I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 183

"In this way, we will leave first."

Xiude looked at the two, the atmosphere seemed weird. The interaction between Cangxia and the throne did not look like relatives. There was no sense of harmony and nature, but an inexplicable sense of alienation.

But he didn't want to ask in front of the throne, but clapped his hands and got up to leave.

Leaving the grassland where the tea party was held with Cang Xia, Xiude saw that Cang Xia had not spoken, but kept looking at Mistoria with curious eyes. The latter completely ignored Cang Xia's gaze and silently came to a guard. Responsibilities.

"This is Mistoria, I told you I knew it."

Xiude first introduced.

"Well, Wild Hunter Swordmaster, very strong."

Cangxia's golden eyes seemed to be radiant, as if he was thinking of the Juggernaut battle between Mirage and Mistoria not long ago.

She then looked at Xiude with an inorganic look: "But I never knew you were in this relationship."

"What kind of relationship? Don't look at me with such calm eyes when you talk. I'm not good at guessing girls' thoughts."

Xiude laughed and said to Mistoria: "You can go cool and call you if you have something to do."

He could see that Cang Xia seemed a little restrained while Mistoria was staying by the side, as if he was hesitant to talk.


Miss Hunter is fully aware of being a tool person, decisively not letting herself be a light bulb, as for the guard...Mistoria does not think that there is anything that can threaten the Eternal God of the Father Ulan Lord. She acted as a guard just to behave in front of Xiude, maybe she really came across a wicked way of life and death, she could also help Xiude save some trouble.

But His Majesty Eternal God's Selection... is really romantic.

As a ring of god who has accompanied Xiudian for several years, Mistoria sighed secretly.

However, it has nothing to do with her. If Xiude's personal love life is also liked by God the Father, then she has no right to criticize.

Chapter 55: Like Love

"Let's go, let's talk as we go."

After Mistoria walked away, Xiude looked at Cangxia, and the girl lowered her head slightly, seeming to have serious concerns.

Although Cang Xia’s expression will basically not change, Xiude wants to know that her mind is also very simple. Just look at the other person’s eyes, saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and Cang Xia’s mind is very exposed. Talking eyes, this description is not an exaggeration on her.

Wangdu Xiujian Academy is a very large area. The competitions of Xiujian Academy are held on the periphery, so there is not much people in the core area. Xiude and Cangxia walked along the lakeside, Xiude looked at Cangxia. , Cangxia looked at the ground.

I was thinking how to speak.

Both of them are upright temperaments, and they don’t say “it’s a really good weather today”, “have you eaten yet” and so on. Xiude is considering how to verify that the increase in human nature is related to Cangxia, and the girl is in the moment. After silence, he suddenly said:

"Xiu De, is the ribbon still on you?"

Xiu De was taken aback, and then realized that Cang Xia was referring to his sentiment...Bah!..... The sword pledge is the part that Cangxia tore off from the red ribbon tied to the hilt of her sword.

"it's here."

Xiude took out the half of the silk ribbon from the pocket of his coat. He was a little grateful that he never changed his clothes. Otherwise, wouldn't he be embarrassed now?

After all, losing the sword pledge token represents the blasphemy of the oath, which is more serious than losing the token token.Although Su Duo's so-called tokens are just casual jokes, Xiude doesn't think that a weird girl like Cangxia would easily forgive herself.

Seeing the red ribbon in Xiu De's hand, Cang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, a little softer in her eyes.

"We are still friends of the sword oath, right?"

"of course."

Xiude nodded, after a period of shared life in the secret realm, he has a high degree of affection for the strange girl Cang Xia, not only because of her pure quality and pure appearance, but also because Cang Xia made him find an increase in his humanity. Methods.

So to the girl, Xiude didn't mind treating it like a true friend of sword oaths.

Cang Xia blinked, and Xiude saw a bit of relaxation and joy in her eyes, and then heard Cang Xia say:

"I didn't tell my cousin about your treatment of my veins."

"It doesn't matter."

Cangxia didn't know that he had died once. He just treated the damaged veins. Although it was equally shocking, it was not incomprehensible. In the Holy See magical system, there was more than one way to repair the veins.

It doesn't matter if someone else knows it.

"...After that, my body became very strange."

Unexpectedly, Cang Xia turned her head to look at Xiang Xiude, and said, "Compared with the normal new legend, my strength seems to be too strong."

"Are there any side effects?"

Xiude was also nervous. To tell the truth, he was actually resurrected for the first time. It is not clear whether the resurrected person has any side effects. It can't be his backhand buried in Cangxia's body, right?

That is just a blue mark that plays a role of hanging and monitoring, and it will not make the strength stronger by any point.


Cangxia shook her head and said, "That's why I'm worried."

Xiude looked at the girl's profile, remembered the scene just now, and asked:

"Can't you let the throne know about this?"


"Is the relationship between you and your cousin bad?"

Cangxia pondered for a moment, and did not answer directly, but said:

"Cousin, it's terrible."


Xiude recalled his first impression of the king seat. Although he was a confident and arrogant guy, he was unexpectedly not annoying. On the contrary, he felt like "Sure enough, this is the hero".There is a special charisma of leadership.

In the more than ten years he ruled the Sudor Kingdom, there has never been a tyrant. Zero's reputation among the people is unexpectedly good, and he has done a few things to benefit the people.

It's not terrible anyway.

But there is no need to ask Xiude actively, Cang Xiabian explained:

"Our family has a genetic disease. People who have not been promoted to the legendary rank before the age of 30 will rapidly age and die. I heard my father once said that my cousin had a bad personality before, and he complained about genetic diseases... One day he never complained about his blood, took the sword and went to the royal capital alone, and then he was promoted to Legend in a few years, and then, on today, 16 years ago, he defeated all the candidates for the throne. ..... After the death of my father, I was sent by my cousin to take over from the capital, and began to teach me how to practice the Sword Saint Art Line. I have not met my cousin once. The first time I saw my cousin was a few days ago. time."

"So the reason why you think the king is terrible..."