I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 285

The last guardian sprinkled all their blood on the outer layer of heaven, and when the demons thought they could occupy this holy place as they wished, the entire original heaven escaped into another dimension.

The origin of Hram is the temple that connects time and space with dimensions. It’s just that no one has explored it in depth, because Hram thinks it is blasphemy.

But Lucifer didn’t care. He desecrated the sacred place of the race and used a secret technique to nail the initial heaven into the abyss domain like a nail. Because of the existence of this "foreign body", the will of the abyss was like being eaten by a fish. The fishbone stuck his throat and did not expand the area further.

The Hrams outside the original paradise were thus reborn, and the demon's offensive was delayed indefinitely.

Not only that, Lucifer also found a way to deepen Hram without harming his mind through research, and the process of research... is undoubtedly sacrilegious.

After learning of all this, Hram was silent, and those who had been hidden by Lucifer in advance of the abyssal Hram took out a letter from the emperor in sobbing.

[Speak to all Hram]

[Unfortunately, when you read this letter, we should have been defeated, but fortunately, Tianyi has not yet become extinct, and our population still exists.

[When I was elected as emperor by everyone, I never thought that heaven would fall, or I sent it into the abyss with my own hands. I must admit that I deceived you without your consent and gave up without your permission. It’s an unforgivable sin to cut off the roots of the world, which belongs to all Hram’s hometown.... I can’t brazenly say that this is a necessary sacrifice, because it’s mine from beginning to end. Wishful thinking]

[The crimes I committed are far more than these, because I realized that the abyss is eroding Hram, I also secretly desecrated the pure bloodline of Tianyi, and I was lucky in the end. I tried a way to make Hram a half abyss. Way, so that while maintaining self-awareness, Hram will not suffer from the weakness of the abyss]

[Yes, I know this is ugly. It is a shameful betrayal to stain Hram’s pure wings with filth. I just want to say that even if you resent me again, I will do the same.... Let Hram survive, I can only ask for this.My fellow citizens, I know your anger and sorrow, listen to my sinner’s plea.

[My father named me Lucifer, which means servant of the light. Yes, Heram was once a family bathed in light. We are proud and powerful, beautiful and wise, and the wings of heaven can fly anytime and anywhere. In the sky, stretch its wings under the clouds, wind and sun.But a day can’t always be bright, and darkness dominates half of the time... So, please fly a little lower in the dark, and you can see the ground only at a low place; even if you hug each other with dirty wings, please be patient. For a moment, the foul-winged Hram can better hide himself...the long night is long, but it will eventually pass, yes, yes...the dawn is coming]

[I still remember the day when you were elected as emperor, the light rising from the sky at dawn, I thought I could spend my life protecting the airspace under my wings and the people behind me, but in the end I failed to fulfill my duty as an emperor. ..... As the king of subjugation, I should have failed very much. As Hram, I am incredibly dirty... But the failed and dirty emperor Hram like me , I also want to ask for one last thing...I dare not expect your forgiveness]

[But if... if Hram returns to the original paradise one day, and my remains can be found, please grind the bones into powder and spread them on the road in front of the gate of heaven. I am so sinful that I am not worthy of it. Sacrifice and worship, but even as dust, I want to feel the glory of Hram again, the daily morning light...]

Chapter 36 I admit that I have a gambling element

This is the story of King Lucifer.

When Xiude heard about it, he was very emotional. If the dark angel's record is true, then Lucifer is the redeemer and creator of the entire dark angel civilization, and the dark angels' respect for it is natural and understandable.

Lucifer's legacy enabled Hram to quickly transform into a dark angel in the following time, resisting the erosion of the abyss while even carrying out a limited counterattack.

The concept of dark angels has also been completely reshaped. The former Hram was proud and arrogant and looked down upon all other races. Their strong empire was sufficient to support this kind of pride, but after the empire fell, the dark angels no longer guarded their own stance Tradition and dignity have opened up the secret realm of the sky, allowing the silver moon elves to enter and ally with other lawful forces on Ainfar.

After absorbing the experience of war, Hram found that the threat of magic to demons was really limited, so he began to climb the technology tree from scratch. This was by no means a simple decision to transform the technology tree.

We must know that Hram is a race with a strong magical talent. Nearly infinite supply of magic power and stable empire rule make every Hram live a life that is extremely convenient because of magic. It is no exaggeration to say that Tianyilian You need magic to use the toilet.

Therefore, a group of Heram with a serious addiction wants to overthrow the past technology and re-developing technology. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine what kind of pain they experienced. The after-effects like withdrawal afflicted every dark angel at that time.

But in the end they survived, with a steel-like will and unforgiving arrogance, and finally achieved the power of the dark angel in the sky secret realm.

"I have stayed in the secret realm of the sky for a long time, and sometimes I also have the urge to go with them. Seriously, if I didn't remember that I was a sword orchid knight, I might have been brainwashed."

