I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 174

"...There is [Night Crow]'s territory."

Oleros frowned. After all, he belonged to the aristocratic circle of the mixed king capital. Even if he didn't catch a cold with other aristocrats, he should know much better than Xiu De.

"It looks like Alric in [Night Crow], his mansion is nearby."

The red-haired young man looked into the distance and said, "I remember there seems to be no arsenal or magic lab. Why is there such a violent explosion."

The thunderous explosion that came from afar did not stop, but became more violent, and the burst of fire almost turned the clouds red.

"Forget it, Sir Xiude, let's continue..."

But Oliros said, he was not curious about the reason. The explosion looked scary. In fact, it all happened in Prince Alric’s residence. Even the block of King Sudor’s capital was not affected. From this point on It seems that the extravagance of Su Duo princes actually played a role in protecting civilians.

Not to mention that Oli Ross was originally the [Red Maple] prince who didn't deal with [Night Crow], he was the nobleman of this faction. He didn't bother to work with him. He wanted to talk more with Xiude rather than caring about the explosion. Increase your knowledge about blue blood.

However, Xiude squinted his eyes slightly as he watched the flames in the distance.

"Sorry, I have to leave a step early."

Is there someone you know over there?

Oleros saw Xiude's expression and secretly guessed.

Without further questioning, he gave way to the side and said, "I look forward to the next exchange with you."


Xiude nodded, quickly walked around the complex labyrinth-like garden and walked towards the gate of the manor.

During the chat, he almost forgot the real purpose of the trip. Xiudi did not come here for the so-called Youlan Worship Rally, but for Bodini, a winemaker.

It was precisely when he had positioned Bodini's location near here, he came here with the idea of ​​passing along.

A light blue light screen appeared in front of Xiude, and there were two golden light spots that represented the target. One was Cangxia and the other was Bodini. The latter's light spots appeared around him. The palace of the prince where the explosion just happened.

Is this explosion related to him?

Xiude’s conjecture is somewhat related, but it’s not easy to make a rash judgment right now. The mark he left on Bodini has a certain protective effect. He is not worried that the other party will be killed, so Xiude is not in a hurry.

He sent the message to Mistoria, and asked the latter to arrive as soon as possible, and then returned to the entrance of the manor, boarded his own magic guide and drove towards the neighboring Prince Manor.

At the same moment, Prince Alric’s mansion was a chaotic scene.

The sudden explosion ignited the large buildings of the mansion. Prince Alric’s own mansion was almost lifted off, and the surrounding castle pavilions were all mutilated. The fierce fire licked the scarred mansion.

But looking closely at the center of the Prince’s mansion, there was a glow of emerald green light in the flames. Under the shield of the emerald green [Xuan] seal, he was a sword-sage with a solemn look, and Al with a gloomy look. Lord Lick.

Chapter 46: If you don't review it again, you will drop the subject

The swordsman who protects Prince Alric wears a black background and golden lyrebird robe, narrow sleeves and waist, luxurious and capable.This is regarded as the uniform of the sword saint of the Suduo Kingdom, but usually no one wears it.

"Lands, do you see who it is?"

Prince Alric leaned on a cane, his eyes drooping slightly.

"Suduo, not assassins from other factions"

Sword Saint Su Duo, known as Lanz, said solemnly. He thought for a while and described:

"The eyes are not a deadly assassin, but a personal grudge."

Lanz thought of the attacker's eyes, affirmed.


Allik snorted coldly, and said as he walked: "There are too many people who want me to die, but it really makes my family so embarrassed. This is the first one."

Allik knows well that he has done his secretly injurious things, and he does not know where he is harbouring enemies. He will be assassinated almost once a week, but most of these assassinations are silent, like this one today. , Blasted Allik's mansion directly first, and then came straight to the bedroom.

However, there was no use for eggs, and Lanz, who was close to the guard, easily blocked the attacker's attack, and then severely wounded him with a sword.

Originally, Lanz wanted to step forward and completely end the other party, but he still needed to protect Alric, and the elderly prince could not get out of the gradual collapse of the mansion safely.

"He can't go far."

Lanz said to Allik: "My sword is very poisonous."

There is nothing despicable or despicable, as far as Juggernaut is concerned, as long as it is a skill in the sword seal category, it can be used.Every mature swordsman has his own style of sword seal, and the poisonous air blade is Lanz's unique skill.

"It's nothing more than a madman, I don't care how he died...but the body still needs to be recovered."

Allik trusts Lanz's sword very much. Unless he is also a legend, he has never seen anyone who can survive Lanz's sword and survive a day.

That assassin could not be a legend.

No matter how rich Su Duo's background is, it is impossible to catch a legendary powerhouse casually. Professionals of the legendary rank are already the pinnacle of the mortal world on Ainfar.

"But he can install explosives under my nose... It seems that there are a lot of accomplices in the mansion, and these untouchables really don't know good or bad."

Allik squinted his eyes and looked at the guards and servants of the mansion who came to rescue in a hurry, and whispered coldly:

"It just so happens that this house is also some years old, it's demolished and rebuilt...The lowly servants in the house, also get a new batch."

Lanz smelled the blood in the lord's words, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.



The arrogant assassin in Allik's mouth was running desperately at this time.

His short azure hair and pale face were very weak, but he was the Bodini whom Xiude had seen in the full-bodied blood.

The descendant of the brewer held the remnant sword in his hand-it was chopped off by Lanz's gas blade, and there was a hideous scar on his shoulder. The young swordsman still imagined the power of the sword master to a small extent I thought it was possible to kill Alric with a blow from the Juggernaut with his mid-level strength and magic equipment purchased at a high price, but the facts told him that the young man was still a little younger.

From the moment he was hit by the air blade, Berdini knew that the assassination had failed, so he acted decisively and detonated the remaining explosives, then knocked down the potion that activates the life potential, ran out of the mansion frantically, and used the broken sword halfway. Grid killed several guards who discovered his whereabouts.

Thanks to the wonderful sound and light effects of the explosion, a human figure concealed by the cloak of shadow did not attract much attention, and the Juggernaut who guarded Alric did not seem to catch up.

It looked like Berdini had his life back.


After rolling into a bush, Berdini took a breath, but the sharp pain from the wound on his shoulder made him exhale in pain.

It was as if the blood was coagulated, the beating of the heart was held by a big hand, and the suffocation was enveloped in Bodini's consciousness.

"Damn it!"