I'm umbrella big boss

Chapter 480 forging Master

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CC, the fastest update I am a big BOSS for umbrella!

In the military factory in Qinglong District, Lin Tianxing played a crystal clear long sword, and fill his darkness.

The long sword flourifies the black swords, under the waving of Lin Tianxing, a hard alloy column is instantly cut into several sections, while the incision is smooth.

"Good sword!

As the supervisor of the technical department, Lin Tianxing is very satisfied with the power of this sword. In addition to the sharpness of its own, this long sword has a growth of 20% of his abilities, while the power consumption is reduced 30%.

"Heaven, this is a powerful weapon?"

Luo Feng came from the distance, with his diamond-level permissions, the manufacturing technology of the primary powertrain, he also saw it on the Internet. I didn't expect Lin Tianxing so soon made a finished product.

"Well, you try"

Lin Tianxing throws a bloody knife. Luo Feng entered his gravity vision into it, and the changes in gravity around them increased by 25%, while the power consumption reduced by 20%.

"that's amazing"

Luo Feng loves to make the blade of the cold light, which is just like it is to be created for him. If each of the abilities in the army can equip such weapons, the strength will have a significant increase.

And the abilities are not only cold weapons, and Lin Tianxing took out a pistol similar to the desert eagle and started to fill the first order of crystal nucleus.


He aligns a muzzle to an alloy target of one hundred meters and then deduct the trigger.

Under the gaze of Luo Feng, the silent energy light shot suddenly bombed the alloy target, and Lin Tianxing took out the ball clip, and the first order of crystal nucleus consumed in just a short time.

"Power is good, it is too big to consume."

He smirks, the biggest advantage of this powerful gun is that ordinary people can use, but this intense consumption does not have a few ordinary people to bear.

"Feng Ge, forging forging this abilities requires several extremely rare metals, so I am looking for you this time, it is to pay for your legion and I am jointly, I will be born with the powerful weapons."

Lin Tianxing finally said his purpose.

"OK, you will send these metals to the point watch, I am starting now"

Luo Feng walked out of the military factory, started to arrange the concession in the super base, which is now being built, gathers the members of most of the protective umbrella companies, which can be a tiger-Tang Dragon, and so obviously to enhance the opportunity, how can they let go.

In the Central Castle, a large number of rare metals were carried by the guards on a armed helicopter, and Li Yu looked at these materials, decided to build a exclusive foreign weapon for yourself.

The primary forging information has been digested by it, taking into account the harsh conditions and non-general construction environments for the demands of the builders, he did not put it in the sky, and the castor must be five-order. This article in addition to him, no one can reach.

"According to the current technology of the earth, it should be more than 20%."

Although there is no scene to see, the arguments that the military factory just produced have been accurately predictive, and this primary forging skill has had to make him with the eyesight of the master of the master.

The armed helicopter lifted, he all the way to the South, the large-scale live volcano flying towards a Tianwang.

"It's here"

I can see the rolling smoke in far away, and the sulfur sulfur is surrounded by a burning ground, and there is no more than a rumor that can be blocked at any time, even the zombie is notble.

Put a lot of rare metal in the shoulders, he stands in the crater, starting with the burning roar in the depth of the volcanic with the deep energy.

As my magma, the temperature of the side is constantly rising. He has to share his own body pack, and the rare metal of the big group flew into the magma under his mental abilities, and gradually became popular.

From time to time, I took out some energy crystal nucleus and pulverized into the material, and he built a huge hammer with a viral abilities, and began to be hit by a red forged material.

In vivo abilities rapidly consumption, integrated the forging material into a group according to a particular beating manner, and adjusted its own temperatures as the height declines in the volcanic.

The iron hammer is hit by the sky, and a large amount of sweat leaves from Li Wei, a domineering and unparalleled seven-foot knife is being formed.

"The temperature is still not enough!

Under the spirituality of mental abilities, he did not satisfy his head, attacked him to fall into the volcanic, and the abomicted hammer was crazy in the volcanic hinterland, making the outer magma turbulent Sky sprayed, some flaming magma sprayed toward his position, was blocked by the substantized viral abilities of its surface, and the deep dent after the rock was overwhelmed.

The seven-feet heavy knife became popular, and thoroughly formed after hundreds of millions of high-speed beats, Li Wei used a mental vision to put it in front of himself.

"There is also the last step, I'm told!

In his eyes, he exposed a very excited. The previously illusion of the abortion is gradually dissipated. It turns into a sharp small knife deliberately cut the wrist, blood in its intentional swords.




Blood steamed a large amount of water vapor on the seven-foot knife of the temperature, and the mysterious blood ripple is slowly generated along the direction of the blood drops.

He grasped the knife, but the hot knife not only didn't burn him, but it came to the extremely warm feeling. The more the blood of the wrist, the seven-foot heavy knife greedily swallowed his blood, let Li Wei feel I have never been weak.

When the face is pale, it is sneaked by sweat, and then the seven-foot heavy knife is finally integrated into his body disappeared.

"Haha, success!"

Despite the very poor body, Li Wei is happy to hold his fist. This last step is the most dangerous method, and he is successful.

Among his mind, a heardant heavy knife is transmitting joyful emotions. He has done the power, and a knife containing a peerless temper appears in his hand. The fierce knife is very far away. The nearby rock cuts deep traces.

"I will call you to Tiantian heavy knife!

Li Wei took the knife and laughed, under the mobility of the abilities, the peerless knife sprayed, and divided the volcano in front of the magma, and a large number of magma sprayed from huge cracks. He drove his armed helicopter to rush straight, rapid Central castle fly.