I'm such an old god, so sorry

I'm Such an Old God, I'm Sorry Chapter 299

Fatisina's eyes gradually blurred, Miss Lucifer, who was caught in a beautiful illusion, seemed to ignore the dense magical currents on the huge volume of Wings of Dawn, and ordinary creatures or machines could not get close to Wings of Dawn.

But she quickly realized this, and frowned slightly. Now Fatisina was able to make some simple expressions proficiently. For the first time, she faced the wings of dawn, the supreme artifact of the dark angel, to herself The [Steel Wing] incarnation, the position of the mission has generated dissatisfaction.

It seems that Wings of Dawn is a part of the girl that makes her feel unsatisfactory, unable to fully show her charm to her sweetheart.

If you let Nemes learn about Fatisina's complicated mental activities, you would be surprised by the latter's changes.

The original Miss Lucifer never had such a delicate girlish mind. In the decades since she became Lucifer, Fatisina has acted like a machine, and her thoughts are as simple as a machine.

It is to carry out the mission, expel demons from the secret realm of the sky, and restore the original heaven.

It's almost exactly the same as the political slogan.

{Modern virtue, are you bored?}

Fatisina suddenly remembered something and said cheerfully.

{Let me sing to you!}

Fatisina likes music, this is something that Shude has known for a long time, and is still impressed by it, but he has not heard Fatisina a cappella.

Great!I'm getting bored.

Shude immediately shut down the video he was watching, and made up his mind that no matter whether Fatisina sang nicely or badly, even if it was an Atathos-like singing, he would bite the bullet and say it as the sound of nature. , There is no room for rebuttal, whoever refuses to accept will blow his head!

Chapter 51 I want to buy a pa treasure

{Under the big sunset, the stars rise, from the other side to the second, the light of the morning sun, praying for the return...}

Unexpectedly, Fatisina’s singing is very good, and Xiude’s words don’t have any lover bonuses, but a singing voice that really feels extremely beautiful from an objective perspective.

Yes, after all, it is a dark angel. The long lifespan allows the longevity species to cultivate to a professional level with any hobbies. At least Xiude has never heard anyone singing better than Fatisina.

The voice of the dark angel girl is not soft and cute, but rather neutral, with a clear and clear voice, with a little bit of inorganic quality.

Before that, Xiude wouldn't find anything touching about such a voice, but now...when I think that the owner of the voice is Fatisina, Shude feels that he is already well.


{May you return, may you return... to cultivate virtue?what happened to you?}

Fatisina was singing intoxicated, when she suddenly heard the groan from Xiude, she couldn't help but care.

[It’s nothing, just suddenly feel refreshed... You just sang like a variation from the concert that day?

Xiude hurriedly drew some toilet paper and changed the subject.

{Yes, the first song of the Genesis Music Chapter, the mysterious music that Hram has inherited for thousands of years. I heard that there are twelve chapters in total. Unfortunately, only one or two chapters have been handed down now, and the rest should be kept in the original heaven ......}

Speaking of music, Fatisina became interested, and she talked to Xiude endlessly. She also knew that Xiude might not have a cold with such things, so she didn't talk too hard.

{The melody only has tunes, I filled in the words for it myself, how do you think about it?}

[In my hometown, people usually describe your talent like this]

Xiude wiped away the nosebleed, while typing:

[Wizard of Tianzong!Fatisina, you can make your debut as an idol now.


[It's an idol, um...have the singer heard of it?

{The one from the Federation?I know some, uh... Actually, I have some desire to be able to sing on the big stage.}

[Then go, I will support you!

Perceiving the yearning in the girl's words, Xiude said immediately, and then added:

[After the war is over...]


Fatisina in the Wing of Dawn cabin looked at Bayeri, smiled and nodded.



[Ahem, can I call you Nana?Between us...]

Xiude's palms were sweating, and he drove Bayeri over several somersaults to calm his mood.

[It can be called more cordially.

{of course.}

Fatisina buried the lower half of her face in the collar, her white cheeks flushed, and she replied vaguely.

Although the girl's voice was as thin as a mosquito, the concentrated Xiude still keenly caught it.

Xiu De was overjoyed immediately and called Nana several times. A scream of "Ah" came from the other side of the communication. Xiu De leaned back contentedly and rested his head on his arms. After a while, the blue crumbs screamed again. After a few sounds, Fatisina had to agree at first, and then Xiude kept screaming, Miss Lucifer’s head was almost on the floor of the cabin, and in the end there was only a whining sound.

Later, Fatisina even said that she would not say anything.

But it was okay. Xiude was very satisfied with the emotional progress of this exchange. He finally got the nickname of Fatisina as he wished. Since getting acquainted that day, Xiude has been thinking about it for a long time.

After Xiude stopped the harassment, Fatisina slowly raised her head. The girl straightened out her messy hair, her skin was abnormally red, and every sound of "Nana" from Xiude was like a battleship. The main artillery hit the barrier of her heart, blasting Miss Lucifer, who the dark angel deserves to be the strongest protection, into a crushing battle.

Fatisina's fingers hovered on Feiyue's switch. In the end, the girl did not choose to close it directly, nor did she continue to talk to Xiude. The two opened the communication channel like this, but they were strangely silent.

What happened between this little couple is naturally unknown to others. In the Wing of Dawn Guard, everyone else is doing their duty. Even if no enemy invades most of the time, the blue knights still maintain 100%. Twenty's concentration, always paying attention to the surrounding movements.

Has penetrated into the enemy's hinterland.

In the third week of the Dark Angel Expeditionary Army, they had already broken the previous record of the advancing distance of the Twilight Battle. From this point on, they truly stepped into a completely unfamiliar environment.

It is a taboo to go deep alone, and the smooth flow along the way makes the dark angel high-level commander smell the taste of conspiracy.

The previous ambush proved to the coalition that the demon side is no longer the old Tiehanhan, but a strategic army. Even though the dark angel is eager to restore the country, it still patiently stops and waits for the follow-up of its allies.


After the expeditionary army rested in place, Bertros returned from the fortress group on the front line and found Marshal Nokras in the headquarters.

"I went to count the troops again, and the losses along the way were minimal. We did not have any organization that had more than 20% casualties but eliminated tens of thousands of demons."

"There is nothing to be happy about at all."