I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 201

Inside the tuning tower, there is a closed space. The higher it goes up, the darker it becomes. The topmost layer is even more bleak. Only the chandelier on the ceiling is still emitting a faint light. Among the countless complex precision instruments, The sound of gears rotating, the streamer from time to time on the magical instruments, and the dull bells were mixed together.

And by the window on the top floor, the girl with an orange ponytail stared at the light curtain in front of her eyes. It was the projection equipment of the starry sky after the tuning tower system was connected. In the light blue light curtain, the energy distribution of the entire capital And flow can be described at a glance.

The most concentrated part is undoubtedly the Sword Surgery Academy, can not help but have the most professionals and sword saints, and most of the magic power collected by the Tuning Tower is sent there, so that the rest of the king's capital appears desolate.

"...Something is wrong."

Angelita's slender willow brows frowned slightly, touching her chin.

Thanks to the legacy of her ancestors, the people of [Shoulin Pagoda] have a deep connection with the Suduo nobleman who is in charge of the Tuning Tower...In fact, this Tuning Tower was originally a product of the people of the stars. However, the ancestors of [Shoulin Tower] planned to build an incomparable and frenzied magical defensive obelisk, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. As soon as the foundation of the defensive tower was laid, the blue blood nobles had to run away. Up.

So that the latecomers simply transformed the rudimentary magical facility, and the war weapon turned into an auxiliary artifact.

However, for many years, the [Shoulin Pagoda] faction has never been disconnected from the Suduo Kingdom. The blue-blooded people who have left their homes have remnants of this land. They are a very special group in the general environment of the Restoration Army. People, they ignored the ban, contacted the Su Duo people privately, and buried countless hidden children in hundreds of years.

Talzod is just the largest of them, and it doesn't mean that Angelita can't find other help.

In contact with the Tuning Tower’s family last week, Angelita sneaked into the Tuning Tower with a team of elite engineers under cover the next day, transforming, adjusting, monitoring, and reporting in one go.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

The blue-blooded engineer on the side heard Angelita's constant mumbling, and asked.

"Look at the flow of magic here."

Angelita pressed her white-gloved fingers on the light screen, saying: "The distribution of magic power in the first few days was very stable. Because of the existence of this tuning device, the magic flow in King Su Duo is steady and regular. , Like the operation of the four seasons... where magic power is gathered, where magic power is scarce, and when small tides will be generated... these are all obvious things."

"...But from yesterday to now, the flow of magic power in the royal capital has been changing, and from time to time some fleeting waves of magic power and even whirlpools will be generated in the upper city."

After listening to Angelita’s account, the engineer nodded and said, “You’re right. In fact, our team also found a very strange place...that is, the quiet blue fluctuations in King Su Duo’s capital became more frequent. However, when an inquiry was sent to his superiors, Rexius replied that apart from us, no Star Citizens team was active in the capital."

"...Youlan power?"

Angelita repeated, then waved her hand to widen the light curtain, and said:

"Substitute the data you got into these coordinates!"


The engineer answered, and then the group began to get busy in front of the light curtain.

After a while, looking at the extremely familiar pattern on the light curtain, everyone fell into silence.

"...Holy ceremony."

Angelita spoke of the rectification of this ritual covering the entire capital.

"This is unreasonable."

Someone shook their heads and said: "It is unreasonable that foreign races will use holy rituals. Even if they do, there are not enough blue bloodlines to perform such a huge and exaggerated holy ritual... Add all the missing and captured starry people. not enough!"

"No, the total blood is enough."

Angelita said, looking around: "You should remember that most of the Suduo people are mixed blood. Although they are rare enough to be negligible, they can barely be used as ritual sacrifices with proper methods."

"...How arrogant and bold."

The Star Civilian technicians said one after another, but they didn't show any signs of indignation.

After all, the dead are not the people of the starry sky, just mixed-blood hybrids.

"...Then who is using the holy ceremony?"

"I don't know, we are now trapped in the tuning tower."

Angelita replied simply: "So upload this news to Rixos, and let the council decide."

As a perennial apostle who has been on the margins, the orange-haired girl is very experienced.

She glanced at the light curtain one last time and murmured:

"...This scale."

----I am the dividing line of the ritual arrangement-----

"How come there are such annoying guys everywhere!"

Angelita in the Tuning Tower could not get out. I don't know who arranged the ceremony in the royal capital, but the spirits of the eyes and ears (referring to the ring of the gods) can easily find out who is acting as the demon.

The result is the most holy blood he knew in the Itari Empire, that is, blood worship.

"...But the final place and time of the ceremony happen to be in the bay of lyrebird...what is the connection?"

Xiude thought for a while, and then chose to go with the flow. Although he didn't have the means to find out the truth, it was a matter of using his brain...How can he be happy with his hands?

Chapter 9 Re-evolve the second watch beast in a few days

Lyre Bird Bay is the port of Su Duo's capital.

In other words, the entire coastal area of ​​the royal capital is a port. The geographical location of the royal capital is perfect. It is not only elegant by the mountains and rivers, but the towering mountains guard the two entrances and exits of the royal capital. Excellent natural deep water harbor.

Perhaps it is not as developed as the shipping industry of Shilang Port, but the maritime trade of the Royal Capital is second only to the trade port cities that are open to the outside world.

On the calm sea, the huge lyrebird statue is isolated from overseas. This landmark building is the lighthouse of the lyrebird bay. Every night, the lyrebird statue shrinks and emits light enough to illuminate the offshore area, making King Su Duo the A city that never sleeps completely.

There are very few navies stationed in the capital, because the sea here is the absolute hinterland of the Suduo Kingdom. Any ship that wants to get close to the Bay of Lyrebirds needs to pass through several strict coastal defense checks. If this allows the enemy to sneak in, Su Duo also recognized it.

Today is a lively day. There are densely packed ships moored in the harbor. Although the daily throughput of Kotobori Bay is definitely a lot on weekdays, most of them are domestic ships, which accept a large number of foreign ships at once. The situation will only occur in a very limited period of time.

For example, the contract renewal ceremony with the business alliance.

For the Federation, the spirit of contract is their most commendable point.

The fleet from the far southern Federal Republic finally arrived at Lyrebird Bay during the months-long journey. This fleet is not inherited from Sudor. In fact, the Federal Republic sends a luxuriously equipped fleet every year to ride The envoys of various capital families in the country are active all over the coast of Ainfal, and the Kingdom of Sudor is only the last stop.

Several Federal Chambers of Commerce that had a cooperative relationship with Prince Suduo’s forces came down from the Merchant League fleet. The huge magical ship obscured the sky. Under the gleam of the prism sail, the flags fluttered on Lyrebird Bay. The dignitaries and confederate merchants, who lived in the simplest form, mingled together cordially and drafted an agreement on their respective ships.

Most of them are willing to further cooperate with the business alliance, even if a few people want to interrupt the contract, the atmosphere is harmonious.Because it was the last stop, all the cargo carried by the fleet was going to be cleared and disposed of at Su Duo. There were many stalls selling foreign specialties on the side of the harbor overnight.

When Xiude took the car to the Bay of Lyrebird and got off the magic guide, he saw this scene.

"It's really prosperous, I miss it a bit."

Xiude looked at the crowded port and slapped his tongue.

It’s not that I haven’t seen a more prosperous scene. In the Principality of Thousand Reds, in Agalon, Xiude has visited the local commercial streets, but to be honest, it feels less lively for Xiude, probably because of the regulation of the commercial streets. strict.

The temporary market in front of him was obviously crowded and noisy, and Xiude could not help recalling the scene of returning to his hometown to go to the market when he was young.