I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 281

"Is he finished shooting ammunition?"

The Great Shadow Demon swears that he has never encountered a Dark Angel fighter with such fierce firepower. The constant output in just a few minutes made him, the demon lord, feel that his body is a little weak. You must know that he can resist a whole company. The demon lord of the blue knight saturated bombing, is my elemental life reduction damage playing with you?

Although he was slightly injured by Xiude, the face of the demon lord was there. Taran Betheron could not easily break his promise. Now when the chasing fighters have all their ammunition, the shadow demon has no more interest in the past. Get rid of the opponent quickly and go back.

The robes of Taran Betheron fell off, and a large demon made up of pitch-black fog passed through the ship’s case and gathered from the surface of the spaceship like magnetic sand. At the same time, Taranbe Te Rong seemed to pierce his eardrums, and a whisper to the soul sounded:

"Shudder, I will..."

Before the words of the Great Shadow Demon fell, Bayeli's light spear launched a few particles.

"Heh, is there any more power to struggle..."

Talan Betherong sneered when he saw this, and stood openly and waited for the opponent's stubborn resistance.

It's just that when the blue particles gradually gathered and formed, Taran Betheron felt something was wrong, the light spear of the dark angel...it seemed...not so.


Accompanied by a very crisp sound, like the bursting of a balloon, a spear-like faint blue beam imprinted on the deepest part of Taran Betheron's memory.

It is also his last memory.


The light spear condensed by the blue power destroyed the existence of the demon lord in an instant, and the abyss patrol ship under him was pierced by the light spear, and it was sent directly into the lava land of the abyss, creating a huge ravine. .

However, aftershocks are much more than that. With the death of a demon lord in the abyss domain, the local abyssal landscape has produced a great shock. Although the demon lord is not the darling of the abyss, he can reach this level, at least It is one of the representatives of the abyss. With the limited power of the abyss, the birth and death of every demon lord is considered a major event.

At least it can cause a change in the world.

As a result, the ravines of the lava land began to deepen and expand, and dark sewage-like substances continued to gush from the ground, and a volcano in the distance even directly erupted.

Xiude was stunned, thinking that this shouldn't have been caused by him, because after destroying the abyss patrol ship, he recovered all the power of the escaped blue.

"Xiu De!"

Galliano shouted in the communication channel: "What happened to you... Forget it, you come back quickly, the nearby abyssal realm has changed."


Xiudi didn't want to wait too much, and directly changed the direction to join Galliano.

The sword orchid knight's [empty demon] floated over. After seeing Xiude, he asked, "Why does it take so long for you to solve an abyss ship?"

"Can't blame me, he's kind of evil."

Xiude tried hard to argue for himself, but Galliano didn't believe it at all:

"You are such a dish."

"...Yes, yes, I'm done!"

Xiude confessed directly. He also felt that his first attack was a bit embarrassing. Although the opponent was indeed a bit wicked, it was a fact that even a devil's most trash floating ship had to be solved by opening and hanging.

He is the kind of person who doesn't know how to throw the pot and can admit his food freely.

As for whether to change or not, that is another matter.

Shude and Galliano returned home quickly, but Setimontan exploded soon after.

"Talan Betheron is dead!"

The news was like a haze over the head of the demon in Setimontan, making a group of demon lords in a bad mood. Although they did not have any shit friendship with the shadow demon, at least they were comrades who had attacked the secret of the sky together. The strength is in the first class, the dark angel can directly behead Taran Betheron, and it may not be impossible to directly behead several of them.

"Asshole! Those birdmen are declaring war on us!"

Although the war has been going on, the Twilight Battle of Dark Angels usually advances the mobilization ceremony before marching, and it is the first time to kill a demon lord silently.

Having said that, the demon lords were not angry at the dark angel's attack, but fear, and the fear that the dark angel had such a terrifying strength unknowingly.

A demon lord was killed in the abyss domain, Setimontan instantly entered the highest alert state.

"It seems unrealistic to continue to wait for the arrangement. The enemy did not give us a chance."

Edmonkey said that the Lord of the Cinders is now the well-deserved commander of Setimontan, and the orders for the previous series of demonic activities are all from him.

The scarlet flame eyes of the Cinder Lord flickered twice, and his hand armor was placed on the hilt of the great sword, saying:

"Then you don't have to wait any longer, and go directly to Ainfar...My troops will act as the vanguard."

Author's message:

ps: Actually, I want to smash a treasure chest. For some reason, I want to know what kind of garbage I am.

Chapter 32 Nokras


There was a crisp knock on the door, and the dark angel Lieutenant General Betros looked at the door in front of him with his hand.

The reddish-brown lacquered wood is carved with graceful and complex patterns, emitting bursts of incense.

Although the dark angels’ fortresses can basically be mechanized, and young dark angels are used to and love such sci-fi styles, the older dark angels still miss the Hram Empire and the era full of fairytale romance. , Perhaps for them, they still live in the Hram Empire before the fall of heaven.

"Please come in."

"excuse me."

Betroth gently opened the door, then gently concealed it.

Behind the door is a wide conference room. On the bright red carpet with gold trim, a huge tactical projector is placed. The holographic projection on the desktop shows the current situation on the border of the sky.

The three-dimensional projection of the crimson color is the floating fortress of the dark angel. Before the vivid and lovely projection, it is the dark mark of the demon. Because there is very little knowledge about the abyss domain, most of the abyss domain maps are marked with black and white grid lines. .

On both sides of the projection table, more than a dozen dark angel cousins ​​serving as staff officers were solemn, discussing softly while constantly deducing the direction of the war.

Bertros bypassed the staff and went straight to the dark angel marshal who was sitting at the top.

"Marshal Nokras..."


The supreme commander of the front-line command has short iron-gray hair and looks like a determined middle-aged man rather than an old dark angel approaching his end.

Marshal Nokras wears a coat, hangs a golden ear on his shoulders, and wears a marshal's medal. He puts his hands on the scepter and stares at the sand table in front of him.

"The devil took the initiative to attack, which is really rare."