoria, at your disposal."

Mistoria took off her three-cornered hat expressionlessly, revealing a slightly curly silver-gray hair, and bowed slightly to Xiude.

The attitude cannot be said to be good or bad. It is the same as doing business. Xiude did not see any respect from it. It is estimated that Mistoria has already seen that Xiude is not a citizen of the stars.

Of course, Xiude didn't ask Mistoria to be more polite to himself. What he needed was someone who could do good things, not a flattering servant.


Xiude nodded and looked at Mistoria and said, "Did you just use charm on me?"

This is true of Mistoria, and the same is true of Aya. Xiude found that he always had a feeling of being charmed when looking at the beautiful girls among the Star Citizens. He did not admit that his immunity to beauty was so poor.

"People of the Starry Sky will awaken a series of characteristics when they reach the legendary rank, among them there is a charm judgment, but this charm is very weak and will only have an effect on people below the median professional."

Mistoria hesitated for a moment, and said in a flat voice without ups and downs, but when he looked up, Xiude clearly read from those magnificent eyes, "This force is actually an inferior person? The old lady actually wants to obey him. Order?" "If the inferior is not talking, the strength is pitifully weak." Waiting for a series of messages.

I'm really sorry that I'm an inferior person. I'm really embarrassed to be so low-ranked.I'm so sorry for your god to be so scornful.

If someone else looked at himself with this kind of eyes, Xiude had already turned into a grumpy old man and slapped him on the face, but since Mistoria thought so, it contrasted with Xiude's intentions.

The more you despise Xiude, the more impossible it is for Mistoria to connect with the Lord of Blue. Xiude prefers the ring of God with simple thinking like Mistoria, except for Weskell’s In addition to the relationship, another major reason why Xiude chose Mistoria is that she counted her mental activities as the simplest in the ring of the gods.

To be replaced by Harendell, Otney and others, no matter how much Xiuder shows inconsistency with the Lord of Blue, it is estimated that they can eliminate all incorrect options and conclude that Xiud is the Lord of Blue. The mortal incarnation comes with such a bold conclusion.

At that time, Xiude had to revise their memories personally, which was very troublesome.

Will not expose one's true identity, this is the absolute bottom line of Xiu De, no matter how good the relationship between each other, how can not betray, the bottom line that Xiu De can accept is the god mistaken for the Lord of the Blue selected.

"I have something to leave to you. There are a group of alien beasts lurking in the black forest that has been eroded by the aura of great existence. You can investigate the situation and report back to me in the afternoon...three days later ."

Xiude glanced at his schedule, and gave a simple and clear command. With the order of the Lord of Blue, Mistoria’s personal preferences are not important. Xiude can give the order directly without even explaining why. Asking is the will of the Lord of Youlan.

"For my lord."

Mistoria saluted, not commenting on the orders of Xiude, but Xiude knew that she would do her best, even if the order issued by Xiude was difficult, absurd and unreasonable, she would do her best to complete it.

Hmm... I have some bold ideas.