I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 215

Only then did the apostles realize that the current "Overlord" of Shibaizel's Restoration Army had intervened in this matter, and they all said, but they couldn't see the shame on their faces, but they were delighted.

Although I don't know why the Ring of God, who has entered the sacred temple and sworn forever to the world, will participate in the plan of the people of the stars, but the apostles who can be commanded by the Ring of God are welcome with raised hands.

"Then, let's execute the battle. According to the original plan, three [Flazier] floating warships will be used as the main transportation force, supplemented by the battleship [Pale Falcon], and the transmission channel will be opened at the edge of the endless sea... Everyone, this is the first battle since the reform of the Nationalist Army. May the Father bless us."

"May I bathe in the blue moon."

The participants got up and bent over.

Outside of Ainfal, the Legion of People of the Stars has set off, and after a long time of deployment, the dark hands in various parts of the Suduo Kingdom will also be opened one after another, but it will take some time for the deployment to take effect.

In King Su Duo's capital, dense clouds obscured the brilliance of the sun. The light gray clouds did not rain or gusts, but the gloomy sky still made the citizens reluctant to go to the streets, and the lively King's capital suddenly became deserted.

Xiude and others took the magic guide to drive to the node marked on the map. This is an abandoned workshop.

Of course, it is only in name.

As one of the nodes selected by the blood worship, and even the most important part of it, hidden under the overgrown workshop is a heavily guarded base.

Before approaching the abandoned workshop, Mistoria had already sensed that there were more than one kind of barriers arranged around the seemingly old house not far in front. There were perceptions, warnings, and defense types. Fortunately, the technology was extremely simple (yes As far as the Ring of God is concerned), under the remote command of Murdul, Mistoria successfully broke the barrier, allowing the three to easily enter the abandoned workshop.

"It doesn't look like someone has been here for a long time."

Xiude looked at the heavy dust and spider webs in the workshop, frowning.

"...That's because their habits are like large rats, and they never put their nests on the ground."

Bodini looked around and gritted his teeth.


"I have been to a place similar to here...I think I know what the so-called node is."

Berdini sighed, searched the various rooms of the workshop with ease, and finally found a passage to the underground in a warehouse.

"If it is not unexpected, the following scene will be exactly the same as I remember it, which is disgusting."

Bodini showed such an expression as expected, and said solemnly.

"Then I'm curious."

Xiude said with his eyelids drooping.

"Trust me, that is definitely not something to remember..."

He opened his mouth, still wanting to say something, but when he caught a glimpse of Xiude's eyes, he immediately realized his position, closed his mouth, stopped talking, and ran off quickly.

Xiude and Mistoria naturally followed closely. They almost didn't have to worry about their own safety. The stairs leading to the ground were circular and did not feel cramped. Amidst the sound of metal collision, Xiude and others arrived. The hidden base hidden under the abandoned workshop, under the bright light, saw the greatest filth on the shadow side of the Suduo Kingdom.

Chapter 23—The Defilement under the Royal Capital

The appearance of the underground base is not as rough as imagined. Under the dim stairs, there is an area illuminated by the lights on the rock wall. After opening the door, you can reach a huge closed room.

And in the room are arranged neatly arranged "cans."

Composed of translucent special materials, things like a nutrient store filled the room. Inside, people with naked bodies were soaked in them. Numerous straws were inserted into various parts of the body, drawing blood like parasites.

This is the effect of Xiude's speculation. In fact, the people in these "cans" have been dead for a long time, but the corpses have not rotted in them, and only black pus is flowing in the straw, which looks extremely disgusting.

"These ones....."

"These are Su Duo civilians captured by the princes through various means."

Berdini’s throat moved, and his voice contained great grief and anger: “They sent civilians to facilities like this, drained blood, purified it, and used it as raw materials, and sometimes even used them as sacrifices. Treats of livestock!"

"Damn it!"

Bodini punched the wall, and the young man who had great love for the kingdom of Sudor cursed from the heart:

"Treat people as beasts, where is this primitive living sacrifice... Those princes can actually do this to their compatriots."

The most enshrined object in history, Youlan Crumb fell into silence in embarrassment.

However, Xiude just glanced at this place and imagined the scene described in Berdini's words, and he felt a little sick in his current state of mind.

"This is the source of blood that the node needs."

Mistoria was quite calm, she said.

"Although I had doubts for a long time, I did not expect that the blood worship was actually obtained from the Suduo people."

The fact that Xiude was so little, it is also clear why the blood worship church united with the princes to secretly slaughter Su Duo civilians.

The Holy Blood Sect, as a cult that has existed for thousands of years and longed for the power of blue blood, can possess such a strong vitality, its ability is naturally there.

However, most of the research results of the blood worship are related to the Youlan Bloodline, but the problem is...Where do so many materials for the Youlan Bloodline come from?

It is definitely impossible for the people of the starry sky. Let’s not say that the blood of the people of the starry sky is too high to be processed by the existing technology. The only thing that can draw the blood of the blue blood is the purification priest of the religious alliance, which is by order The gods personally instilled the technique of power operation.

There must be no blood worship, otherwise he would have jumped out and lined up with the church country.

Not to mention how scarce the captives of the Citizens of the Stars are. The bases of the Shibaizel Restoration Army are all outside the continent of Ainfar, and the only opportunity to contact the alien races is war. The key is that any fighters of the Citizens of the Stars are It is like death. Once he loses his combat effectiveness but cannot be rescued, there is no doubt that the soldier will immediately explode.

Usually, after a battle, unless the Holy Cult Army brings a Purification Division specifically aimed at the self-destruction of the blue magic vein, there are no examples that the prisoners can't catch.

Under this circumstance, the blood worship sect also tried to put the source of research materials on the people of the starry sky, and it had fallen apart a long time ago.

Su Duo people are very good materials. Most of them have thin blue blood veins in their bodies. Although they are so shallow that they can be ignored, they are just right for the blood worship technique to extract. Besides, the quality is not enough and the quantity is enough. Su Duo There are tens of millions of civilians.

It just so happens that those longevity techniques and strengthening techniques studied by the blood sect are the favorites of the upper class, especially Prince Su Duo, who has no background in itself, and relies on deception and luck in the upper ranks. The two come together right away. There is me and you in me.

"These should be the bloodlines needed by the node, and the research materials of the blood worship will not die so easily."

Mistoria looked around and said lightly.

"This world... is filthy again."

Xiu De shook his head and said while walking forward while saying invincible lines that fit his own identity. He was going to find the node where the bloodline power converged, which should also be in this underground base.

"Those bastards! Not worthy to live in the world, not worthy to call themselves Su Duo!"

Bodini was also filled with righteous indignation. He was originally a passionate young man with a strong sense of justice, otherwise he would not have the courage to face the power of the prince.

So he vowed to avenge his compatriots, um... to ask Xiude to avenge them.

Passing through several rooms where "scrap" was stored, the three found a mottled iron door leading to another place, with defensive runes engraved on the door.
