I'm umbrella big boss

Chapter 178 began to promote

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CC, the fastest update I am a big BOSS for umbrella!

"That's good, mobile phone, computer-side chat software officially named QQ!

Li Wei smiled seriously, and hammered the sound of the chat software that took this one-month-month.

After this name, after promoting, it also represents a new era will come, that is the mobile phone intelligence, the computer world will become under the phone!

And as a starter of this era, in time in time, the protection of umbrella must be able to enhance the asset to enhance the assets for hundreds of times!

"There are many jobs for new products to do, the most important thing is to report to the business management, and the network supervision bureau is reported to approval by issuance.

"Secondly, after the software passes the approval, you need to promote the entire Yellow market!

Li Wei said that his eyes looked at the following.

It has been obvious that there are three important things to do!

"The Industry and Commercial Bureau is reported to me, and the director of the renewal will pass on the introduction of the software to me.

Wu Lin was brave and accepted the first task.

"Okay, I will send it to you later."

Heaven nodded.

"The report of the network supervision bureau is handed over to me, as an electronic manager, I and the Network Supervision Bureau have also played a few times.

The second task, the network supervision bureau is reported, and Zhang Wei is also coming.

"The market promotion is given to me!

Zhang Hong smiled and took the third task and a crucial one.

The birth of the product is a little through the approval of the official departments, but the most important thing is the amount of users, how can users use the products? There is no accident, you must first let users know the role of your product, know its existence!

The method only has one, advertising, through the media's advertising, promotion!

"Promotion is critical to the product, Zhang Hong, if you have difficulty in the promotion process, you can seek help through all departments. As for promotion, there is also promotion fees, I will allow for any channel promotion, just reasonable, you can find Ginger's total approval is promoted, 100 million, 200 million, and even more, as long as you can achieve results, I am all at all.

Li Wei said that it is obvious that this QQ is very valued.

"BOSS is assured, I know.

Zhang Hong learned to pick up.

"Three tasks must be completed in the shortest time!


After this meeting today!

All departments actively, find the approval of various departments, and started the initial promotion!

Since these months, the protective umbrella has a disease of the vaccine to become the focus of Yanhuang, and the major media is concerned. Although this world-honored attention has also dropped most, but as today's C City Drug giants, there are still many news media stare.

The protective umbrella is blowing and blowing, it will not go!

This is not!

The initial promotion of protective umbrellas deliberately released the news that successfully developed mobile phone chat software, and the major media of C City heard the news, and the media under the media gave the media to seize the hand of the umbrella, of course!

After the media promotion, the protection umbrella R & D news is not only expectation, but there are many people ridiculed, and the Yellow is not a mobile phone, but no one, there is a failure!

"The protective umbrella has a good end of the drug does not do, running to do mobile phone electronic software, will definitely lose money.

"The instability of the" "Ban" is well known, even if it is the largest electronic giant, it is unable to solve this compatibility problem. This enormous umbrella has just stepped on the electronics industry, and it will touch the mobile phone side, which will definitely encounter Waterloo.

Many people know that this news is devalued, but it is also a lot of people, after all, the mobile phone is listed as the current taboo, in-depth every person's heart, and then protect the umbrella just stepped on the electronic industry. Software, there is a feeling of a new bull's calf, which naturally attracts many people's deception ridicule.

A few days later, protects umbrellas to the electronic, develop mobile phone software, continuous fermentation!

Before the protective umbrella building!

In order to get a news, major media has heard the news, but in the absence of a worker license and visit permit, the guarded security block is outside the building.

"We want to interview with Li, don't know, can you ask you to report it?"

"Trouble let us go in.

Many media reporters attempt to enter the umbrella through security.

It has not been accidentally happened, and the security guard will report the news!

Wu Peng, Zhang Hong two people came to the building, cope with these reporters!

"Dear media reporters, I am sorry, I am Zhang Hong, who is the maintor of the umbrella person, busy, and I will answer the reporter's question.

Zhang Hong is laughing.

"The personnel supervisor, this is the three hand of the umbrella.

Media reporters have also been understood by the position of the umbrella.

"I am a reporter of C-city TV, I want to ask Zhang Director, protect umbrella true to the electronic industry? The external rumors protect the umbrella in R & D mobile phone software?" Is it true? "

A reporter asked first.

"I represented this question on behalf of my umbrella president!

"Not long ago, I protect the umbrella fee for all industries, I believe that all media know it. In the Donglin Industry, there is a way of electronic industries, so I protect the umbrella, Mr. Li Wei hammer sound, former Donglin Electronics reject 500 million, set up an umbrella electron!

"I protect umbrella in addition to the drug, officially stepping into the electronic network industry!

"In addition, the original Donglin industry has a hotel trading company. I have an umbrella president to invest 300 million, and I have established a chain that belongs to me to protect umbrella!

Stepping the hotel industry!

Zhang Hong said with a smile and returned to the question of the reporter.

Of course, the so-called investment of 500 billion sets of protective umbrella electronics, quoted 300 million to establish a protective umbrella hotel, these words are Zhang Hong's head, Bo to these media's attention, and publicize.

"The president of your company is really powerful!

He heard this as high as 8 million funds, all media reporters were not praised, and they were successfully entered.

"Zhang Director, I am a reporter of C City Evening News, I want to ask a question, whether the company has developed mobile phone software software? Is the compatibility problem of the shooting system Is it solved by your company?"

A reporter once again asked, this question came out, all cameras, microphones, and reporters all saw all media and many people concerned.

Zhang Hong smiled, but did not answer, sold a Guan Zi: "This problem, temporarily confidential!

After ten days, I enacted the umbrella meeting, and the invitation will be sent to all well-known media. About mobile phone software issues, the compatibility problem of the shooting system, will be personally answer the president of the umbrella!
