I'm umbrella big boss

I'm umbrella big boss

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At the end of the 21st century, the virus leaked, the outbreak of a biochemical chemical crisis, the whole world order, towards destruction! Li Wei had the help of a mysterious crystallization, re-life and biochemical crisis that broke out more than ten years ago, that year, the parents just found an accident and died, leaving a debt of tens of millions of companies, Li Wei also faced the prison! Inadvertently, Li Wei discovered that his company was inextricably linked to the infamous Ambrera company that ignited the apocalypse! And see how Li Wei with the power of crystallization, to reverse the debt crisis, from the beginning of drug manufacturing, communications, biology, medical, industrial, military, from a monopoly, to monopolize the world, to create a technological empire , become a truly great technology BOOS! In the name of the umbrella! PS: Author old driver, please be sure to review the collection!
I'm umbrella big boss


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