I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!

I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!

School Life
200 Chapters ongoing 48,974 Views
Soratani Reina
Word Count
195,000 Words
Vote Count
5 Votes
Soratani Reina ongoing


Violette, who was driven mad by her jealousy towards her half-sister and committed a crime, regrets that crime from the bottom of her heart inside her prison cell. However, when she came to, time rewound to the day she met her younger sister—the day she lost her sanity.

Violette, who came back to the time before she commits her crime, makes a decision:

She will not make mistakes this time. Without committing a crime and bothering anyone, she will live an ordinary, plain and inconspicuous life.

Oh, but going off the rails for a bit because of that crime wouldn’t hurt, right? No one is watching me anyway… Or so she thought, but for some reason, things are heading to a weird direction.
I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!


i swear i won’t bother you again! novel full read novel i swear i won’t bother you again! novel i swear i won’t bother you again! i swear i won’t bother you again! full i swear i won’t bother you again! chapter 1 novel drama i swear i won’t bother you again! i-swear-i-won-t-bother-you-again i swear i won’t bother you again! chapter 200