Galliano felt that living in the society of dark angels was really washed away by the weight of this race all the time.

Brilliant and splendid civilization, noble and strong dark angels, under the malice of fate, have endured time and again catastrophes, too much injustice has been imposed on them, but the dark angels have never given up in the slightest, silent and Take the suffering proudly and move forward.

The history books of Dark Angels are simply a collection of romanticism, fairy tale world, and legends of heroes. From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why there is so much darkness on Ainfar.

However, the history and culture of his homeland, the Gladiolus Empire is equally glorious, allowing the sword orchid knights to remain rational in this environment.

"Pure passers-by, one thing to say, indeed."

Xiude agreed, and he felt deeper than Galliano.

An empire that has been passed down since ancient times, a noble and proud race, has encountered unprecedented ordeal...It is so much like the people of the stars.

And the biggest reason why the two are in different situations today is that in the most difficult period of the people of the stars, there was no Lucifer to provide an unimagined path.

While feeling, Xiude watched as Wings of Dawn stopped over the front line fortresses. In the center of Wings of Steel, a hatch that looked like the main control room of Wings of Dawn opened, and a figure wearing a mask came out from it. .

The big screen gave her the focus, and there was trembling cheers.

"Lucifer! Lucifer!"

"Lucifer! Lucifer!"


Because the opponent was wearing a mask on his face and a layer of black and reddish armor, Xiude could only see that the opponent had long silver hair and a shorter height. Other than that, his face, gender, etc. could not be known know.

But for some reason, when Xiude saw "Lucifer" on the screen, that strong heartbeat reappeared.

This makes Youlan's crumbs pale in shock, is he such a scumbag?Obviously she was still in love with Fatisina, but then she fell in love with someone else.

No, it's impossible. Xiude pressed his chest, he clearly knew that his feelings for Fatisina were still hot, and he had no intention of empathizing.

Could it be...

Galliano watched that Xiude suddenly stopped speaking and said:

"That is the Lucifer of this session. Since the Wings of Dawn was created, the drivers of each session have been called Lucifer. Roughly speaking, they are the cornerstone of the country. It is really complicated to say that the dark angels are. They refused to admit Lucifer's death in any public occasion, but they came up with a title that could be passed on from generation to generation."

"It's not a contradiction, is it?"

The sword orchid knight was taken aback and smiled: "Yes, it's normal."

The Wings of Dawn is not a piece of art for people to admire. This dark angel’s strongest killing weapon can only be seen occasionally on the cruelest battlefield. Not every dark angel warrior can see Wings of Dawn. .

However, at the mobilization meeting before the Twilight War, the current Lucifer will appear at the mobilization meeting.

Of course he won't show his face. The existence of [Lucifer] is a lie that all the dark angels know well. Even those who know it, don't know who is under that mask.

The person under the mask is Lucifer, the Lucifer in everyone's mind, Lucifer has always been alive, look, isn't he there?

Fatisina standing on the cockpit was greeted with cheers and praise from all sides, without any fluctuations in her heart.

This is not the first time that she has enjoyed this kind of treatment, but Fatisina clearly knows that these cheers are not all dedicated to herself, most of which are to Lucifer.

However, Fatisina also felt proud. For a dark angel, being able to inherit the name of the king is the supreme glory. Fatisina has always used "Lucifer" to demand herself.

The eyes under the girl's mask scanned the hundreds of thousands of military formations, accurately found the Cangknight queue where Xiude was, and saw the dazzling Bayeri.

Bayeli, specially painted with golden fluorescent light by Xiude, stands out among all the fighters of the Blue Knight series. Fatisina looked at Xiude. Although he could not see the scene inside the fighter, the girl felt that Xiude should Also looking at myself.

Coming out to brush up on a sense of existence and boost morale, Fatisina returned to the Wings of Dawn, allowing this magnificent sky palace to slowly climb, away from the floating fortress group.

Immediately after the military deployment began, the Dark Angels made an unexpected move this time. They handed over the flanks of the defense line to the allies of the Holy Land and the Dragon's Will, and they contracted all of them. Forces, the floating fortress groups no longer form a line of defense one by one, but gather together in groups, forming a huge group army that almost encompasses 70% of the dark angels.

This behemoth of war, provided by dozens of floating fortresses and more than hundreds of floating cities, will be like a sharp sword, piercing the abyss of haze that has been entrenched in the secret realm of the sky for hundreds of thousands of years, and will restore the original heaven.

According to the original words of Marshal Nokras:

"I admit that there is a gamble in formulating this combat plan. It is a very low fault tolerance option to bet all the strength of our army to one point. However, summing up all the failures, it is often in the later stages that the strength of the troops is not enough to break through. Situation.... The help from reliable allies is our opportunity. With allies sharing the pressure on the front, we can free up most of our troops and gather almost all of our forces to complete a breakthrough that has not been possible for hundreds of years. ."